作者:mobiledu2502862441 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-05-18 17:06
I am trying to get the yasnippet and pabbrev packages working together with emacs, but I cannot seem to get any love. How can I get them to play nicely together?
The crux of the problem is that pabbrev and yasnippet are binding to the tab keys. Both packages seem to do this fallback when a match isn't found, but they don't fall back properly.
I am currently using Emacs W32 (the last emacs 22 release). yasnippet is byte compiled, but pabbrev is not.
我目前正在使用Emacs W32(最新的emacs 22版本)。 yasnippet是字节编译的,但pabbrev不是。
Edit: Thus far neither tabkey2 nor hippie expand work out of the box, which is why I have yet to mark either solution as a correct answer. I'm hacking away at tabkey2 to make it work though.
2 个解决方案