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Is there a way to align items in several columns, where the number of columns depends on the widest item? Both the item height and the container width are fixed, but the item width is dynamic.


I am looking for a CSS-only way to achieve the following behavior:


(Assume that the parent container is 300px wide.)


  • If the widest item is wider than 150px, use a single column
  • 如果最宽的项大于150px,则使用一列
  • If the widest item is between 100px and 150px, use two columns
  • 如果最宽的项在100px到150px之间,使用两列
  • If the widest item is less than 100px, use three columns
  • 如果最宽的项小于100px,则使用三列
  • ...
  • If the widest item is less than container width / N, use N columns
  • 如果最宽项小于容器宽度/ N,则使用N列

One possible way to have this behavior could be by using display:inline-block and setting width property to the width of the widest element in the container using Javascript.


See this JSFiddle for an example:



However, I am thinking that there should also be a CSS-only way of doing this. Is it possible?


If not, perhaps there is an elegant CSS-only way of distributing / snapping the dynamically-sized items to the columns in a container with a fixed width?


7 个解决方案



...I am looking for a CSS-only way to achieve the following behavior...If the widest item is wider than...


...I am thinking that there should also be a CSS-only way of doing this...


As indicated by @Paulie-D, CSS can't detect varying widths in your child divs and hence a pure CSS only solution is not existent.


This is because you are wanting to get the widths of all elements, then get the max of those, and then use that width to distribute elements into columns. This computation is beyond CSS. You will need Javascript to do that.


If not, perhaps there is an elegant CSS-only way of distributing / snapping the dynamically-sized items to the columns in a container with a fixed width?


I will explain that in two parts:


Part 1, the CSS:

When we say that we want content to be in columns, it means a top-to-down flow instead of just left-to-right wrapping flow. For this we require CSS Columns.


The trick would be to specify auto for column-count / column-width. This will automatically distribute the content into the number of columns required within the parent width.


I made a fundamental mistake in the above statement (hence another edit). As per the specs here the algorithm says:


(01) if ((column-width = auto) and (column-count = auto)) then
(02)      exit; /* not a multicol element */ 

This is where I was wrong earlier. When both column-count and column-width are set to auto then it is treated as not a multicol element. When one of these properties is set to non-auto value, then the other property is determined by this one.


From the above ref:


if column-count is set to auto, then the number of columns will be determined by other properties (e.g., column-width, if it has a non-auto value) and if column-width is set to auto, then the column width will be determined by other properties (e.g., column-count, if it has a non-auto value)


An example would be to set column-width to a fixed-width, say 120px (we will deal that in part 2 a little later):


.container { -webkit-columns: auto 120px; columns: auto 120px; }

This will cause the container to fit the content in as many columns as it can for a column width of 120px within its own width. If you increase the container width, it will get more columns. If you decrease the container width, it will get less columns eventually collapsing to a single column when there is not much space available.


See the complete example in snippet below:


Example 1:


* { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; }
p { margin-left: 16px; }
.container { width: 400px; border: 1px solid #f00; margin: 16px; }
.container.col { -webkit-columns: auto 120px; columns: auto 120px; }
.container > div { 
	-webkit-column-break-inside: avoid; column-break-inside: avoid; 
	display: block; padding: 8px; border: 1px solid #ccc;
#one { width: 200px; }
#two { width: 300px; }

Small Container (1-column):

Maudie Mcmanus
Chaya B

Medium Container (2-column):

Maudie Mcmanus
Chaya B

Large Container (3-column):

Maudie Mcmanus
Chaya B

Fiddle 1: http://jsfiddle.net/abhitalks/tgwp4b7a/2/show


In the above snippet, we are using column-count: auto on the container, and an arbitrary column-width: 120px (just for demo). It is all there is to it. There are three examples in the code above: (1) where container is of small width and content is distributed in one columns as they are constrained by the column-width; (2) where container is of medium width and content is distributed in two columns as there is now more space available; and (3) where container is of much larger width and can accommodate three columns.

在上面的代码片段中,我们在容器上使用了column-count: auto,以及一个任意的column-width: 120px(仅供演示)。这就是一切。在上面的代码中有三个例子:(1)容器的宽度很小,内容分布在一个列中,因为它们受到列宽的约束;(2)容器中等宽度,内容以两列形式分布,空间更大;(3)容器的宽度大得多,可以容纳三列。

As a side-effect, if the container's width is in percent, then the whole apparatus automatically becomes responsive as well. On larger screens showing more columns, and on smaller screens collapsing to one column.


However, this is dependent on the fixed-width that you give to the container's column-width and hence can also be called a magic-number solution. But, this is not what we want. We do not want to determine columns based on container's width, we want the columns to be determined by the content width. We'll see how to eliminate that dependency in the part 2 that follows.


Part 2, extending it with Javascript:

Now that we have established that elements can be distributed automatically by CSS in columns depending on the width available on parent, we can extend this to eliminate our dependence on fixed-width via Javascript.


Coming back to your question of:


...If the widest item is wider than...


In order to determine the widest item and apply that width to the rest of them, all that you require is just a well-known two-liner Javascript:


var maxWidth = Math.max.apply(null, $("div.item").map(function () {
    return $(this).width();

We also set child divs to inline-block prevent wrapping to identify the real width. So, all you have to add to the CSS we wrote in part 1 is this:


.container > div {
    display: inline-block; 
    white-space: nowrap;   /* prevents wrapping and helps getting actual width */

Then we need to do two things: (1) set the column-width on container to this max-width that we calculated above; and (2) set this width to all of the child div to allow them to stack neatly. Also, we will not be needing column-count / column-width to be set in CSS, because we have to do that in Javascript anyway.


$("#container").css({ "column-width": maxWidth }).find('div').width(maxWidth);

See the complete example in snippet below:


Example 2:


	var maxWidth = Math.max.apply(null, $("#one > div").map(function () { return $(this).outerWidth(); }).get());
	$("#one").css({ "-webkit-column-width": maxWidth, "column-width": maxWidth }).find('div').outerWidth(maxWidth);

	// medium
	var maxWidth2 = Math.max.apply(null, $("#two > div").map(function () { return $(this).outerWidth(); }).get());
	$("#two").css({ "-webkit-column-width": maxWidth2, "column-width": maxWidth2 }).find('div').outerWidth(maxWidth2);

	// small
	var maxWidth3 = Math.max.apply(null, $("#three > div").map(function () { return $(this).outerWidth(); }).get());
	$("#three").css({"-webkit-column-width": maxWidth3, "column-width": maxWidth3 }).find('div').outerWidth(maxWidth3);
* { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; }
	p { margin-left: 16px; }
	.container { width: 450px; border: 1px solid #f00; margin: 16px; }
	.container > div { 
		-webkit-column-break-inside: avoid; column-break-inside: avoid; 
		display: inline-block;  white-space: nowrap;
		padding: 8px; border: 1px solid #ccc;


Normal children (wrapping):

Maudie Mcmanus
Remedios Arrington
Chaya B
Lashonda Tatum Walls

Large children (1-column):

Maudie Mcmanus Mcmanus Mcmanus
Chaya B

Medium children (2-column):

Maudie Mcmanus Mcmanus
Chaya B

Small children (3-column):

Maudie Mcmanus
Chaya B

Fiddle 2: http://jsfiddle.net/abhitalks/ojd57678/4/show


(Changed the above snippet and fiddle. Thanks to @Yandy_Viera, who pointed out the fact that jQuery .outerWdith should be used instead of .width (which ignores box-sizing: border-box, causing incorrect widths to be set.)

(更改了上面的代码片段并进行了修改。感谢@Yandy_Viera,他指出了jQuery . outerwdith应该被使用的事实,而不是。width(忽略了框的大小:边界框,导致设置不正确的宽度)。

In the above snippet, we are now using three variations of examples: (1) where child divs are of larger width and are distributed in one column as they are constrained by the container's width; (2) where child divs are of smaller width and are distributed in two columns as there is now more space available; and (3) where child divs are of very small width and can be accommodated in three columns.


As you can see, CSS can help in distributing content into columns based on available width but cannot calculate and apply widest of the element widths to each of them. For this a two-liner Javascript would get you done what you initially wanted.


Note: When I first read your question I was under the impression that you already have a working Javascript solution with you, and I wasn't sure if you wanted one. However, on a second read I realized that you hadn't, and the Javascript angle was essential to understand. Hence, this edit to add a Javascript part.


Note 2: There was a flaw in the previous version of this answer, where I let in a fundamental mistake in auto values of the columns properties. This necessitated another edit.




As well all they said in comments, do not exist a CSS-only solution so I wanted to leave you a nice solution using js in which you do not even have to iterate looking for the widest item, everything comes from a set of CSS and math.


You can change the contents of the elements and you will see how the number of columns are adjusted, if the widest item is less than container width / N, it will use N columns automatically.

您可以更改元素的内容,您将看到如何调整列的数量,如果最宽的项小于容器宽度/ N,它将自动使用N列。

Check out this JSFiddle for demo


The idea is very simple, you set width: 'auto', display: 'inline-block' to container to allow it to fit its contents which is defined by the width of the widest element see it in the bellow img:

这个想法很简单,你设置宽度:'auto', display: 'inline-block'给容器,让它适合它的内容它的内容是由最宽元素的宽度定义的见下面的img:

enter image description here

Now you can use the width of container to know the width of widest item and this avoid you to have to iterate seeking it. Right now you can use this width to setting to the rest of items but let's do it a little better we can make elements occupy the entire width of the container just with a litter calc:


var div = Math.floor(initialWidth / widestItemWidth);     /*this is to get as many items fit with the width of the widest element*/
var itemWidth = initialWidth / div;      /*for the width of the item occupy the entire container*/

So if the widest item is less than container width / N, it will use N columns automatically and they will fit the width of container, that is all you have to do, just set a css property, do a little calc and there you have what you wanted to achieve.

如果最宽的项小于容器宽度/ N,它将使用N列自动适合集装箱的宽度,你所要做的,只是设置一个css属性,做一些钙,你有什么你想实现。

$(document).ready(function() {
    var $cOntainer= $('.container');
    var $item = $('.item');

    var initialWidth = $container.outerWidth();

   $container.css({     /*to allow it to fit its contents which is defined by the width of the widest element*/
        width: 'auto',
        display: 'inline-block'

    var widestItemWidth = $container.outerWidth();     /*Now this is the width of the widest item*/

    var div = Math.floor(initialWidth / widestItemWidth);     /*this is to get as many items fit with the width of the widest element*/
    var itemWidth = initialWidth / div;      /*for the width of the item occupy the entire container*/
  /*if you don't want the items occupy the entire width of the container just use 'widestItemWidth' as width of $item*/

        width: itemWidth,
        float: 'left'
    $container.css({     /*restoring the initial styles*/
        width: initialWidth,
        display: 'block'
.container {
  width: 400px;
  overflow: hidden;
.container .item {
  padding: 8px;
  border: 1px solid rgb(216, 213, 213);
  box-sizing: border-box;

Maudie Mcmanus
Remedios Arrington
Chaya B
Lashonda Tatum Walls

If you want to add margin to your items you just have to take it into account when you do the math like this:


$(document).ready(function() {
    var $cOntainer= $('.container');
    var $item = $('.item');

    var initialWidth = $container.outerWidth();

            width: 'auto',
            display: 'inline-block'

    var currentWidth = $container.outerWidth();
    var itemMargin= parseInt($item.css('margin-right'));

    var div = Math.floor(initialWidth / currentWidth);
    var itemWidth = initialWidth / div - itemMargin;   /*subtracting the item's margin from the compute width*/

        width: itemWidth,
        float: 'left'
        width: initialWidth,
        display: 'block'
.container {
  width: 400px;
  overflow: hidden;
.container .item {
  padding: 8px;
  border: 1px solid rgb(216, 213, 213);
  margin-right: 3px;
  box-sizing: border-box;

Maudie Mcmanus
Remedios Arrington
Chaya B
Lashonda Tatum Walls

Here a JSFiddle example to play with




The closest you can probably get with a pure CSS solution is to use CSS columns as suggested by others (or CSS Grid approach - See Edit). But, the key is to use relative units and be very aware of the location and of your column container in your layout and use media queries to control column count. This is definitely NOT a bulletproof solution. However, if you are creating the layout and control the placement and scope of the column container element then you can control the column count fairly reliably. If this is for a widget that is out of your control you will indeed need to implement a Javascript based solution.

使用纯CSS解决方案最接近的可能是使用别人建议的CSS列(或CSS Grid方法——参见编辑)。但是,关键是要使用相对单元,并且要非常了解布局中的位置和列容器,并使用媒体查询来控制列计数。这绝对不是一个防弹的解决方案。但是,如果您正在创建布局并控制列容器元素的位置和范围,那么您可以相当可靠地控制列计数。如果这是一个超出您控制范围的小部件,那么您确实需要实现一个基于Javascript的解决方案。

Reference Links: Responsive CSS Columns, CSS Grid Layout


EDIT: After reading your question again and looking at your screenshot example, it looks as though you are actually looking for a common CSS grid grid solution where the elements flow horizontally and not vertically. I updated my answer to include a snippet demo of this where the blocks re-flow horizontally.


Snippet Demo with Columns based Media Queries and Container Widths (approximate minimum column width of 10em):


#main, #sideBar {

.container {
    width: 100%;
    -webkit-columns: 1;
    -moz-columns: 1;
      columns: 1;
.container .item {
    display: block;
    padding: 8px;
    border: 1px solid rgb(216, 213, 213);
    -webkit-column-break-inside: avoid; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
          page-break-inside: avoid; /* Firefox */
               break-inside: avoid; /* IE 10+ */
@media only screen and (min-width:20em) {
    .container {
    -webkit-columns: 2;
    -moz-columns: 2;
      columns: 2;

@media only screen and (min-width:32em) {
    #main {

    #sideBar {
    #sideBar .container {
    -webkit-columns: 1;
    -moz-columns: 1;
      columns: 1;


@media only screen and (min-width:48em) {
    #main .container {
    -webkit-columns: 3;
    -moz-columns: 3;
      columns: 3;

    #sideBar .container {
    -webkit-columns: 1;
    -moz-columns: 1;
      columns: 1;


@media only screen and (min-width:52em) {
    #sideBar .container {
    -webkit-columns: 2;
    -moz-columns: 2;
      columns: 2;


@media only screen and (min-width:100em) {
    #main .container {
    -webkit-columns: 5;
    -moz-columns: 5;
      columns: 5;

    #sideBar .container {
    -webkit-columns: 3;
    -moz-columns: 3;
      columns: 3;



Maudie Mcmanus
Remedios Arrington
Chaya B
Lashonda Tatum Walls

EDIT: Added this Snippet Demo using a CSS Grid approach that re-flows the blocks horizontally instead of vertically.

编辑:使用CSS Grid方法添加这个演示片段,该方法水平地而不是垂直地重新流块。

#main, #sideBar {

.container {
    width: 100%;

.container .item {
    display: block;
    padding: .5em;
    border: 1px solid rgb(216, 213, 213);
    vertical-align: top;


@media only screen and (min-width:20em) {
    .container .item {
        margin: 0 1%;

@media only screen and (min-width:32em) {
    #main {

    #sideBar {

    #sideBar .container .item {
        margin: 0;


@media only screen and (min-width:48em) {
    #main .container .item {


@media only screen and (min-width:52em) {
    #sideBar .container .item {
        margin: 0 1%;


@media only screen and (min-width:100em) {
    #main .container .item {

    #sideBar .container .item {



Maudie Mcmanus
Remedios Arrington
Chaya B
Lashonda Tatum Walls



Well as many others pointed it out here there is no CSS only solution. Mainly because CSS was designed to be loaded before the dom content so the content display nicely. Our main problem here is that we do NOT know the width of the element in advance, we will only know it when the page has loaded. Almost all the solutions on the page have the same idea, use Javascript to loop trough the elements, find the widest one and set all other elements (with the same class) to the given width. To improve the process and to make it a one line solution (with jquery, can be done with Javascript as well, but for simplicity I used jQuery), I suggest the following "hack / trick":

正如许多人指出的,这里没有CSS唯一的解决方案。主要是因为CSS被设计为在dom内容之前加载,所以内容显示得很好。我们这里的主要问题是,我们不事先知道元素的宽度,只有在页面载入时才知道。页面上的几乎所有解决方案都有相同的想法,使用Javascript对元素进行循环,找到最宽的元素,并将所有其他元素(具有相同的类)设置为给定的宽度。为了改进流程并使其成为一行解决方案(使用jquery也可以使用Javascript完成,但为了简单起见,我使用了jquery),我建议使用以下“hack / trick”:

1) Do not define the width of your container, and set the display to table rather than block;


2) Do not set any width for the items inside the div


This will make the items have the same width and display in one column, so when we use jQuery to get the max width we do not need to loop trough the elements.


Now use jQuery to inject additional CSS rules into the document header for the container and for the items. We need to change the container display type back to block instead of table, set it's width to 400px (or whatever we need) and we need to make the items inline-blocks with a set width.


Since CSS is always applying the last property this will be quite easy:



I have updated your Fiddler example HERE


I have tested it in IE 12, Edge, Chorme and Firefox and it works in all the browsers.

我在IE 12、Edge、Chorme和Firefox中测试过它,在所有浏览器中都可以使用。



If you do not want to use jQuery to keep the page as light as possible you can use the following one liner Javascript as well:


document.head.innerHTML += "";

Quick explanation: container clientWidth will include the padding and the border of the items, since the padding in the original example is 8px and the border is 1px we need to deduct it twice (one time left one time right) from the width of the container.


See updated Fiddle




A complete HTML document:



Maudie Mcmanus
Remedios Arrington
Chaya B
Lashonda Tatum Walls



First of all- Check out the Fiddle Demo (play with the .container's width...)


This is not possible using CSS only, but here is an elegant solution using jquery, that detects the container's width, the widest item's width, and spread the items into the relevant number of columns (dynamically created).




Without width:

Maudie Mcmanus
Remedios Arrington
Chaya B
Lashonda Tatum Walls



    var $items = $('.item');

    // detect the widest column's width
    var widestItemWidth = 0;
        widestItemWidth = Math.max(widestItemWidth, $(this).width());

    // calculate the number of columns
    var $cOntainer= $('.container');
    var cOntainerWidth= $container.width();
    var numOfColumns = parseInt(containerWidth / widestItemWidth);

    // create the columns
    for(var i = 0; i 
'); } var $columns = $('.column'); $columns.css('width', (100/numOfColumns)+'%'); // spread the items between the columns $items.each(function(i){ var columnIndex = i % numOfColumns; $(this).appendTo($columns.eq(columnIndex)); }); });



.container {
    width: 400px;
.container .column {
    display: inline-block;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    vertical-align: text-top;
.container .item {
    display: inline-block;
    padding: 8px;
    border: 1px solid rgb(216, 213, 213);



The easiest would seem to set width to 32% plus clear:none for all columns and a separate clear:both class per every third (last) column. Add media queries to address different screen sizes and set width accordingly, e.g. 24%, 48%, etc.




Try this example


@media only screen and (device-width : 300px) {#container {width:300px; display:block;}}
@media only screen and (device-width : 150px) {#container {width:150px; display:block; float:left}}
@media only screen and (device-width : 100px) {#container {width:150px; display:block; float:left}}

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