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I'm struggling with philosophical questions in my DRF structure using the payement handler Stripe. I'm selling a product that has a django model Product through my DRF REST API. I'm wondering if I should create the Product and then handle the payment in my create view as follow:

我正在使用付款处理程序Stripe在我的DRF结构中与哲学问题作斗争。我正在通过我的DRF REST API销售一款具有django型号产品的产品。我想知道我是否应该创建产品,然后在我的创建视图中处理付款,如下所示:

class ProductViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):


def create(self, request):
    serializer = ProductSerializer(data=request.data)
    product = serializer.save()

        respOnse= stripe.Charge.create(
            source=request.data["token"], # Done with Stripe.js
        product.charge_id = response.charge_id


or instead, if I should handle the payement in the serializer of Product:


class ProductSerializer(serializers.Serializer):


    def create(self, validated_data):
        product = Product.objects.create(**validated_data)

        # Will raise an Excetpion and stop the creation:
        respOnse= stripe.Charge.create(
            source=validated_data["token"], # Done with Stripe.js

        return product 

Which one is the better practice? Or, do I completely miss the point and should do it differently?


Secondly, is there a way to embed Stripe.js and the required form in the Browsable API template for the create route so I can test my REST without the need of any frontend?

其次,有没有办法在创建路径的Browsable API模板中嵌入Stripe.js和所需的表单,这样我就可以在不需要任何前端的情况下测试我的REST了?

Thank you for your help


1 个解决方案



In my opinion the right approach is a mix of the two provided approaches because you should send the Stripe request in the ModelViewSet class but save the Product entity only after the service's successful response.


Otherwise if the service's response is not successful I would rollback each database operation(with Django 1.6+ you can do it using transaction.atomic() documented here).

否则,如果服务的响应不成功,我会回滚每个数据库操作(使用Django 1.6+,你可以使用此处记录的transaction.atomic()来完成)。

I don't like your second approach because according to the DRF documentation about the create method of serializers.Serializerthis method should only return a new Entity instance given the validated data, so I would not add other business logic.


Regarding the second question I would structure the create method to use an injected mock object for the Striperequest, in this way you can test your code regarding any frontend interaction (obviously in this way you don't do an integration test but a unit test).

关于第二个问题,我将构造create方法以使用注入的模拟对象进行Striperequest,这样你就可以测试关于任何前端交互的代码(显然这样你不进行集成测试而是进行单元测试) 。

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