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  1. 修改主机名称

hostnamectl set-hostname node00
hostnamectl set-hostname node01
hostnamectl set-hostname node02

  1. 编辑hosts文件

[root@linux30 ~]# vi /etc/hosts node00 node01 node02

  1. 官方建议不用系统内置用户, 创建名为ceph_user用户, 密码也设为123456:

useradd -d /home/ceph_user -m ceph_user
passwd ceph_user
# 设置root 权限
echo "ceph_user ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/ceph_user
sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/ceph_user

  1. 生成密钥:切换用户: su ceph_user 执行ssh-keygen,一直按默认提示点击生成RSA密钥信息。

  2. 分发密钥至各机器节点

ssh-copy-id ceph_user@node00
ssh-copy-id ceph_user@node01
ssh-copy-id ceph_user@node02

  1. 修改管理节点上的 ~/.ssh/config 文件, 简化SSH远程连接时的输入信息:管理节点是会有root和ceph_user多个用户, ssh远程连接默认会以当前用户身份进行登陆, 如果我们是root身份进行远程连接, 还是需要输入密码, 我们想简化, 该怎么处理?

su root
vim /root/.ssh/config


Host node00
Hostname node00
User ceph_user
Host node01
Hostname node01
User ceph_user
Host node02
Hostname node02
User ceph_user

注意修改文件权限, 不能采用777最大权限:

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config


# 下载
yum install ntp ntpdate ntp-doc -y
# 确保时区是正确, 设置开机启动:
systemctl enable ntpd
# 将时间每隔1小时自动校准同步。编辑 vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local 追加:
echo "/usr/sbin/ntpdate ntp1.aliyun.com > /dev/null 2>&1; /sbin/hwclock -w" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local
# 配置定时任务, 执行crontab -e 加入
crontab -e 0 */1 * * * ntpdate ntp1.aliyun.com > /dev/null 2>&1; /sbin/hwclock -w


rpm -ivh https://mirrors.aliyun.com/ceph/rpm-mimic/el7/noarch/ceph-release-1-1.el7.noarch.rpm

yum install epel-release

yum install ceph-deploy python-setuptools python2-subprocess32


echo '
name=Ceph packages for $basearch
name=Ceph noarch packages
# 官方源
# 清华源
name=Ceph source packages
gpgkey=https://download.ceph.com/keys/release.asc' > /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph.repo

  1. 开放端口, 非生产环境, 可以直接禁用防火墙:

systemctl stop firewalld.service
systemctl disable firewalld.service

  1. SELinux设为禁用:

setenforce 0

永久生效:编辑 vi /etc/selinux/config修改:



  1. ceph-deploy 工具安装;主节点安装:

yum update && yum -y install ceph ceph-deploy


  1. 创建目录

mkdir -p /opt/ceph/ceph-cluster && cd /opt/ceph/ceph-cluster

  1. 创建集群;

ceph-deploy new node00 node01 node02


vi /opt/ceph/ceph-cluster/ceph.conf

fsid = 7d75db39-d457-4764-b7d2-1b48645b2781
mon_initial_members = linux30, linux31, linux32
mon_host =,,
auth_cluster_required = cephx
auth_service_required = cephx
auth_client_required = cephx
# 公网网络
public network =
# 设置pool池默认分配数量 默认副本数为3
osd pool default size = 2
# 容忍更多的时钟误差
mon clock drift allowed = 2
mon clock drift warn backoff = 30
# 允许删除pool
mon_allow_pool_delete = true
# 开启WEB仪表盘
mgr modules = dashboard

public network是其公网IP(虚拟机是vmnet8的网卡IP)

  1. 节点部署

ceph-deploy install node00 node01 node02 --no-adjust-repos


  1. 初始monitor信息:

ceph-deploy mon create-initial
## ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf mon create-initial


  1. 同步管理信息

ceph-deploy admin node00 node01 node02

[root@node00 ceph-cluster]# ceph-deploy admin node00 node01 node02
[ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /root/.cephdeploy.conf
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] Invoked (2.0.1): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy admin node00 node01 node02
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] ceph-deploy options:
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] username : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] verbose : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] overwrite_conf : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] quiet : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] cd_conf :
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] cluster : ceph
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] client : ['node00', 'node01', 'node02']
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] func :
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] ceph_conf : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] default_release : False
[ceph_deploy.admin][DEBUG ] Pushing admin keys and conf to node00
[node00][DEBUG ] connected to host: node00
[node00][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node00][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[node00][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[ceph_deploy.admin][DEBUG ] Pushing admin keys and conf to node01
[node01][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudo
[node01][DEBUG ] connected to host: node01
[node01][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node01][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[node01][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[ceph_deploy.admin][DEBUG ] Pushing admin keys and conf to node02
[node02][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudo
[node02][DEBUG ] connected to host: node02
[node02][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node02][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[node02][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[root@node00 ceph-cluster]# vim /etc/ceph/
ceph.client.admin.keyring rbdmap tmphCOe3j
ceph.conf tmp4R_f2T
[root@node00 ceph-cluster]# vim /etc/ceph/
ceph.client.admin.keyring rbdmap tmphCOe3j
ceph.conf tmp4R_f2T
[root@node00 ceph-cluster]# vim /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
[root@node00 ceph-cluster]# clear
[root@node00 ceph-cluster]# ceph-deploy mgr create node00 node01 node02
[ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /root/.cephdeploy.conf
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] Invoked (2.0.1): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy mgr create node00 node01 node02
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] ceph-deploy options:
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] username : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] verbose : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] mgr : [('node00', 'node00'), ('node01', 'node01'), ('node02', 'node02')]
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] overwrite_conf : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] subcommand : create
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] quiet : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] cd_conf :
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] cluster : ceph
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] func :
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] ceph_conf : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] default_release : False
[ceph_deploy.mgr][DEBUG ] Deploying mgr, cluster ceph hosts node00:node00 node01:node01 node02:node02
[node00][DEBUG ] connected to host: node00
[node00][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node00][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[ceph_deploy.mgr][INFO ] Distro info: CentOS Linux 7.9.2009 Core
[ceph_deploy.mgr][DEBUG ] remote host will use systemd
[ceph_deploy.mgr][DEBUG ] deploying mgr bootstrap to node00
[node00][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[node00][WARNIN] mgr keyring does not exist yet, creating one
[node00][DEBUG ] create a keyring file
[node00][DEBUG ] create path recursively if it doesn't exist
[node00][INFO ] Running command: ceph --cluster ceph --name client.bootstrap-mgr --keyring /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mgr/ceph.keyring auth get-or-create mgr.node00 mon allow profile mgr osd allow * mds allow * -o /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-node00/keyring
[node00][INFO ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph-mgr@node00
[node00][WARNIN] Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ceph-mgr.target.wants/ceph-mgr@node00.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph-mgr@.service.
[node00][INFO ] Running command: systemctl start ceph-mgr@node00
[node00][INFO ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph.target
[node01][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudo
[node01][DEBUG ] connected to host: node01
[node01][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node01][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[ceph_deploy.mgr][INFO ] Distro info: CentOS Linux 7.9.2009 Core
[ceph_deploy.mgr][DEBUG ] remote host will use systemd
[ceph_deploy.mgr][DEBUG ] deploying mgr bootstrap to node01
[node01][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[node01][WARNIN] mgr keyring does not exist yet, creating one
[node01][DEBUG ] create a keyring file
[node01][DEBUG ] create path recursively if it doesn't exist
[node01][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster ceph --name client.bootstrap-mgr --keyring /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mgr/ceph.keyring auth get-or-create mgr.node01 mon allow profile mgr osd allow * mds allow * -o /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-node01/keyring
[node01][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph-mgr@node01
[node01][WARNIN] Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ceph-mgr.target.wants/ceph-mgr@node01.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph-mgr@.service.
[node01][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl start ceph-mgr@node01
[node01][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph.target
[node02][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudo
[node02][DEBUG ] connected to host: node02
[node02][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node02][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[ceph_deploy.mgr][INFO ] Distro info: CentOS Linux 7.9.2009 Core
[ceph_deploy.mgr][DEBUG ] remote host will use systemd
[ceph_deploy.mgr][DEBUG ] deploying mgr bootstrap to node02
[node02][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[node02][WARNIN] mgr keyring does not exist yet, creating one
[node02][DEBUG ] create a keyring file
[node02][DEBUG ] create path recursively if it doesn't exist
[node02][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster ceph --name client.bootstrap-mgr --keyring /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mgr/ceph.keyring auth get-or-create mgr.node02 mon allow profile mgr osd allow * mds allow * -o /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-node02/keyring
[node02][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph-mgr@node02
[node02][WARNIN] Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ceph-mgr.target.wants/ceph-mgr@node02.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph-mgr@.service.
[node02][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl start ceph-mgr@node02
[node02][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph.target

  1. 安装mgr(管理守护进程), 大于12.x版本需安装, 我们装的是最新版,需执行:

ceph-deploy mgr create node00 node01 node02

  1. 安装OSD(对象存储设备)并且完成挂载

fdisk -l查看加挂磁盘


ceph-deploy osd create --data /dev/sdb node00
ceph-deploy osd create --data /dev/sdb node01
ceph-deploy osd create --data /dev/sdb node02

  1. 测试安装情况:


ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_addr
ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_port 18843
ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_addr node01


  1. 开启dashboard模块

ceph mgr module enable dashboard

  1. 生成签名

ceph dashboard create-self-signed-cert

  1. 创建目录

mkdir mgr-dashboard&&cd mgr-dashboard

[root@node00 mgr-dashboard]# pwd


  1. 生成密钥对

cd /opt/ceph/ceph-cluster/mgr-dashboard
openssl req -new -nodes -x509 -subj "/O=IT/CN=ceph-mgr-dashboard" -days 3650 -keyout dashboard.key -out dashboard.crt -extensions v3_ca

[root@linux30 mgr-dashboard]# ll

total 8

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ceph_user ceph_user 1155 Jul 14 02:26 dashboard.crt

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ceph_user ceph_user 1704 Jul 14 02:26 dashboard.key

  1. 启动dashboard

ceph mgr module disable dashboard
ceph mgr module enable dashboard

  1. 设置IP与PORT

ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_addr
ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_port 18843

  1. 关闭HTTPS

ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/ssl false

  1. 查看服务信息

[root@node00 ceph-cluster]# ceph mgr services
"dashboard": ""

ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_addr node00

  1. 设置管理用户与密码

ceph dashboard set-login-credentials admin admin

  1. 访问 http://192.168247.146:18843/


ceph -s出现问题:


ystemctl start ntpd #新增的节点没有启动ntpd
systemctl restart ceph-mon.target
systemctl restart ceph-mon.target

ceph-deploy mon相关问题汇总:

ceph-deploy mon出现mon.node40 monitor is not yet in quorum, tries left: 5错误:

[root@node40 ceph-cluster]# ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf mon create-initial
[ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /root/.cephdeploy.conf
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] Invoked (2.0.1): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf mon create-initial
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] ceph-deploy options:
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] username : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] verbose : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] overwrite_conf : True
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] subcommand : create-initial
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] quiet : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] cd_conf :
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] cluster : ceph
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] func :
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] ceph_conf : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] default_release : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] keyrings : None
[ceph_deploy.mon][DEBUG ] Deploying mon, cluster ceph hosts node40 node41 node42
[ceph_deploy.mon][DEBUG ] detecting platform for host node40 ...
[node40][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudo
[node40][DEBUG ] connected to host: node40
[node40][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node40][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[node40][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO ] distro info: CentOS Linux 7.9.2009 Core
[node40][DEBUG ] determining if provided host has same hostname in remote
[node40][DEBUG ] get remote short hostname
[node40][DEBUG ] deploying mon to node40
[node40][DEBUG ] get remote short hostname
[node40][DEBUG ] remote hostname: node40
[node40][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[node40][DEBUG ] create the mon path if it does not exist
[node40][DEBUG ] checking for done path: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-node40/done
[node40][DEBUG ] create a done file to avoid re-doing the mon deployment
[node40][DEBUG ] create the init path if it does not exist
[node40][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph.target
[node40][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph-mon@node40
[node40][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl start ceph-mon@node40
[node40][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.node40.asok mon_status
[node40][DEBUG ] ********************************************************************************
[node40][DEBUG ] status for monitor: mon.node40
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "election_epoch": 1,
[node40][DEBUG ] "extra_probe_peers": [
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addrvec": [
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "nonce": 0,
[node40][DEBUG ] "type": "v1"
[node40][DEBUG ] }
[node40][DEBUG ] ]
[node40][DEBUG ] },
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addrvec": [
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "nonce": 0,
[node40][DEBUG ] "type": "v2"
[node40][DEBUG ] },
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "nonce": 0,
[node40][DEBUG ] "type": "v1"
[node40][DEBUG ] }
[node40][DEBUG ] ]
[node40][DEBUG ] },
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addrvec": [
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "nonce": 0,
[node40][DEBUG ] "type": "v2"
[node40][DEBUG ] },
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "nonce": 0,
[node40][DEBUG ] "type": "v1"
[node40][DEBUG ] }
[node40][DEBUG ] ]
[node40][DEBUG ] }
[node40][DEBUG ] ],
[node40][DEBUG ] "feature_map": {
[node40][DEBUG ] "mon": [
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "features": "0x3ffddff8ffecffff",
[node40][DEBUG ] "num": 1,
[node40][DEBUG ] "release": "luminous"
[node40][DEBUG ] }
[node40][DEBUG ] ]
[node40][DEBUG ] },
[node40][DEBUG ] "features": {
[node40][DEBUG ] "quorum_con": "0",
[node40][DEBUG ] "quorum_mon": [],
[node40][DEBUG ] "required_con": "0",
[node40][DEBUG ] "required_mon": []
[node40][DEBUG ] },
[node40][DEBUG ] "monmap": {
[node40][DEBUG ] "created": "2022-04-08 14:14:20.855876",
[node40][DEBUG ] "epoch": 0,
[node40][DEBUG ] "features": {
[node40][DEBUG ] "optional": [],
[node40][DEBUG ] "persistent": []
[node40][DEBUG ] },
[node40][DEBUG ] "fsid": "b3299c95-745f-467f-91e4-a3e30c490483",
[node40][DEBUG ] "min_mon_release": 0,
[node40][DEBUG ] "min_mon_release_name": "unknown",
[node40][DEBUG ] "modified": "2022-04-08 14:14:20.855876",
[node40][DEBUG ] "mons": [
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "name": "node40",
[node40][DEBUG ] "public_addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "public_addrs": {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addrvec": [
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "nonce": 0,
[node40][DEBUG ] "type": "v2"
[node40][DEBUG ] },
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "nonce": 0,
[node40][DEBUG ] "type": "v1"
[node40][DEBUG ] }
[node40][DEBUG ] ]
[node40][DEBUG ] },
[node40][DEBUG ] "rank": 0
[node40][DEBUG ] },
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "name": "node42",
[node40][DEBUG ] "public_addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "public_addrs": {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addrvec": [
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "nonce": 0,
[node40][DEBUG ] "type": "v1"
[node40][DEBUG ] }
[node40][DEBUG ] ]
[node40][DEBUG ] },
[node40][DEBUG ] "rank": 1
[node40][DEBUG ] },
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "name": "node41",
[node40][DEBUG ] "public_addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "public_addrs": {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addrvec": [
[node40][DEBUG ] {
[node40][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node40][DEBUG ] "nonce": 1,
[node40][DEBUG ] "type": "v1"
[node40][DEBUG ] }
[node40][DEBUG ] ]
[node40][DEBUG ] },
[node40][DEBUG ] "rank": 2
[node40][DEBUG ] }
[node40][DEBUG ] ]
[node40][DEBUG ] },
[node40][DEBUG ] "name": "node40",
[node40][DEBUG ] "outside_quorum": [
[node40][DEBUG ] "node40"
[node40][DEBUG ] ],
[node40][DEBUG ] "quorum": [],
[node40][DEBUG ] "rank": 0,
[node40][DEBUG ] "state": "probing",
[node40][DEBUG ] "sync_provider": []
[node40][DEBUG ] }
[node40][DEBUG ] ********************************************************************************
[node40][INFO ] monitor: mon.node40 is running
[node40][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.node40.asok mon_status
[ceph_deploy.mon][DEBUG ] detecting platform for host node41 ...
[node41][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudo
[node41][DEBUG ] connected to host: node41
[node41][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node41][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[node41][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO ] distro info: CentOS Linux 7.9.2009 Core
[node41][DEBUG ] determining if provided host has same hostname in remote
[node41][DEBUG ] get remote short hostname
[node41][DEBUG ] deploying mon to node41
[node41][DEBUG ] get remote short hostname
[node41][DEBUG ] remote hostname: node41
[node41][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[node41][DEBUG ] create the mon path if it does not exist
[node41][DEBUG ] checking for done path: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-node41/done
[node41][DEBUG ] create a done file to avoid re-doing the mon deployment
[node41][DEBUG ] create the init path if it does not exist
[node41][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph.target
[node41][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph-mon@node41
[node41][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl start ceph-mon@node41
[node41][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.node41.asok mon_status
[node41][DEBUG ] ********************************************************************************
[node41][DEBUG ] status for monitor: mon.node41
[node41][DEBUG ] {
[node41][DEBUG ] "election_epoch": 117,
[node41][DEBUG ] "extra_probe_peers": [],
[node41][DEBUG ] "feature_map": {
[node41][DEBUG ] "mon": [
[node41][DEBUG ] {
[node41][DEBUG ] "features": "0x3ffddff8ffecffff",
[node41][DEBUG ] "num": 1,
[node41][DEBUG ] "release": "luminous"
[node41][DEBUG ] }
[node41][DEBUG ] ]
[node41][DEBUG ] },
[node41][DEBUG ] "features": {
[node41][DEBUG ] "quorum_con": "0",
[node41][DEBUG ] "quorum_mon": [],
[node41][DEBUG ] "required_con": "2449958747315912708",
[node41][DEBUG ] "required_mon": [
[node41][DEBUG ] "kraken",
[node41][DEBUG ] "luminous",
[node41][DEBUG ] "mimic",
[node41][DEBUG ] "osdmap-prune",
[node41][DEBUG ] "nautilus"
[node41][DEBUG ] ]
[node41][DEBUG ] },
[node41][DEBUG ] "monmap": {
[node41][DEBUG ] "created": "2022-04-08 14:02:08.362899",
[node41][DEBUG ] "epoch": 1,
[node41][DEBUG ] "features": {
[node41][DEBUG ] "optional": [],
[node41][DEBUG ] "persistent": [
[node41][DEBUG ] "kraken",
[node41][DEBUG ] "luminous",
[node41][DEBUG ] "mimic",
[node41][DEBUG ] "osdmap-prune",
[node41][DEBUG ] "nautilus"
[node41][DEBUG ] ]
[node41][DEBUG ] },
[node41][DEBUG ] "fsid": "b3299c95-745f-467f-91e4-a3e30c490483",
[node41][DEBUG ] "min_mon_release": 14,
[node41][DEBUG ] "min_mon_release_name": "nautilus",
[node41][DEBUG ] "modified": "2022-04-08 14:02:08.362899",
[node41][DEBUG ] "mons": [
[node41][DEBUG ] {
[node41][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node41][DEBUG ] "name": "node41",
[node41][DEBUG ] "public_addr": "",
[node41][DEBUG ] "public_addrs": {
[node41][DEBUG ] "addrvec": [
[node41][DEBUG ] {
[node41][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node41][DEBUG ] "nonce": 0,
[node41][DEBUG ] "type": "v1"
[node41][DEBUG ] }
[node41][DEBUG ] ]
[node41][DEBUG ] },
[node41][DEBUG ] "rank": 0
[node41][DEBUG ] },
[node41][DEBUG ] {
[node41][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node41][DEBUG ] "name": "node42",
[node41][DEBUG ] "public_addr": "",
[node41][DEBUG ] "public_addrs": {
[node41][DEBUG ] "addrvec": [
[node41][DEBUG ] {
[node41][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node41][DEBUG ] "nonce": 0,
[node41][DEBUG ] "type": "v1"
[node41][DEBUG ] }
[node41][DEBUG ] ]
[node41][DEBUG ] },
[node41][DEBUG ] "rank": 1
[node41][DEBUG ] },
[node41][DEBUG ] {
[node41][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node41][DEBUG ] "name": "node40",
[node41][DEBUG ] "public_addr": "",
[node41][DEBUG ] "public_addrs": {
[node41][DEBUG ] "addrvec": [
[node41][DEBUG ] {
[node41][DEBUG ] "addr": "",
[node41][DEBUG ] "nonce": 1,
[node41][DEBUG ] "type": "v1"
[node41][DEBUG ] }
[node41][DEBUG ] ]
[node41][DEBUG ] },
[node41][DEBUG ] "rank": 2
[node41][DEBUG ] }
[node41][DEBUG ] ]
[node41][DEBUG ] },
[node41][DEBUG ] "name": "node41",
[node41][DEBUG ] "outside_quorum": [
[node41][DEBUG ] "node41"
[node41][DEBUG ] ],
[node41][DEBUG ] "quorum": [],
[node41][DEBUG ] "rank": 0,
[node41][DEBUG ] "state": "probing",
[node41][DEBUG ] "sync_provider": []
[node41][DEBUG ] }
[node41][DEBUG ] ********************************************************************************
[node41][INFO ] monitor: mon.node41 is running
[node41][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.node41.asok mon_status
[ceph_deploy.mon][DEBUG ] detecting platform for host node42 ...
[node42][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudo
[node42][DEBUG ] connected to host: node42
[node42][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node42][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[node42][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO ] distro info: CentOS Linux 7.9.2009 Core
[node42][DEBUG ] determining if provided host has same hostname in remote
[node42][DEBUG ] get remote short hostname
[node42][DEBUG ] deploying mon to node42
[node42][DEBUG ] get remote short hostname
[node42][DEBUG ] remote hostname: node42
[node42][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[node42][DEBUG ] create the mon path if it does not exist
[node42][DEBUG ] checking for done path: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-node42/done
[node42][DEBUG ] create a done file to avoid re-doing the mon deployment
[node42][DEBUG ] create the init path if it does not exist
[node42][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph.target
[node42][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph-mon@node42
[node42][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl start ceph-mon@node42
[node42][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.node42.asok mon_status
[node42][ERROR ] admin_socket: exception getting command descriptions: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
[node42][WARNIN] monitor: mon.node42, might not be running yet
[node42][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.node42.asok mon_status
[node42][ERROR ] admin_socket: exception getting command descriptions: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
[node42][WARNIN] monitor node42 does not exist in monmap
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO ] processing monitor mon.node40
[node40][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudo
[node40][DEBUG ] connected to host: node40
[node40][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node40][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[node40][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[node40][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.node40.asok mon_status
[ceph_deploy.mon][WARNIN] mon.node40 monitor is not yet in quorum, tries left: 5
[ceph_deploy.mon][WARNIN] waiting 5 seconds before retrying
[node40][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.node40.asok mon_status
[ceph_deploy.mon][WARNIN] mon.node40 monitor is not yet in quorum, tries left: 4
[ceph_deploy.mon][WARNIN] waiting 10 seconds before retrying
[node40][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.node40.asok mon_status
[ceph_deploy.mon][WARNIN] mon.node40 monitor is not yet in quorum, tries left: 3
[ceph_deploy.mon][WARNIN] waiting 10 seconds before retrying
[node40][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.node40.asok mon_status
[ceph_deploy.mon][WARNIN] mon.node40 monitor is not yet in quorum, tries left: 2
[ceph_deploy.mon][WARNIN] waiting 15 seconds before retrying
[node40][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.node40.asok mon_status
[ceph_deploy.mon][WARNIN] mon.node40 monitor is not yet in quorum, tries left: 1
[ceph_deploy.mon][WARNIN] waiting 20 seconds before retrying
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO ] processing monitor mon.node41
[node41][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudo
[node41][DEBUG ] connected to host: node41
[node41][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[node41][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[node41][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[node41][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.node41.asok mon_status
[ceph_deploy.mon][WARNIN] mon.node41 monitor is not yet in quorum, tries left: 5
[ceph_deploy.mon][WARNIN] waiting 5 seconds before retrying
[node41][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.node41.asok mon_status
[ceph_deploy.mon][WARNIN] mon.node41 monitor is not yet in quorum, tries left: 4
[ceph_deploy.mon][WARNIN] waiting 10 seconds before retrying

错误的含义是:mon.node40 监视器尚未达到仲裁状态,经过多轮尝试后失败。


  1. 防火墙:

  2. hosts配置和hostname 不一致

  3. public_network配置问题

    一些其他的文档说明是地址是 public_network如下图:


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