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I read through a bunch of questions asking about simple source code control tools and Git seemed like a reasonable choice. I have it up and running, and it works well so far. One aspect that I like about CVS is the automatic incrementation of a version number.


I understand that this makes less sense in a distributed repository, but as a developer I want/need something like this. Let me explain why:


I use Emacs. Periodically I go through and look for new versions of the Lisp source files for third-party packages. Say I've got a file, foo.el, which, according to the header, is version 1.3; if I look up the latest version and see it's 1.143 or 2.6 or whatever, I know I'm pretty far behind.


If instead I see a couple of 40-character hashes, I won't know which is later or get any idea of how much later it is. I would absolutely hate it if I had to manually check ChangeLogs just to get an idea of how out of date I am.


As a developer, I want to extend this courtesy, as I see it, to the people that use my output (and maybe I'm kidding myself that anyone is, but let's leave that aside for a moment). I don't want to have to remember to increment the damn number myself every time, or a timestamp or something like that. That's a real PITA, and I know that from experience.


So what alternatives do I have? If I can't get an $Id:$ equivalent, how else can I provide what I'm looking for?

那么我有什么替代品呢?如果我不能得到$ Id:$等价物,我还能提供我想要的东西吗?

I should mention that my expectation is that the end user will NOT have Git installed and even if they do, will not have a local repository (indeed, I expect not to make it available that way).


15 个解决方案


The SHA is just one representation of a version (albeit canonical). The git describe command offers others and does so quite well.

SHA只是版本的一种表示(尽管是规范的)。 git describe命令提供了其他功能,并且做得非常好。

For example, when I run git describe in my master branch of my Java memcached client source, I get this:

例如,当我在我的Java memcached客户端源的主分支中运行git describe时,我得到了:


That says two important things:


  1. There have been exactly 16 commits in this tree since 2.2
  2. 自2.2以来,这棵树中确实有16次提交

  3. The exact source tree can be displayed on anyone else's clone.
  4. 确切的源树可以显示在任何其他人的克隆上。

Let's say, for example, you packaged a version file with the source (or even rewrote all the content for distribution) to show that number. Let's say that packaged version was 2.2-12-g6c4ae7a (not a release, but a valid version).


You can now see exactly how far behind you are (4 commits), and you can see exactly which 4 commits:


# The RHS of the .. can be origin/master or empty, or whatever you want.
% git log --pretty=format:"%h %an %s" 2.2-12-g6c4ae7a..2.2-16-gc0cd61a
c0cd61a Dustin Sallings More tries to get a timeout.
8c489ff Dustin Sallings Made the timeout test run on every protocol on every bui
fb326d5 Dustin Sallings Added a test for bug 35.
fba04e9 Valeri Felberg Support passing an expiration date into CAS operations.


By now there is support for $Id:$ in Git. To enable it for file README you would put "README ident" into .gitattributes. Wildcards on file names are supported. See man gitattributes for details.

到目前为止,Git支持$ Id:$。要为文件README启用它,您可以将“README ident”放入.gitattributes。支持文件名上的通配符。有关详细信息,请参阅man gitattributes。


This isn't an unreasonable request from the OP.


My use-case is:


  1. I use Git for my own personal code, therefore no collaboration with others.
  2. 我使用Git作为我自己的个人代码,因此没有与他人合作。

  3. I keep system Bash scripts in there which might go into /usr/local/bin when they are ready.
  4. 我将系统Bash脚本保留在那里,当它们准备就绪时可能会进入/ usr / local / bin。

I use three separate machines with the same Git repository on it. It would be nice to know what "version" of the file I have currently in /usr/local/bin without having to do a manual "diff -u ".

我使用三台具有相同Git存储库的独立机器。很高兴知道我目前在/ usr / local / bin中的文件的“版本”,而无需在/ usr / local / bin>中执行手册“diff -u

To those of you being negative, remember there are other use cases out there. Not everyone uses Git for collaborative work with the files in the Git repository being their "final" location.


Anyway, the way I did it was to create an attributes file in the repository like this:


cat .git/info/attributes
# see man gitattributes
*.sh ident
*.pl ident
*.cgi ident

Then put $Id$ somewhere in the file (I like to put it after the shebang).

然后把$ Id $放在文件的某个地方(我喜欢把它放在shebang之后)。

The commit. Note that this doesn't automatically do the expansion like I expected. You have to re-co the file, for example,


git commit foo.sh
rm foo.sh
git co foo.sh

And then you will see the expansion, for example:


$ head foo.sh

# $Id: e184834e6757aac77fd0f71344934b1cd774e6d4 $

Some good information is in How do I enable the ident string for a Git repository?.



Not sure this will ever be in Git. To quote Linus:


"The whole notion of keyword substitution is just totally idiotic. It's trivial to do "outside" of the actual content tracking, if you want to have it when doing release trees as tar-balls etc."


It's pretty easy to check the log, though - if you're tracking foo.el's stable branch, you can see what new commits are in the stable branch's log that aren't in your local copy. If you want to simulate CVS's internal version number, you can compare the timestamp of the last commit.

但是,检查日志非常容易 - 如果您正在跟踪foo.el的稳定分支,您可以看到稳定分支日志中的新提交不在本地副本中。如果要模拟CVS的内部版本号,可以比较上次提交的时间戳。

Edit: you should write or use someone else's scripts for this, of course, not do this manually.



As I’ve written before:


Having automatically generated Id tags that show a sensible version number is impossible to do with DSCM tools like Bazaar because everybody’s line of development can be different from all others. So somebody could refer to version “1.41” of a file but your version “1.41” of that file is different.


Basically, $Id$ does not make any sense with Bazaar, Git, and other distributed source code management tools.

基本上,$ Id $对Bazaar,Git和其他分布式源代码管理工具没有任何意义。


I had the same problem. I needed to have a version that was simpler than a hash string and available for people using the tool without needing to connect to the repository.


I did it with a Git pre-commit hook and changed my script to be able to automatically update itself.


I base the version off of the number of commits done. This is a slight race condition because two people could commit at the same time and both think they are committing the same version number, but we don't have many developers on this project.


Mine is in Ruby, but it's not terribly complex code. The Ruby script has:

我的是Ruby,但它不是非常复杂的代码。 Ruby脚本具有:

MYVERSION = '1.090'
## Call script to do updateVersion from .git/hooks/pre-commit
def updateVersion
  # We add 1 because the next commit is probably one more - though this is a race
  commits = %x[git log #{$0} | grep '^commit ' | wc -l].to_i + 1
  vers = "1.%0.3d" % commits

  t = File.read($0)
  t.gsub!(/^MYVERSION = '(.*)'$/, "MYVERSION = '#{vers}'")
  bak = $0+'.bak'
  File.open(bak,'w') { |f| f.puts t }
  perm = File.stat($0).mode & 0xfff

And then I have a command-line option (-updateVersion) that calls updateVersion for the tool.


Finally, I go to the Git head and create an executable script in .git/hooks/pre-commit.

最后,我转到Git头并在.git / hooks / pre-commit中创建一个可执行脚本。

The script simply changes to the head of the Git directory and calls my script with -updateVersion.


Every time I check in, the MYVERSION variable is updated based on what the number of commits will be.



If having $Keywords$ is essential for you, then maybe you could try to look at Mercurial instead? It has a hgkeyword extension that implement what you want. Mercurial is interesting as a DVCS anyway.

如果拥有$ Keywords $对你来说至关重要,那么也许你可以试着看看Mercurial呢?它有一个hgkeyword扩展,可以实现你想要的。无论如何,Mercurial作为DVCS很有意思。


Something that is done with Git repositories is to use the tag object. This can be used to tag a commit with any kind of string and can be used to mark versions. You can see that tags in a repository with the git tag command, which returns all the tags.

使用Git存储库完成的任务是使用标记对象。这可以用于使用任何类型的字符串标记提交,并可用于标记版本。您可以使用git tag命令在存储库中查看该标记,该命令将返回所有标记。

It's easy to check out a tag. For example, if there is a tag v1.1 you can check that tag out to a branch like this:


git checkout -b v1.1

As it's a top level object, you'll see the whole history to that commit, as well as be able to run diffs, make changes, and merges.


Not only that, but a tag persists, even if the branch that it was on has been deleted without being merged back into the main line.



If you're just wanting people to be able to get an idea how far out of date they are, Git can inform them of that in several fairly easy ways. They compare the dates of the last commit on their trunk and your trunk, for example. They can use git cherry to see how many commits have occurred in your trunk that are not present in theirs.

如果您只是希望人们能够了解它们的过时程度,Git可以通过几种相当简单的方式告知它们。例如,他们比较最后一次提交他们的行李箱和行李箱的日期。他们可以使用git cherry来查看你的主干中有多少次没有出现的提交。

If that's all you want this for, I'd look for a way to provide it without a version number.


Also, I wouldn't bother extending the courtesy to anyone unless you're sure they want it. :)

此外,除非你确定他们想要,否则我不会费心向任何人伸出礼貌。 :)


If I understand correctly, essentially, you want to know how many commits have happened on a given file since you last updated.


First get the changes in the remote origin, but don't merge them into your master branch:


% git fetch

Then get a log of the changes that have happened on a given file between your master branch and the remote origin/master.


% git log master..origin/master foo.el

This gives you the log messages of all the commits that have happened in the remote repository since you last merged origin/master into your master.

这为您提供了自上次将origin / master合并到主服务器以来远程存储库中发生的所有提交的日志消息。

If you just want a count of the changes, pipe it to wc. Say, like this:


% git rev-list master..origin/master foo.el | wc -l


RCS IDs are nice for single-file projects, but for any other the $Id$ says nothing about the project (unless you do forced dummy check-ins to a dummy version file).

RCS ID适用于单个文件项目,但对于任何其他项目,$ Id $对项目没有任何说明(除非您强制虚拟签入虚拟版本文件)。

Still one might be interested how to get the equivalents of $Author$, $Date$, $Revision$, $RCSfile$, etc. on a per file level or at the commit level (how to put them where some keywords are is another question). I don't have an answer on these, but see the requirement to update those, especially when the files (now in Git) originated from RCS-compatible systems (CVS).

还有一个人可能有兴趣如何在每个文件级别或提交级别获得$ Author $,$ Date $,$ Revision $,$ RCSfile $等的等价物(如何将它们放在某些关键字所在的位置是另一个题)。我对这些没有答案,但看到更新这些的要求,特别是当文件(现在在Git中)来自RCS兼容系统(CVS)时。

Such keywords may be interesting if the sources are distributed separately from any Git repository (that's what I also do). My solution is like this:


Every project has a directory of its own, and in the project root I have a text file named .version which content describes the current version (the name that will be used when exporting the sources).


While working for the next release a script extracts that .version number, some Git version descriptor (like git describe) and a monotonic build number in .build (plus host and date) to an auto-generated source file that is linked to the final program, so you can find out from what source and when it was built.

在为下一个版本工作时,脚本会将.version编号,一些Git版本描述符(如git describe)和.build中的单调内部版本号(加上主机和日期)提取到链接到最终版本的自动生成的源文件中。程序,所以你可以找出它的来源和时间。

I develop new features in separate branches, and the first thing I do is add n (for "next") to the .version string (multiple branches originating from the same root would use the same temporary .version number). Before release I decide which branches to merge (hopefully all having the same .version). Before committing the merge, I update .version to the next number (major or minor update, depending on the merged features).



I agree with those who think that token replacement belongs to build tools rather than to version control tools.


You should have some automated release tool to set the version IDs in your sources at the time the release is being tagged.



Since you use Emacs, you might be lucky :)


I've came across this question by coincidence, and also by coincidence I've came by Lively few days ago, an Emacs package which allows having lively pieces of Emacs Lisp in your document. I've not tried it to be honest, but it came to my mind when reading this.

我巧合地遇到了这个问题,而且巧合的是我几天前来到Lively,这是一个Emacs软件包,允许在你的文档中使用Emacs Lisp。我没有试过说实话,但在读这篇文章时我想到了。


I also came from SCCS, RCS, and CVS (%W% %G% %U%).

我也来自SCCS,RCS和CVS(%W %% G %% U%)。

I had a similar challenge. I wanted to know what version a piece of code was on any system running it. The system may or may not be connected to any network. The system may or may not have Git installed. The system may or may not have the GitHub repository installed on it.


I wanted the same solution for several types of code (.sh, .go, .yml, .xml, etc). I wanted any person without knowledge of Git or GitHub to be able to answer the question "What version are you running?"


So, I wrote what I call a wrapper around a few Git commands. I use it to mark a file with a version number and some information. It solves my challenge. It may help you.



git clone https://github.com/BradleyA/markit
cd markit


To apply the expansion to all files in all sub-directories in the repository, add a .gitattributes file to the top level directory in the repository (i.e. where you'd normally put the .gitignore file) containing:


* ident

To see this in effect, you'll need to do an effective checkout of the file(s) first, such as deleting or editing them in any way. Then restore them with:


git checkout .

And you should see $Id$ replaced with something like:

你应该看到$ Id $被替换为:

$Id: ea701b0bb744c90c620f315e2438bc6b764cdb87 $

From man gitattributes:

来自man gitattributes:


When the attribute ident is set for a path, Git replaces $Id$ in the blob object with $Id:, followed by the 40-character hexadecimal blob object name, followed by a dollar sign $ upon checkout. Any byte sequence that begins with $Id: and ends with $ in the worktree file is replaced with $Id$ upon check-in.

当为路径设置属性ident时,Git用$ Id:替换blob对象中的$ Id $,后跟40个字符的十六进制blob对象名称,然后在结帐时使用美元符号$。任何以$ Id开头且以worktree文件中的$结尾的字节序列在签入时将替换为$ Id $。

This ID will change every time a new version of the file is committed.


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