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MKV is a flexible, open standard video file format that quickly became the preferred file extension for HD video on the internet.


Matroska- MKV历史 (Matroska- MKV History )

MKV development is started in Russia in 2002. MKV is a short form of the Matroska Video where Matroska is a Russian toy originally named matryoshka. The lead developer Lasse Karkkainen and the Matroska company founder Steve Lhomme with a team of programmers created this wonderful multimedia format or container. Matroska is an open-source project which means its source code and algorithm are free to access and use personally.? Also, the improved version of MVK is forked and created a similar format named WebM by Google in 2010.

MKV于2002年在俄罗斯开始开发。MKV是Matroska Video的简称,其中Matroska是俄罗斯玩具,最初名为matryoshka 。 首席开发人员Lasse Karkkainen和Matroska公司的创始人Steve Lhomme以及一组程序员共同创造了这种出色的多媒体格式或容器。 Matroska是一个开源项目,这意味着其源代码和算法可自由访问和亲自使用。 同样,改进版的MVK由Google在2010年创建并创建了一种类似的格式,称为WebM

什么是MKV文件? (What Are MKV Files? )

MKV is a multimedia container format. But MKV is generally known as compression but it is not. MKV file format provides the data structure of the audio, video, and other informational data. The actual audio and video are generally compressed with formats like H.264, H.265, MP3, ACC, etc.

MKV是一种多媒体容器格式。 但是MKV通常被称为压缩,但事实并非如此。 MKV文件格式提供了音频,视频和其他信息数据的数据结构。 实际的音频和视频通常使用H.264,H.265,MP3,ACC等格式压缩。

MKV file format is designed to be dynamic for use in the feature without a problem. This means MKv will not become outdated because of some key features like below.

MKV文件格式被设计为动态的,可以毫无问题地在功能中使用。 这意味着MKv不会因为以下某些关键功能而过时。

Fast Seek provides easy and fast seek for given time multimedia.

Fast Seek提供了给定时间多媒体的轻松快速搜索。

Chapter provides creating chapters in a file and step to them easily.


Menu provides show some menu and its data like an interactive manner.


Metadata provides put some useful data for specific purposes.


Multiple Audio Channels provide to support multiple and different language audio files to be played.

提供Multiple Audio Channels以支持播放多个不同语言的音频文件。

Multiple Video Channels provide to support multiple and different video streams to be played.

提供Multiple Video Channels以支持播放多个不同的视频流。

Online Streaming can be used to cast video and sound stream in a computer network to different devices like TV, Tablet, Projection, etc.

Online Streaming可用于将计算机网络中的视频和声音流投射到不同的设备,例如电视,平板电脑,投影仪等。

Subtitle can be inserted as hard-coded or soft-coded.


Error Recovery is used to playback even some parts of video and sound data is corrupted.

Error Recovery用于回放视频和声音数据的某些部分,甚至损坏。

LEARN MORE? FFmpeg Command Tutorial 了解更多FFmpeg命令教程 为Windows设置默认的MKV播放器 (Set Default MKV Player For Windows )

In Windows operating systems like 10, XP, 8, Server the default MKV file player is the default one provided. This is named as Windows Media Player. Windows Media Player can play popular video formats but lack a lot of useful features. so VLC Player is one of the popular 3rd party MKV players for Windows. But the default player is set as Windows Media Player.? We can set the default player VLC for MKV files like below.

在Windows操作系统(如10,XP,8,服务器)中,默认的MKV文件播放器是提供的默认播放器。 这被称为Windows Media Player 。 Windows Media Player可以播放流行的视频格式,但缺少许多有用的功能。 因此VLC Player是Windows上流行的第三方MKV播放器之一。 但是默认播放器设置为Windows Media Player 。 我们可以为MKV文件设置默认播放器VLC,如下所示。

First, we right-click to an MKV file which is named as SampleVideo_1280x720_30m.mkv in this example. Then we will click to the Properties like below.

首先,在该示例中,我们右键单击一个名为SampleVideo_1280x720_30m.mkv的MKV文件。 然后,我们将单击以下Properties

MKV File Property

MKV File Property

Then the General tab will be opened like below. We will click to the Change button in other to change Opens with default application.

然后,将如下所示打开“ General选项卡。 我们将单击其他按钮中的“ Change按钮来更改“ Opens with默认应用程序Opens with

MKV Player Change

MKV Player Change

Here we will see a list of Media Players that can play the MKV files. We will select the VLC media player like below and click OK.

在这里,我们将看到可以播放MKV文件的媒体播放器列表。 我们将选择如下所示的VLC media player ,然后单击“ OK

Select VLC Player

Select VLC Player

Then we will see the change from the? General tab of the file properties like below. VLC media player is set and open the MKV files.

然后,我们将从文件属性的“ General选项卡中看到更改,如下所示。 设置VLC media player并打开MKV文件。

MKV Default Player

MKV Default Player
MKV文件属性 (MKV File Properties )

We can see details of the MKV file and codec from the following Current Media Information screen. We can open this screen which is provided by VLC Tools->Media Information like below.

我们可以从以下“ Current Media Information屏幕中查看MKV文件和编解码器的详细Current Media Information 。 我们可以打开以下屏幕,该屏幕由VLC Tools -> Media Information

Current Media Information

Current Media Information

The following screen provides information like


Media Stream 0 and 1


Codec specifies the compression algorithm


Type provides the current stream is video or audio


Video resolution is the size of the video in bits

Video resolutionVideo resolution的大小(以位为单位)

Frame rate is the count of frames shown in a second which is 25 frames in second in this example

Frame rate是每秒显示的帧数,在此示例中为每秒25帧

Sample Rate is audio Hertz value for the quality

Sample Rate是音频赫兹值的质量

Bits per sample is the data quality of the voice.

Bits per sample是语音的数据质量。

MKV File Properties

MKV File Properties
热门MKV播放器 (Popular MKV Players )

MKV is an open and popular media format which is supported by a lot of different video players here are some of the popular MKV players for the Windows operating system.


VLC Media Player

VLC媒体播放器 Media Player Classic


科迪 LEARN MORE? What Is Kbps (Kilobits Per Second)? 了解更多什么是Kbps(每秒千比特)?

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-mkv-file-and-how-to-open-and-play-mkv/

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