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Hmmmm... It appears that charts are only available through the Flex SDK that comes built-in with Flex Builder. This is a problem, since I want to use Flex 3.3, and Flex Builder came with 3.2.

嗯...看起来图表只能通过Flex Builder内置的Flex SDK获得。这是一个问题,因为我想使用Flex 3.3,而Flex Builder附带3.2。

Eclipse is also ticking me off, and I prefer to use a different IDE (FlashDevelop).


Any way around this? And is there anything else that isn't included the the free SDK that I should be aware of?


6 个解决方案


The charts are only available with the professional Flex Builder plugin. If you have a FB license, however, there is no reason you can't use the libraries with FlashDevelop.

这些图表仅适用于专业的Flex Builder插件。但是,如果您拥有FB许可证,则没有理由不能将这些库用于FlashDevelop。


You can download the Data Visualization components from the Adobe website here: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/entitlement/index.cfm?e=flex3sdk - It's the download at the bottom of the page, look for "Adobe Flex 3.3 Data Visualization Components".

您可以从Adobe网站下载数据可视化组件:http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/entitlement/index.cfm?e = flex3sdk - 这是在页面底部的下载,查找“Adobe Flex” 3.3数据可视化组件“。

However, even though you can download the components, you will still need a license to use them in your applications. The components will display a watermark over them unless a valid data visualization license is used when compiling with MXMLC.



As mentioned by riaflexer, if you need the Adobe charting components, you can download those from Adobe, and install them into your copy of Flex Builder - provided that you already have a license for the charting components.

正如riaflexer所提到的,如果您需要Adobe图表组件,您可以从Adobe下载这些组件,并将它们安装到您的Flex Builder副本中 - 前提是您已拥有图表组件的许可证。

However, if you're looking for charting and data visualization components that you can use with the free Flex SDK, you should take a look at the Axiis Data Visualization Framework. It's an open source data viz framework that can be used to create just about any type of charting component you could think of. Also, since it's built on top of Degrafa, it's fairly easy to customize the look of your charts. It's still in alpha, but it still seems to work pretty well so far.

但是,如果您正在寻找可以与免费Flex SDK一起使用的图表和数据可视化组件,那么您应该查看Axiis数据可视化框架。它是一个开源数据viz框架,可用于创建您能想到的任何类型的图表组件。此外,由于它是在Degrafa之上构建的,因此可以非常轻松地自定义图表的外观。它仍处于alpha状态,但到目前为止似乎仍然运行良好。


The flex charting libraries have been made open source from roughly around the release of flex 4, as you can see from the announcement on February 19, 2010 here.

从2010年2月19日发布的公告中可以看出,flex图表库已经大致从flex 4的发布开源。


The memory profiler and automated testing tools are only available with the professional version. The test tools are still in their infancy, but they are looking better and better and every day, but are the only way to do unit testing of Flex apps.



according to Flex 3 SDK Release notes,

根据Flex 3 SDK发行说明,

Flex Charting package enhancements – Flex 3 improves the Charting package with a number of enhancements. The axis system can now support multiple axes, and the DateTimeAxis allows for work-week filtering. A new data-oriented graphics API allows you to draw data coordinates, leaving the chart to render everything in its proper screen position. There are new formatting options and added interaction capabilities for all of the existing charts. Available only with Flex Builder Professional.

Flex Charting软件包增强功能 - Flex 3通过许多增强功能改进了Charting软件包。轴系统现在可以支持多个轴,DateTimeAxis允许工作周过滤。新的面向数据的图形API允许您绘制数据坐标,让图表将所有内容呈现在正确的屏幕位置。所有现有图表都有新的格式选项和添加的交互功能。仅适用于Flex Builder Professional。

I was looking forward to doing Flex 3 using command line or FlashDevelop, but it seems not all features are covered.
You might wanna install Flex Builder 3, track it while it is installing to see what values it is adding to the system like registry entries, and then uninstall and remove those entries when doing uninstall... but that's too much work...

我期待使用命令行或FlashDevelop来执行Flex 3,但似乎并未涵盖所有功能。您可能希望安装Flex Builder 3,在安装时跟踪它以查看它添加到系统中的值(如注册表项),然后在卸载时卸载并删除这些条目...但这太多了......

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