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When I set a component to visible=false the component hides, but how do I get it to take no space (get the container it belongs to to resize??)

当我将组件设置为visible = false时,组件会隐藏,但是如何让它不占用空间(获取它所属的容器来调整大小?)



When boxAddComment is visible=false I want the first HBox to take 100% height.

当boxAddComment可见= false时,我希望第一个HBox占据100%的高度。

3 个解决方案



use the includeInLayout property. e.g.






Using includeInLayout ="true" or "false" will toggle the space that it takes in the flow of items being rendered in that section.

使用includeInLayout =“true”或“false”将切换在该部分中呈现的项目流中所占用的空间。

Important note: If you don't specify visible="false" when using includeInLayout = "false" then you will usually get something that is undesired which is that your item (boxAddComment) is still visible on the page but stuff below id="boxAddComment" will overlap it visually. So, in general, you probably want "includeInLayout" and "visible" to be in synch.

重要说明:如果在使用includeInLayout =“false”时未指定visible =“false”,那么您通常会得到一些不受欢迎的内容,即您的项目(boxAddComment)仍然可以在页面上看到但是ID =“ boxAddComment“将在视觉上重叠。因此,一般来说,您可能希望“includeInLayout”和“visible”同步。



Ross Henderson's suggestion in binding includeInLayout with boxAddComment.visible works great with Flex 3.0 but I found that it's not working in Flex 3.6 (I saw a posting that it actually stops working since Flex 3.3).

Ross Henderson建议绑定includeInLayout与boxAddComment.visible在Flex 3.0中运行良好但我发现它在Flex 3.6中不起作用(我看到一个帖子,它实际上自Flex 3.3以来就停止了工作)。

Just fyi.

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