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原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/print-一对来自给定数组的重叠区间索引/

给定一个大小为 N 的 2D 数组arr【】【】【】,每行代表表格 {X,Y} ( 基于 1 的索引)的区间,任务是找到一对重叠区间的索引。如果不存在这样的配对,则打印 -1 -1


输入: N = 5,arr[][] = {{1,5},{2,10},{3,10},{2,2},{2,15}}
输出: 4 1
解释:位置 4 即(2,2)的范围位于位置 1 即(1,5)的范围内。

输入: N = 4,arr[][] = {{2,10},{1,9},{1,8},{1,7}}
输出: -1 -1

天真的方法:最简单的方法是检查每对间隔中是否有一个位于另一个的内部。如果没有找到这样的间隔,打印 -1 -1 ,否则,打印找到的间隔的索引。
时间复杂度: O(N 2 )其中 N 为给定整数。
辅助空间: O(N)


  1. 首先,通过存储每个区间的索引,按左边框对段进行递增排序。

  2. 然后,初始化变量 currcurrPos ,分别用排序数组中第一个区间的左边部分及其索引。

  3. 现在,遍历从 i = 0 到 N–1的排序的间隔。

  4. 如果任意两个相邻间隔的左边部分相等,那么打印它们的索引,因为其中一个位于另一个的内部。

  5. 如果当前区间的右边部分大于 curr ,则将 curr 设置为等于该右边部分,将 currPos 设置为等于原始数组中该区间的索引。否则,打印当前间隔的索引和存储在 currPos 变量中的索引。

  6. 遍历后,如果没有找到这样的间隔,打印 -1 -1



// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Pair of two integers
// of the form {X, Y}
typedef pair ii;
// Pair of pairs and integers
typedef pair iii;
// FUnction to find a pair of indices of
// the overlapping interval in the array
ii segment_overlapping(int N,
                       vector > arr)
    // Store intervals {X, Y} along
    // with their indices
    vector tup;
    // Traverse the given intervals
    for (int i = 0; i         int x, y;
        x = arr[i][0];
        y = arr[i][1];
        // Store intervals and their indices
        tup.push_back(iii(ii(x, y), i + 1));
    // Sort the intervals
    sort(tup.begin(), tup.end());
    // Stores Y of the first interval
    int curr = tup[0].first.second;
    // Stores index of first interval
    int currPos = tup[0].second;
    // Traverse the sorted intervals
    for (int i = 1; i         // Stores X value of previous interval
        int Q = tup[i - 1].first.first;
        // Stores X value of current interval
        int R = tup[i].first.first;
        // If Q and R equal
        if (Q == R) {
            // If Y value of immediate previous
            // interval is less than Y value of
            // current interval
            if (tup[i - 1].first.second
                                // Stores index of immediate
                // previous interval
                int X = tup[i - 1].second;
                // Stores index of current
                // interval
                int Y = tup[i].second;
                return { X, Y };
            else {
                // Stores index of current
                // interval
                int X = tup[i].second;
                // Stores index of immediate
                // previous interval
                int Y = tup[i - 1].second;
                return { X, Y };
        // Stores Y value of current interval
        int T = tup[i].first.second;
        // T is less than or equal to curr
        if (T <= curr)
            return { tup[i].second, currPos };
        else {
            // Update curr
            curr = T;
            // Update currPos
            currPos = tup[i].second;
    // No answer exists
    return { -1, -1 };
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given intervals
    vector > arr = { { 1, 5 }, { 2, 10 },
                                 { 3, 10 }, { 2, 2 },
                                 { 2, 15 } };
    // Size of intervals
    int N = arr.size();
    // Find answer
    ii ans = segment_overlapping(N, arr);
    // Print answer
    cout <}

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program for above approach
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
// Pair of two integers
// of the form {X, Y}
class pair1
  int first, second;
  pair1(int first, int second)
    this.first = first;
    this.secOnd= second;
// Pair of pairs and integers
class pair2
  int first, second, index;
  pair2(int first, int second, int index)
    this.first = first;
    this.secOnd= second;
    this.index = index;
class GFG
  // Function to find a pair of indices of
  // the overlapping interval in the array
  static pair1 segment_overlapping(int N,
                                   int[][] arr)
    // Store intervals {X, Y} along
    // with their indices
    ArrayList tup=new ArrayList<>();
    // Traverse the given intervals
    for (int i = 0; i     {
      int x, y;
      x = arr[i][0];
      y = arr[i][1];
      // Store intervals and their indices
      tup.add(new pair2(x, y, i + 1));
    // Sort the intervals
    Collections.sort(tup, (a, b)->(a.first != b.first) ?
                     a.first - b.first:a.second - b.second);
    // Stores Y of the first interval
    int curr = tup.get(0).second;
    // Stores index of first interval
    int currPos = tup.get(0).index;
    // Traverse the sorted intervals
    for (int i = 1; i     {
      // Stores X value of previous interval
      int Q = tup.get(i - 1).first;
      // Stores X value of current interval
      int R = tup.get(i).first;
      // If Q and R equal
      if (Q == R)
        // If Y value of immediate previous
        // interval is less than Y value of
        // current interval
        if (tup.get(i - 1).second
          // Stores index of immediate
          // previous interval
          int X = tup.get(i - 1).index;
          // Stores index of current
          // interval
          int Y = tup.get(i).index;
          return new pair1( X, Y );
        else {
          // Stores index of current
          // interval
          int X = tup.get(i).index;
          // Stores index of immediate
          // previous interval
          int Y = tup.get(i - 1).index;
          return new pair1( X, Y );
      // Stores Y value of current interval
      int T = tup.get(i).second;
      // T is less than or equal to curr
      if (T <= curr)
        return new pair1( tup.get(i).index, currPos );
        // Update curr
        curr = T;
        // Update currPos
        currPos = tup.get(i).index;
    // No answer exists
    return new pair1(-1, -1 );
  // Driver function
  public static void main (String[] args)
    // Given intervals
    int[][] arr = { { 1, 5 }, { 2, 10 },
                   { 3, 10 }, { 2, 2 },
                   { 2, 15 } };
    // Size of intervals
    int N = arr.length;
    // Find answer
    pair1 ans = segment_overlapping(N, arr);
    // Print answer
    System.out.print(ans.first+" "+ans.second);
// This code is contributed by offbeat

Python 3

# Python3 program for the above approach
# FUnction to find a pair of indices of
# the overlapping interval in the array
def segment_overlapping(N, arr):
    # Store intervals {X, Y} along
    # with their indices
    tup = []
    # Traverse the given intervals
    for i in range(N):
        x = arr[i][0]
        y = arr[i][1]
        # Store intervals and their indices
        tup.append([x, y, i + 1])
    # Sort the intervals
    tup = sorted(tup)
    # Stores Y of the first interval
    curr = tup[0][1]
    # Stores index of first interval
    currPos = tup[0][2]
    # Traverse the sorted intervals
    for i in range(1, N):
        # Stores X value of previous interval
        Q = tup[i - 1][0]
        # Stores X value of current interval
        R = tup[i][0]
        # If Q and R equal
        if (Q == R):
            # If Y value of immediate previous
            # interval is less than Y value of
            # current interval
            if (tup[i - 1][1]                 # Stores index of immediate
                # previous interval
                X = tup[i - 1][2]
                # Stores index of current
                # interval
                Y = tup[i][2]
                return [X, Y]
                # Stores index of current
                # interval
                X = tup[i][2]
                # Stores index of immediate
                # previous interval
                Y = tup[i - 1][2]
                return { X, Y }
        # Stores Y value of current interval
        T = tup[i][1]
        # T is less than or equal to curr
        if (T <= curr):
            return [tup[i][2], currPos]
            # Update curr
            curr = T
            # Update currPos
            currPos = tup[i][2]
    # No answer exists
    return [ -1, -1 ]
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Given intervals
    arr = [ [ 1, 5 ], [ 2, 10 ], [ 3, 10 ], [ 2, 2 ], [2, 15 ] ]
    # Size of intervals
    N = len(arr)
    # Find answer
    ans = segment_overlapping(N, arr)
    # Pranswer
    print(ans[0], ans[1])
    # This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
// Function to find a pair of indices of
// the overlapping interval in the array
static void segment_overlapping(int N, int[,] arr)
    // Store intervals {X, Y} along
    // with their indices
                     int>> tup = new List,
    // Traverse the given intervals
    for(int i = 0; i     {
        int x, y;
        x = arr[i, 0];
        y = arr[i, 1];
        // Store intervals and their indices
        tup.Add(new Tuple, int>(
                      new Tuple(x, y), i + 1));
    // Sort the intervals
    // Stores Y of the first interval
    int curr = tup[0].Item1.Item2;
    // Stores index of first interval
    int currPos = tup[0].Item2;
    // Traverse the sorted intervals
    for(int i = 1; i     {
        // Stores X value of previous interval
        int Q = tup[i - 1].Item1.Item1;
        // Stores X value of current interval
        int R = tup[i].Item1.Item1;
        // If Q and R equal
        if (Q == R)
            // If Y value of immediate previous
            // interval is less than Y value of
            // current interval
            if (tup[i - 1].Item1.Item2 <
                // Stores index of immediate
                // previous interval
                int X = tup[i - 1].Item2;
                // Stores index of current
                // interval
                int Y = tup[i].Item2;
                Console.WriteLine(X + " " + Y);
                // Stores index of current
                // interval
                int X = tup[i].Item2;
                // Stores index of immediate
                // previous interval
                int Y = tup[i - 1].Item2;
                Console.WriteLine(X + " " + Y);
        // Stores Y value of current interval
        int T = tup[i].Item1.Item2;
        // T is less than or equal to curr
        if (T <= curr)
            Console.Write(tup[i].Item2 + " " + currPos);
            // Update curr
            curr = T;
            // Update currPos
            currPos = tup[i].Item2;
    // No answer exists
    Console.Write("-1 -1");
// Driver code
static public void Main()
    // Given intervals
    int[,] arr = { { 1, 5 }, { 2, 10 },
                   { 3, 10 }, { 2, 2 },
                   { 2, 15 } };
    // Size of intervals
    int N = arr.Length / 2;
    segment_overlapping(N, arr);
// This code is contributed by Dharanendra L V.

java 描述语言


4 1

时间复杂度: O(N * log(N))
辅助空间: O(N)

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