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I am implementing the LDA algorithm of Topic Modelling in Javascript as a part of a project. Upon the click of a button, the function to perform LDA is called. However since this is a very heavy task, the browser used to hang for around 15 seconds when the function was called (even the loading animated gif wasn't working while processing was taking place).


So I implemented the function as a web worker. This solves the hanging problem but now the loading animation disappears within a couple of seconds while the results are shown some 12-14 seconds after that.

所以我以web worker的形式实现了这个功能。这解决了挂起问题,但现在加载动画在几秒内消失,而结果显示在12-14秒之后。

Is there any way I can make the loader animate while the processing is going on ? I mean wait for the web worker to finish computing before the loading animation disappears.

在处理过程中,有没有什么方法可以让加载器动画?我的意思是在加载动画消失之前等待web worker完成计算。

The script is called asynchronously and the loader is attached to ajax events of jQuery as

脚本被异步调用,加载程序被附加到jQuery as的ajax事件上

$('#spinner').bind("ajaxSend", function() {
}).bind("ajaxComplete", function() {

1 个解决方案



Activate the spinner before inititating the (heavy) worker logic, and disable the spinner once the worker is finished:


var worker = new Worker('workerscript.js');
worker.Onmessage= function(event) {
    // Do something with event.data, then hide the spinner.
worker.postMessage({args: ' foo bar '});

workerscript.js would look like this:


self.Onmessage= function(event) {
    var results;
    // do something
    // Done:

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