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原作者: Falko Timme

翻译者: Topkey



在这篇教程中我将会为大家讲解如何在Debian Lenny服务器上安装OpenVZ。使用OpenVZ你可以在同一个硬件环境中创建多个虚拟化专用服务器(VPS),其作用类似于Xen和Linux Vserver项目.OpenVZ是Virtuozzo旗下的一款开源品牌,提供一个商业的虚拟化解决方案.已经被许多提供虚拟化服务器的提供商使用。OpenVZ内核是遵循GPL授权许可,并且其用户化工具遵循QPL许可。




OpenVZ的内核、vzctl和vzquota包在Debian Lenny库中,我们要使用下列命令安装他们:

apt-get install linux-image-openvz-amd64 vzctl vzquota


创建一个提供后台兼容的符号链接从/var/lib/vz 到 /vz。

ln -s /var/lib/vz /vz


vi /etc/sysctl.conf

net.ipv4.conf.default.proxy_arp = 0
kernel.sysrq = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0


sysctl ?p



打开/etc/vz/vz.conf文件并设置NEIGHBOUR_DEVS 参数值为 all:

vi /etc/vz/vz.conf

# Controls which interfaces to send ARP requests and modify APR tables on.


在这个环境中,我同时也想安装vzdump和vzprocps包,这两个包并不存在Debian lenny库中。但是我们可以从http://download.openvz.org/debian-systs的网站里的Etch库中下载.(他们曾经也提供Lenny库,但是最近已经被删除了)因此打开/etc/apt/sources.list文件…

vi /etc/apt/sources.list


deb http://download.openvz.org/debian-systs etch openvz当然我们想从Etch 库中安装文件时不把我们的系统搞糟。我们设置系统只有在在Lenny库中没有适当的软件时,我们才使用Etch库。如果在一个包同时存在在Lenny和Etch版本中时,系统优先在Lenny中安装它。要做到这一点,我们可以在/etc/apt/preferences中可以设置给Lenny更高的权限:

vi /etc/apt/preferences

Package: *

Pin: release a=lenny

Pin-Priority: 700

Package: *

Pin: release a=etch

Pin-Priority: 650


vi /etc/apt/apt.conf


APT::Default-Release “stable”;
APT::Cache-Limit “100000000″;


wget -q http://download.openvz.org/debian-systs/dso_archiv_signing_key.asc -O- | apt-key add ? && apt-get update



apt-get install vzdump vzprocps






uname ?r


server1:~# uname -r

3使用 OpenVZ


apt-cache search openvz


vzctl-ostmpl-debian-4.0-amd64-minimal ? OpenVZ ? OS Template debian-4.0-amd64-minimal
vzctl-ostmpl-debian-4.0-i386-minimal ? OpenVZ ? OS Template debian-4.0-i386-minimal
vzctl-ostmpl-debian-5.0-amd64-minimal ? OpenVZ ? OS Template debian-5.0-amd64-minimal
vzctl-ostmpl-debian-5.0-i386-minimal ? OpenVZ ? OS Template debian-5.0-i386-minimal


apt-get install vzctl-ostmpl-debian-5.0-amd64-minimal vzctl-ostmpl-debian-4.0-amd64-minimal


cd /var/lib/vz/template/cache
wget http://download.openvz.org/template/precreated/contrib/debian-5.0-amd64-minimal.tar.gz




vzctl create 101 ?ostemplate debian-5.0-amd64-minimal ?config vps.basic



vzctl set 101 ?onboot yes ?save


vzctl set 101 ?hostname test.example.com ?save
vzctl set 101 ?ipadd ?save


vzctl set 101 ?numothersock 120 ?save
vzctl set 101 ?nameserver ?nameserver ?save



vzctl start 101


vzctl exec 101 passwd


vzctl enter 101




vzctl stop 101


vzctl restart 101


vzctl destroy 101


vzlist ?a

server1:~# vzlist -a
101          8 running   test.example.com


vzctl exec 101 cat /proc/user_beancounters

server1:~# vzctl exec 101 cat /proc/user_beancounters
Version: 2.5
uid  resource           held    maxheld    barrier      limit    failcnt
101:  kmemsize         500737     517142   11055923   11377049          0
lockedpages           0          0        256        256          0
privvmpages        2315       2337      65536      69632          0
shmpages            640        640      21504      21504          0
dummy                 0          0          0          0          0
numproc               7          7        240        240          0
physpages          1258       1289          0 2147483647          0
vmguarpages           0          0      33792 2147483647          0
oomguarpages       1258       1289      26112 2147483647          0
numtcpsock            2          2        360        360          0
numflock              1          1        188        206          0
numpty                1          1         16         16          0
numsiginfo            0          1        256        256          0
tcpsndbuf         17856      17856    1720320    2703360          0
tcprcvbuf         32768      32768    1720320    2703360          0
othersockbuf       2232       2928    1126080    2097152          0
dgramrcvbuf           0          0     262144     262144          0
numothersock          1          3        120        120          0
dcachesize            0          0    3409920    3624960          0
numfile             189        189       9312       9312          0
dummy                 0          0          0          0          0
dummy                 0          0          0          0          0
dummy                 0          0          0          0          0
numiptent            10         10        128        128          0



man vzctl

OpenVZ: http://openvz.org
Debian: http://www.debian.org
分类: Debian, Virtualization 标签: Debian Lenny, OpenVZ, 虚拟化
2009年10月15日 尚可乐 2 条评论
版本 1.0


原作者: Falko Timme


最后编辑日期: 11/20/2008




1 前言

Server1.example.com:IP 192.168.0,100


(两台都使用的是Debian Etch的系统,设置的过程大家可以参考这篇教程Installing And Using OpenVZ On Debian Etch-但是vzdump同时也支持其他版本的linux)


我们可以原封不动的把虚拟机恢复在server2.example.com的服务器上(例如相同的ip地址和主机名),但是运行克隆在server2的虚拟机时,我们必须停止在server1.example.com服务器上的虚拟机。否则的话,ip地址和主机名将会冲突;第二种方法我们在恢复虚拟机之前,使用vzctl set命令改变一些参数例如ip地址和主机名。这样的话,我们可以同时运行两个虚拟机(原本运行在server1.example.com上的虚拟机和克隆在server2.example.com)第二种方法是克隆虚拟机的最好的方法。



apt-get install vzdump rsync



man vzdump



vzdump ?compress ?dumpdir /home/backup ?stop ?all

?compress 意思是: 压缩备份的文件 (压缩为一个.tgz文件).


?stop 停止虚拟机,常见备份,然后启动虚拟机。如果你使用—stop你的虚拟机将会停掉几分钟.一个更快的方案是你使用…

?suspend:挂起虚拟机,虚拟机备份这时会拷贝via rsync到一个临时文件.虚拟机将会在定调几秒后立刻得以恢复,然后这个dump被创建使用的是临时文件夹下的拷贝。我推荐使用这种方法如果你不想等太久的话。

你也可以省去?stop 和 ?suspend直接备份一个正在运行的虚拟机,大多数情况下这是没有问题的,但是可能会使备份不同意,因此请慎用!



vzdump ?compress ?dumpdir /home/backup ?stop 102

要想创建一个dump到默认文件夹(/vz/dump or /var/lib/vz/dump),使用命令

vzdump ?compress ?stop 102


server1:/vz/dump# vzdump ?compress ?stop 102
INFO: starting backup for VPS 102 (/var/lib/vz/private/102)
INFO: starting first sync /var/lib/vz/private/102 to /var/lib/vz/dump/tmp9009
INFO: stopping vps
Stopping container …
Container was stopped
Container is unmounted
INFO: final sync /var/lib/vz/private/102 to /var/lib/vz/dump/tmp9009
INFO: restarting vps
Starting container …
Container is mounted
Adding IP address(es):
Setting CPU units: 1000
Configure meminfo: 65536
Set hostname: test.example.com
File resolv.conf was modified
Container start in progress…
INFO: vps is online again after 15 seconds
INFO: Creating archive ‘/var/lib/vz/dump/vzdump-102.tgz’ (/var/lib/vz/dump/tmp9009/102)
Total bytes written: 340428800 (325MiB, 11MiB/s)
INFO: backup for VPS 102 finished successful (1.37 minutes)


vzdump ?compress ?suspend 102


server1:~# vzdump ?compress ?suspend 102
INFO: starting backup for VPS 102 (/var/lib/vz/private/102)
INFO: starting first sync /var/lib/vz/private/102 to /var/lib/vz/dump/tmp10842
INFO: suspend vps
Setting up checkpoint…
get context…
Checkpointing completed succesfully
INFO: final sync /var/lib/vz/private/102 to /var/lib/vz/dump/tmp10842
INFO: resume vps
INFO: vps is online again after 4 seconds
INFO: Creating archive ’/var/lib/vz/dump/vzdump-102.tgz’ (/var/lib/vz/dump/tmp10842/102)
Total bytes written: 340428800 (325MiB, 24MiB/s)
INFO: backup for VPS 102 finished successful  (1.57 minutes)


ls -l /vz/dump/


server1:~# ls -l /vz/dump/
total 147864
-rw-r?r? 1 root root      1170 2008-11-20 17:40 vzdump-102.log
-rw-r?r? 1 root root 151249685 2008-11-20 17:40 vzdump-102.tgz


scp /vz/dump/vzdump-102.tgz root@



vzdump ?restore /home/vzdump-102.tgz 250



vzctl start 250



vzctl set 250 ?hostname test2.example.com ?save


vzctl set 250 ?ipdel ?save


vzctl set 250 ?ipadd ?save


vzctl start 250

5 相关链接
OpenVZ: http://wiki.openvz.org/
分类: Debian, Virtualization 标签: Debian, OpenVZ
在CentOS5.2上使用Vtonf 控制面板管理OpenVZ
2009年10月14日 尚可乐 没有评论
版本 1.0

原作者: Falko Timme


最后一次编辑日期 11/11/2008


Vtonf是一款免费的基于web界面的控制面板(符合GPL),它可以管理OpenVz上虚拟专用服务器(VPS)。使用她甚至是那些有很少专业只是的用户也可以很简单地创建和管理OpenVZ上的虚拟机。到目前为止,Vtonf仅仅支持RedHat, Fedora, 和 CentOS(支持Debian正在计划中)。因此,我将在一个CentOS5.2服务器上讲解Vtonf的安装和使用。


确信你已经在你的CentOS5.2服务器上安装好了OpenVZ。可以参考这篇教程Installing And Using OpenVZ On CentOS 5.2

我将在一个i386平台的系统上做试验,我不知道Vtonf是否工作在x86_64位的系统上-Vtonf附带的INSTALL文件上说不可以,但是Vtonf wiki确没有关于这方面的介绍。


yum install vzpkg expect


cd /tmp
wget http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/vtonf/vtonfinstaller.1.0-beta1.tar.gz
tar xvfz vtonfinstaller.1.0-beta1.tar.gz
cd vtonfinstaller.1.0-beta1


Do you wish to start the installation procedure (y/n)? :







Vtonf control panel installation completed. Please login to the control panel from the following information

Login Name : admin
Password : howtoforge

Visit our forum : http://www.vtonf.com/forum/index.php

Get support : http://www.vtonf.com/support.html




这个就是管理界面的样子了,我将会讲述最重要的功能创建一个虚拟机,点击Create Node(尽管Vtonf非常简单,你可以完全弄清楚了)

Vtonf里出现了一个OS templates,centos-4-i386-minimal,选择这一个,选择一个配置文件(例如vps.basic),并且填入主机名和ip地址(在下一个章节,我将讲解怎样添加更多的OS templates),点击Create Node 按钮:


在Node Listing下,你就能看到你的新虚拟机了


等你创建好一个虚拟机后,你进入NODE MANAGEMENT并且点击Node Start来启动虚拟机,从下拉菜单中选择虚拟机,并点击Start按钮

在你第一次启动虚拟机时,你需要设置为它设置一个root密码(这一步必须在虚拟机运行的时候进行),点击Go to SERVICES > Change Node Root Password,选择虚拟机,并且两次输入你想要的管理密码。

在NODE NANAGEMENT > Set Nameservers之下,你也可以为你的虚拟机定义一些域名服务器(这一步也必须在虚拟机运行的时候进行)除非你在一个plan中定义了域名服务器,并且虚拟机也是从这个plan中创建的。


4.添加OS Templates
由于Vtonf仅仅附带一个OS Templates(centos-4-i386-minimal),你可能想添加更多的OS Templates。你可以在http://wiki.openvz.org/Download/template/precreated找到一个OS Templates列表。这些OS Templates必须存储在/vz/template/cache文件夹下,我们来下载两个OS templates (CentOS 5 and Debian Etch):

cd /vz/template/cache
wget http://download.openvz.org/template/precreated/contrib/centos-5-i386-default.tar.gz
wget http://download.openvz.org/template/precreated/debian-4.0-i386-minimal.tar.gz

然后我们必须使得Vtonf重新读取/vz/template/cache,来发现这两个新的OS templates,点开VTONF > Update Settings.


然后,当你打开SERVER > Create Node你就会在Operating System下拉菜单中发现新的OS templates。

Vtonf: http://www.vtonf.com
OpenVZ: http://wiki.openvz.org
CentOS: http://www.centos.org



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    * OpenVZ

Installing and using OpenVZ on CentOS 5


Please note that the OpenVZ kernel is a product of the OpenVZ Project and is NOT supported by CentOS.

The OpenVZ Project follows the RHEL kernels closely and provides updates in a somewhat timely fashion after updated Red Hat (and CentOS) kernels are released. As a result the RHEL-based OpenVZ kernels are well suited for use on RHEL and CentOS hosts with support for (almost) all of the same hardware. Please note though that the OpenVZ kernel is less modular than the stock Red Hat / CentOS kernels with some hardware support being compiled in.

It is recommended you read this HOWTO in its entirety before attempting any of the operations shown in it.

What is OpenVZ?

OpenVZ is operating system-level virtualization based on a modified Linux kernel that allows a physical server to run multiple isolated instances known as containers, virtual private servers (VPS), or virtual environments (VE). The preferred term these days is container. Containers are sometimes compared to chroot or jail type environments but containers are really much better in terms of isolation, security, functionality, and resource management.

OpenVZ consists of a custom Linux kernel (available from the OpenVZ Project) and some user-level tools. OpenVZ is very portable, does not rely on VT support in the CPU, and as a result it is available for a number of CPU families including x86, x86-64, IA-64, PowerPC and SPARC.

OS-level virtualization is quite different from machine / hardware virtualization products such as VMware Server, Parallels Workstation, VirtualBox, QEMU, KVM, and Xen in that with OpenVZ you can only do Linux on Linux virtualization.

OpenVZ modifies the Linux kernel to add advanced containerization features which allow for isolated groups of processes under a parent init along with about twenty dynamic resource management parameters for controlling container resource usage. The OpenVZ Project maintains three stable kernel branches:

   1. RHEL4 / CentOS4 2.6.9 based
   2. RHEL5 / CentOS 5 2.6.18 based
   3. Vanilla 2.6.18 based

There are a number of unstable branches based on newer versions of the Linux kernel that may eventually reach stable status.

Why use OpenVZ?

Since it is relatively light weight, OS virtualization offers a number of benefits over machine / hardware virtualization:

   1. It is much more efficient
   2. It scales better
   3. It offers much greater machine density
   4. It offers a larger number of resource management parameters
   5. Resource management is dynamic so no container restart is needed

OpenVZ is able to achieve better performance (so close to native it is hard to measure a difference), scalability and density because there is a single Linux kernel running on the physical host with each container only taking up the resources necessary for running the processes / services you want inside them without all of the overhead of a full operating system. A basic container might be between 8-14 additional processes on the host node. OpenVZ can also handle more advanced applications such as huge multi-threaded Java applications with hundreds of threads / processes given the appropriate amount of container resource management configuration.

Another advantage of OpenVZ is that it offers a wide range of dynamic resource management parameters including several for memory usage, number of processes, CPU usage, disk space usage, etc... all of which may be changed while the container is running. OpenVZ also supports container disk quotas as well as (optional) user and group disk quotas within the containers.

OpenVZ offers a number of advanced features including checkpointing and container migration from one physical host to another. Migration comes in two forms:

   1. Live migration minimizes downtime (only a few seconds) and maintains machine uptime and network connections
   2. Offline migration where the machine is stopped, migrated, and then started back up again.

The migration features of OpenVZ do NOT require a shared storage solution and utilizes rsync to flawlessly copy container directory structures from one physical host to another.

When NOT to use OS Virtualization

While there are a large number of usage scenarios where you would want to use OS Virtualization, there remain a few scenarios where OS Virtualization is NOT suited and machine / hardware virtualization would be preferred:

   1. When you need to run non-Linux OSes
   2. When you want to run multiple kernel versions
   3. When you need a highly customized kernel

OpenVZ History

SWsoft (now known as Parallels) initially released a product for Linux named Virtuozzo back in 2001. Their current product is named Parallels Virtuozzo Containers. In 2005 a version of Virtuozzo was released for Microsoft Windows. Also in 2005, SWsoft created the OpenVZ Project to release under a GPL 2 license the underlying technology upon which Virtuozzo builds.

While OS Virtualization does not seem to have garnered the press attention and excitement some of the machine / hardware virtualization products have gotten in recent years, having initially been released in 2001 (Virtuozzo) and 2005 (OpenVZ), they have both proven themselves to be efficient, stable, and secure workhorses on tens of thousands of servers around the world. Linux OS Virtualization (which includes Linux-VServer) is arguably the oldest and most widely deployed Linux virtualization platform to date.

OS Virtualization and OpenVZ Future

In a few presentations in 2007 and 2008 on the future of the Linux kernel, Andrew Morton identified containers as being the only thing he was certain of that was coming to the Linux kernel because there were a number of strong stake holders working on it including IBM, Google and the OpenVZ Project.

Container features started appearing in the mainline kernel starting with the 2.6.24 kernel and more have been added in subsequent releases. The joint effort is more commonly referred to as control groups (or cgroups for short) and a number of kernel subsystems have been modified (scheduler, memory management, etc) to be cgroup aware. It is not known how long it will take before the cgroup implementation in the mainline Linux kernel will be feature complete, stable, and in wide use... so it appears that OpenVZ will be around for some time to come.

There is another OS Virtualization product for Linux named Linux-Vserver. Linux-VServer is a quality product / project too but there are a number of differences between OpenVZ and Linux-VServer. Parallels / OpenVZ are working with the mainline Linux kernel developers to get container features into the mainline Linux kernel. The Linux-VServer developers are working independently and have decided that Linux-VServer will stay an out-of-tree patch for the foreseeable future. That is not to say that OpenVZ is going directly into the mainline kernel because it is not. The cgroup effort is a consensus of all of its stakeholders. It is clear however that the OpenVZ Project has contributed a lot of code to the mainline kernel.

Installing OpenVZ

The OpenVZ Project website (www.openvz.org) has a lot of quality documentation including a Users Guide PDF, a Quick Installation Guide, and a vast wiki of howto and troubleshooting articles. This article will briefly cover the installation process. You will need to be the root user for all of the following tasks.

Adding the OpenVZ yum repository

Installing OpenVZ on a CentOS 4 or CentOS 5 host is very easy because the OpenVZ Project provides an openvz.repo for use with yum. Simply download the openvz.repo file and place it in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory. Examine the openvz.repo file as it contains a number of repository definitions with two being enabled by default: 1) RHEL5-based kernel and 2) the OpenVZ utilities. Edit it to meet your needs.

Import the OpenVZ key

rpm --import http://download.openvz.org/RPM-GPG-Key-OpenVZ

Install the OpenVZ kernel

Depending on which kernel arch you want, simply do:

yum install ovzkernel.i386


yum install ovzkernel.x86_64

With the OpenVZ kernel installed it is almost time to reboot, but before rebooting a few additional details need to be taken care of: 1) Examine /etc/grub.conf to ensure the desired kernel is set to be the default, 2) Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf to enable some kernel features that are needed for OpenVZ and 3) Make sure SELINUX is disabled.

I will not cover how to edit /etc/grub.conf since that is a fairly common, non-OpenVZ specific task.

Editing /etc/sysctl.conf

If desired, backup your original sysctl.conf file (cp /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf.original). Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file with your preferred text editor and add the following:

# On Hardware Node we generally need
# packet forwarding enabled and proxy arp disabled
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.proxy_arp = 0
# Enables source route verification
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
# Enables the magic-sysrq key
kernel.sysrq = 1
# TCP Explict Congestion Notification
# net.ipv4.tcp_ecn = 0
# we do not want all our interfaces to send redirects
net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0

Disabling SELINUX

Unfortunately SELINUX is not compatible with nor included in the OpenVZ kernel. To disable SELINUX, edit the /etc/sysconfig/selinux config file with your preferred text editor and set it to disabled:


Now it is time to reboot your computer into the OpenVZ kernel.

Installing the utilities

To install the OpenVZ utility programs, simply do:

yum install vzctl vzquota

Once vzctl is installed you want to start up the OpenVZ service by doing the following:

service vz start

The vz service should be set to start up automatically but feel free to check it with:

chkconfig --list vz

Now OpenVZ is fully installed and you are ready to create your first container but first you need to get installation media for the desired Linux distribution.

Using OpenVZ

OS Templates - Linux Distribution Install Media

The vzctl command is used to create and configure OpenVZ containers. Before you can create a container, you need install media for the Linux distribution you want to install. OpenVZ can NOT use CD / DVD install media (NOR .iso disk image files). OpenVZ requires what it calls an OS Template to create a container for a given Linux distribution. You can download a number of pre-created OS Templates from the OpenVZ website. This is the recommended route for new OpenVZ users. Once you are more familiar with OpenVZ you may want to create your own OS Templates from scratch using a variety of recipes available on the OpenVZ wiki. You can find pre-created OS Templates provided by the OpenVZ Project here:


You can also find community contributed OS Templates here:


Download the desired OS Template file and place it in the /vz/template/cache directory on your CentOS 5 host node.

Creating Your First Container

To create a container you use the vzctl command with the create option and a few other parameters. You will need to decide on a unique container ID number (CTID). You will also need some additional information: What OS Template do you want to install from? What IP address will it have? What hostname do you want to give it? What initial resources do you want it to have (taken from a sample configuration template)? These are all set with the following parameters:

--ostemplate {template name}
--conf {config name}
--ipadd {nn.nn.nn.nn}
--hostname {FQDN}

Here is a complete example:

vzctl create 101 \
--ostemplate centos-5-i386-default \
--conf vps.basic \
--ipadd \
--hostname mynew.container.com

That will create a directory named /vz/private/{CTID} and extract the OS Template into it. It will also copy the specified config file to /etc/vz/conf/{CTID}.conf to create a configuration for the container. Please note that the values given for --ostemplate and --conf do NOT match up to full OS Template nor the configuration filenames... and are somewhat truncated.

The vps.basic configuration is just that, very basic... with a somewhat conservative amount of resources given to the container. For a look at the various resource parameters and their values, feel free to have a look at the sample configuration files in the /etc/vz/conf directory. You can create your own configuration samples (as many as you like) using the vzsplit command (man vzsplit) or by copying existing config files to new files and editing them.

After you create a machine you need to set a few additional parameters using the vzctl set command. Here's an example:

vzctl set 101 \
--name mynew \
--nameserver "" \
--diskspace 10G:10G \

That will update your container's config file (in this example /etc/vz/conf/101.conf). Any time you run the vzctl set command if you don't include the --save parameter it will not save the configuration changes to your config file... but if the container is running it will dynamically change the parameters in the running container for that session. You will almost always want to include the --save as the last parameter for the vzctl set command.

Starting your new Container

Just issue the following command to start your new container:

vzctl start {CTID}

or following our example

vzctl start 101

You should see a message about your container starting up. Assuming you didn't botch any of the parameters, it should start right up.

As you would expect, the keywords stop and restart also work as expected. If a container is not running you can destroy it which will remove its config file as well as delete its directory structure (/vz/private/{CTID}) from the host node filesystem.

Entering your new Container

Once your container is going, it should be accessible via the network just like a physical server would be. But since you are on the host node, you can use a vzctl shortcut to directly enter the container as root without authentication.

vzctl enter {CTID}

Following our example

vzctl enter 101

You should get a new command prompt inside of your new container. You will probably want to set a root password by using the passwd command or you could do the following from the host node:

vzctl set {CTID} --userpasswd {user}:{password} --save

It is assumed that you are a fairly good Linux system administrator who is NOT afraid of the command line. Have a look around your new system. It should look and act almost identically to a physical machine. You can install software (see section about yum below), create accounts, add new system services and modify their configurations.

You can view the resources given to a container within it by looking at the /proc/user_beancounters file. You can view all parameters given to all containers from the host node by looking at /proc/user_beancounters on the host node. Resource management is beyond the scope of this article so consult vzctl man page or the Users Guide PDF for complete information.

What if yum is missing in my container?

Prior to January of 2009, the pre-created OS Templates provided by the OpenVZ Project did not have yum installed and that seemed to have miffed a lot of users. The reason was that some OpenVZ system administrators prefered to use a tool on the host node named vzyum that allowed them to do yum type operations on containers from the host node. Why would they want to do that? Because the yum database and file caches can sometimes take up a significant amount of diskspace (and bandwidth) if each container has its own copy of yum. Using vzyum on the host node, there is a single yum database / cache and the software packages only have to be downloaded once.

In January of 2009 the OpenVZ project released updated pre-created OS Templates for CentOS that include yum so it is no longer an issue. The official OS Templates are updated approximately once a month so there should be no reason to use older OS Templates without yum installed. If you have a CentOS OS Template that does not include yum, it is either older than January 2009 or you got it from another source than the OpenVZ project.

If you still have a CentOS container without yum installed there is a wiki page on the OpenVZ wiki that explains how to install yum in a container. Basically you download all of the rpm packages needed for yum and install them with rpm. Hopefully this issue has become a thing of the past.

In Closing

This article has only covered the very basics of OpenVZ. Topics not covered include container monitoring / resource management, configuration file editing / creation (see the vzsplit man page), the container filesystem, or any additional tasks necessary to become a productive OpenVZ system administrator. Also note that OpenVZ has two types of network adaptors and only the basic / default venet was covered. The veth network adaptor has a wider range of capabilities.

The documentation provided by the OpenVZ Project is really good and there is plenty of it. Be sure and read the Users Guide PDF guide for the most comprehensive documentation. The Users Guide is a little dated though as it was written before the addition of the veth network device, checkpointing and migration. Also available are the man pages for all of the various commands. When you want to get into container migration be sure and read the vzmigrate man page.

You are encouraged to get involved and participate in the OpenVZ project by visiting the OpenVZ website, using the forums, the IRC channel (#openvz on the Freenode IRC network), as well as filing bugs if you run across any at http://bugzilla.openvz.org . Get familiar with the OpenVZ website as there is a lot of material there.

Additional Resources

OpenVZ Project website
OpenNode Bare-metal CentOS-based distro with OpenVZ and KVM
Interview with OpenVZ Project Manager
OS Virtualization vs. Hardware Virtualization video presentation from Linuxfest Northwest 2008
Container migration demo video
Performance evaluation of Xen vs. OpenVZ by HP Labs
OpenVZ blog
Parallels Inc.
Linux-VServer website
Interview with Linux-VServer Project Leader

This is the initial release of this HOWTO and I (Scott Dowdle) plan on updating it with additional information, especially if I get any reader feedback. Suggestions and comments are encouraged. Feel free to email: dowdle at montanalinux.org.

Please do not email the CentOS mailing lists or visit the CentOS

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