作者:宅_OTKAU_370 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-05-26 19:43
After upgrading Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F to Lollipop (Android 5.0) I noticed strange behavior:
not all breakpoints are being caught within Android Studio.
Here is environment description and my observations
Windows 8.1 x64
Android Studio 1.0.2 with SDK Tools 24.0.2
Sun jdk1.7.0_55
under SDK emulator all breakpoints are caught
under Genymotion all breakpoints are caught
under Galaxy S3 with 4.4.4 all breakpoints are caught
under Galaxy S5 SM-G900F with 5.0 not all exceptions are caught
I tried rebooting phone, rebooting dev machine, turning on/off debugging in dev options, using USB drivers from Samsung and Google, invalidating cache in Android Studio, doing full clear and rebuild and so on.
Breakpoints that work have ticks inside red icons. I don't know the rule, which classes do have working breakpoints and which don't.
The same thing happens with this device on three different devboxes.
1> 小智..:
本周三星S5的最新更新解决了Eclipse IDE的问题.Android法语版G900FXXU1BOC7