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I am trying to make a simple sample previewer for my client project. The list of samples are stored in a JSON file. but the trouble is that I am not too familiar with using JSON, or programming itself, to be honest. I have written a short test code to see if this JSON file works well, but although I can access sampleData variable from firebug console, the document.write(sampleData.length); line seems to be unable to access sampleData for some reason. The error shows:


TypeError: sampleData is undefined


I suspect it has to do with variable scopes, but I am not sure.


What should I do to make the sampleData variable to work with the rest of the code?
I'm sorry I cannot disclose the contents of the json file. It contains an array of objects containing information of the products. it looks like


    "aaa" : 000000;
    "bbb" : 111111;
    "ccc" : 222222;

It's a quite generic form of JSON file, as far as I can tell.


5 个解决方案


Your code's fine, but $.getJSON just starts the process of getting the JSON file, and then allows your code to continue, calling document.write. The callback to $.getJSON is called later, after your document.write call. Instead, trigger any subsequent code you want to trigger from within the callback.

你的代码很好,但$ .getJSON只是启动获取JSON文件的过程,然后允许你的代码继续,调用document.write。在您的document.write调用之后,稍后将调用$ .getJSON的回调。而是在回调中触发您想要触发的任何后续代码。

You can't usefully use document.write in this situation. You can use the DOM, though, and jQuery's various DOM wrapper functions. For instance:



").html(data.length).appendTo(document.body); });


It's due to the async response from $.getJSON.

这是由于$ .getJSON的异步响应。

var sampleData;
$.getJSON('res/Samples.json', function(data) {
  sampleData = data; // This is occurring after the document.write

This is essentially the same as:


var sampleData;
setTimeout(function() {
  sampleData = 'Some data'; // This is occurring after the document.write
}, 100);

You could move the document.write to the response handler but as noted below it does have its drawbacks:


var sampleData;
$.getJSON('res/Samples.json', function(data) {
  document.write(sampleData.length); // This would replace the page contents


It happens asynchronously, so you need to call document.write in the async call itself:


var sampleData;
    sampleData = data;

Also, if you're using document.write in your production code to write to the page, I would suggest against it. If you used document.write in the above example just for debugging purposes (to figure out why it wasn't working), I would suggest using console.log instead. Much easier.



$.getJSON is an async function and when you do document.write(sampleData.length);, sampleData is not populated yet.

$ .getJSON是一个异步函数,当你执行document.write(sampleData.length);时,还没有填充sampleData。

You must to do:




Well is reason is you call the sampleData.length before the ajax call return the values you need to put the document.write(sampleData.length); inside the ajax function


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