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I want to write a file upload script that works in IE but the two types of code that I'm writing have problems in IE.


Please help. How can you write a file upload script that works in IE?


Type 1
Problem Not Support File Api In IE (Is the trick not to use it?)





selected files: 0; total size: 0

Type 2
Problem Not Support document.getElementById('fileToUpload').files[0](Is the trick not to Get Files[0]?)




Please Help :(


1 个解决方案



You can't use these functions unless you're using IE10 or another modern browser. Workarounds are possible for earlier versions of Internet Explorer (and other browsers), but you'll need to adjust your back-end code too.

除非使用IE10或其他现代浏览器,否则无法使用这些功能。对于早期版本的Internet Explorer(和其他浏览器)来说,解决方案是可能的,但是您也需要调整后端代码。

Why it doesn't work

Internet Explorer up until version 10 doesn't support a number of these features, the key ones being the FormData and FileReader APIs. Both of your code snippets rely on the FileReader API, and the second one also relies on FormData to upload the file dynamically.

Internet Explorer直到第10版都不支持这些特性,关键的特性是FormData和FileReader api。您的两个代码片段都依赖于FileReader API,第二个代码片段还依赖于FormData来动态上传文件。

How to determine whether to execute the code or not

I recently wrote a file upload widget that detected these features and served different code depending on support. I used the feature detections from Modernizr, because it's tests are regularly put to the test by the open source community:


var support  = {
  // Are files exposed to JS?
  // As used by Modernizr @
  // https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/blob/master/feature-detects/file/api.js
  'fileReader'  : (function testFileReader(){
    // Test: look for global file class.
    return !!(window.File && window.FileList && window.FileReader);

  // AJAX file upload via formData?
  'formData'    : window.FormData !== void 0

For your fileSelected function, you'll need support.fileReader to evaluate true; for uploadFile, you need support.formData.


A workaround for browsers that don't support these features

Without these features it's impossible to read a file from the front-end or to send a file using AJAX. What you can do, though, is send your file via a hidden 发送文件,并获取UploadHandler。ashx以不同的方式响应非xhr请求。

This solution is technically synchronous (just happening in another, hidden page), so you won't get updates — the only feedback is when the upload is complete and the server has responded. So you will only be able to inform the user as to file name, size, and success once they have completely uploaded it — which might take a while!


Anyway, the HTML for this would look as follows:



selected files: 0 ; total size: 0

A few changes:


  1. The form now has a target, which means that when it posts its content to the URI in action, it will load the response in there, as opposed to on the current page.
  2. 表单现在有了一个目标,这意味着当它将其内容发布到活动的URI时,它将在那里加载响应,而不是在当前页面上。
  3. The target is a name reference to an iframe we've included. It is hidden with display:none, and given a negative tabindex just to make sure the user doesn't stumble into it. It also has an onload property specified. This is the only way of binding functions to the load event in older versions of IE.
  4. 目标是我们包含的iframe的名称引用。它隐藏在display:none中,并给出一个负值的tabindex,以确保用户不会陷入其中。它还指定了onload属性。这是将函数绑定到旧版本IE中的load事件的惟一方法。

So when the form is submitted, we stay on the current page and the server response loads in our hidden iframe. When that happens, the browser will execute the function named in the onload attribute. Sadly, this means that function needs to be in the global scope!


Back-end stuff

I don't know how your back-end works, but if the iframe is to load the response instead of downloading it, it will need to be HTML or plain text (and that will need to be specified in the mime-type). You can tell whether the form was posted via AJAX from the back-end by looking for the X-Requested-With header, which should have a value of XMLHttpRequest — if that isn't there, then the iframe is asking for the response and you need to send text or HTML. You may want to stringify a JSON response that exposes the values you wanted to feed back to the user like fileName, fileSize & fileType. I'm hoping you can do this yourself or get a colleague to handle it.


Capturing the iframe response

As mentioned, the response handler function will need to be in the global scope for the onload attribute to bind to, because of old IE being very quirky. I see you're using jQuery, so if you went down the route of stringifying the server response, you could write this function as follows:


function parseIframeResponse(){
  var respOnse= $('#fileIframe').contents().find('body').text();
  var object   = $.parseJSON(response);

Issues with the iframe load event binding


As mentioned earlier, the iframe load event needs to be bound inline as an attribute of the iframe itself — this is because IE will simply fail to register it otherwise. But this is problematic in and of itself because even an empty iframe (an empty or non-present src will default to about:blank) fires a load event. To mitigate this you will need to discard any response that evaluates to an empty string as a false positive, and make sure your back-end responds with some content even if it encounters a fault.

如前所述,iframe load事件需要作为iframe本身的一个属性内联地绑定—这是因为IE将无法注册它。但这本身就有问题,因为即使是空的iframe(一个空的或不存在的src也会默认为:blank)触发一个加载事件。为了减轻这一点,您将需要丢弃任何对空字符串计算为假阳性的响应,并确保您的后端对某些内容进行响应,即使它遇到了错误。

Presumably, you would then want to use whatever information is in there to execute some of the code you've currently got in the functions fileSelected, uploadProgress, etc.


Hope this helps.


EDIT 1: Out-of-the-box solutions

In hindsight, despite writing this off the back of having developed my own solution to the problem, it could be considered negligent not to mention Fine Uploader, a heavily tested (over 700 closed issues!) and well maintained stand-alone plugin that aims to achieve the best file upload experience possible for IE7 and up. There's also a good selection of back-end server components — including ASP.NET — to parse the upload. You might find it easier to tweak this than roll your own!

事后看来,尽管写这后面的开发自己的解决方案,它可以被认为是过失更不用说好上传,大量测试(在700年关闭问题!),保持独立的插件,旨在实现最佳文件上传可能IE7和经验。还有很好的后端服务器组件选择——包括ASP。NET -解析上传。你可能会发现调整这个比自己动手更容易!

EDIT 2: Neglected to mention issues with iframe's load event. Amended answer in place.

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