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I have a page with many elements in it arranged one after the other.


Lets says 100 for now. When I click on the web page, Chrome loads the first 25 and I can see the video images displayed Ok, but then it stops and the rest remain black. I also see the page is still loading, and I see chrome saying "In progress..." on the lower left side of the page.


Mathematica graphics

Using firefox, I can load the same page with no problem. Also using IE 11, I can load the same page with no problem and all videos show fine.

使用firefox,我可以毫无问题地加载同一页面。同样使用IE 11,我可以加载相同的页面没有问题,所有视频显示正常。

In none of these cases I actually played the video yet. This is all just waiting for the page to fully load.


I am using local apache server on my PC. The setup is XAMPP software. So Apache is running on my PC, and I access my page using localhost.


Now here is the interesting thing I found. When I load the page using file:///C:/ URI, and use the same exact page, then now Chrome shows all the video elements just fine! None of them is black. They all display fine and I can play them with no problem.

现在这是我发现的有趣的事情。当我使用file:/// C:/ URI加载页面并使用相同的页面时,现在Chrome显示所有视频元素就好了!他们都不是黑人。它们都显示得很好,我可以毫无问题地播放它们。

The problem only shows up when using the apache server. So it is a buffering issue between the web server and the Chrome browser.


I know it is a buffering issue since if I move one of the videos still showing black and put the link at the top of the page, and reload the page, then it is no longer black and it shows up. Nothing changed except the position of the tag. So it seems Chrome has a limit of how many video tags it can load in one page?


I am using Chrome 36.0.1985.125 on windows 7.

我在Windows 7上使用Chrome 36.0.1985.125。

I tried to change the size of the video displayed using:


video {
  width: 200px    !important;
  height: auto   !important;

But no matter what size I use in the above, it still hangs in the same place.


Any suggestions what to do? I could split the web page into many different pages as last resort.


This is windows 7, 64 bit. The video elements I use are all the same. Here is one example

这是Windows 7,64位。我使用的视频元素都是一样的。这是一个例子


As I said, changing the width and height makes no difference.


I looked at the log file for apache (access log file) and I see some 206 codes in there when I load the page from Chrome (206 is partial content). Here is example of one entry:


[11/Aug/2014:13:17:25 -0500] "GET /my_notes/movie.webm HTTP/1.1" 206 1768659 
 "http://localhost/my_notes/index.htm" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) 
  AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36"

When I load the same page from firefox and look at the apache log file, I do not see any 206 codes in there. From http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html it says:


The server has fulfilled the partial GET request for the resource. The request MUST have included a Range header field (section 14.35) indicating the desired range, and MAY have included an If-Range header field (section 14.27) to make the request conditional.


So it sounds like Chrome has a limit of the video it can request? Is this a known issue with Chrome?


2 个解决方案



I found a solution that bypass this Chrome issue. Posting here in case someone else runs into the same problem.


Replaced All the





What the above does is suggest to the browser not to download the videos unless one clicks on the play button, then only that specific video is loaded. It places a poster image meanwhile so that the space is occupied by something and not empty.


Now the web page loads fine in Chrome.


Chrome has a known bug creating multiple socket connections and not closing them. https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=234779

Chrome有一个已知的错误,即创建多个套接字连接而不关闭它们。 https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=234779



Same problem here, this is the best way to fix it





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