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Only a full week on emacs in windows now, I can feel the CTRLkey combinations are beginning to hurt. Nobody suffers RSI because of emacs :-) ?

现在只在Windows上的emacs上整整一周,我可以感觉到CTRLkey组合开始受到伤害。没有人因为emacs而遭受RSI :-)?

Is there any way to choose another key for a while (the M-key is replaceable by the ESC key I have noticed)


I would like to use, say the tab key, for a change. Any way to do that?


5 个解决方案


This guide look promising.



Google Ctrl2Cap utility. It allows you to map CAPS lock to additional Ctrl key. Handy not only for emacs, but in general.

Google Ctrl2Cap实用程序。它允许您将CAPS锁定映射到其他Ctrl键。不仅适用于emacs,也适用于一般情况。


Follow the tutorial about Moving the Control Key.



I did suffer a year of RSI after several years of sixteen hours a day of coding in emacs. My solution is to use a Kinesis Countoured keyboard. That means that all of the modifier keys are under my thumbs.

在emacs编码一年的16个小时后,我确实遭受了一年的RSI。我的解决方案是使用Kinesis Countoured键盘。这意味着所有修改键都在我的拇指下。

If you think about it, existing keyboards encourage us to use our pinky fingers as if they were opposable thumbs. Thus my customized keyboard layout called I am not a koala. I went a step further than the standard Kinesis layout and moved the shift key under my thumb as well (I swapped Shift_L and DEL).


I admit, for most people moving the control key is enough, but for me my Kinesis and a customized keymap is better.



If you're already comfortable with vi, you might want to try out viper-mode. Using vi keybindings keeps your fingers on the home row more, and puts less of a strain on your pinkies. You still wind up needing to use CTRL some of the time, but significantly less often.

如果你已经对vi感到满意,你可能想尝试使用viper模式。使用vi keybindings可以让你的手指更多地放在主行上,并减少你的小指上的压力。你仍然需要在某些时候使用CTRL,但通常情况下要少得多。

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