作者:神的禁卫军 | 来源:互联网 | 2014-10-11 01:10
第29期OSC源创会#南京#开始报名,AngularJS、Netty 等
Foundation 5.4.6 发布,此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下:
Full libsass compatability is back! We fixed the last lingering issue preventing libsass from properly compiling Foundation. Note that Sass 3.4 is still not officially supported for the time being. 6d2c5d8
Dropdowns with a disabled
class won't function when clicked 805b301
Fixes Joyride listening for keyboard events even when not initialized c725ea7
Re-adds display_selector
parameter to Slider plugin 5314a80
Fixes a bug with Abide where every valid element after an invalid one is automatically marked invalid 9d9666b
Fixes odd focusing behavior of Tabs, and their tendency to crash the page when using keyboard navigation 08afa17
Foundation 是一个易用、强大而且灵活的框架,用于构建基于任何设备上的 Web 应用。提供多种 Web 上的 UI 组件,如表单、按钮、Tabs 等等。