Section 1 Big Picture
我们发现对于时下的各种应用系统,用户认证模块是各不相同。有些喜欢使用哈希编码后的密文密码,有的喜欢使用LDAP认证,并且对于每个系统,User model总是有着些许差别的。我们将这部分工作留给了你。这会不会在未来的版本中改变呢?现在我们还不是很确定,因为就目前的情况来看,将用户认证模块纳入框架还不是很值得的一件事情,创建你自己的用户认证系统是非常简单的。
我们从如何验证那些试图访问系统的用户开始。通过认证的用户信息会被Cake Session Component存储在PHP session中。我们从session中取到用户信息后就可以判断哪些*作是该用户可以执行的。
Section 2 认证与持久化
Table 'users', Fictional Client Management System Database
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`username` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
`first_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`last_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
非常简单是吧?我们的User model也同样的简单:
class User extends AppModel
var $name = 'User';
第一个要完成的是登陆的view和action。这能给用户提供一个登陆的入口,同时也为系统提供了处理用户信息判断是否可以访问系统的机会。使用HTML helper可以很简单的创建该Form:
The login credentials you supplied could not be recognized. Please try again.
The login credentials you supplied could not be recognized. Please try again.
url('/users/login'); ?>" method="post">
/app/controllers/users_controller.php (partial)
class UsersController extends AppController
function login()
$this->set('error', false);
// If a user has submitted form data:
if (!empty($this->data))
// First, let's see if there are any users in the database
// with the username supplied by the user using the form:
$someOne= $this->User->findByUsername($this->data['User']['username']);
// At this point, $someone is full of user data, or its empty.
// Let's compare the form-submitted password with the one in
// the database.
if(!emptyempty($someone['User']['password']) && $someone['User']['password'] == $this->data['User']['password'])
// Note: hopefully your password in the DB is hashed,
// so your comparison might look more like:
// md5($this->data['User']['password']) == ...
// This means they were the same. We can now build some basic
// session information to remember this user as 'logged-in'.
$this->Session->write('User', $someone['User']);
// Now that we have them stored in a session, forward them on
// to a landing page for the application.
// Else, they supplied incorrect data:
// Remember the $error var in the view? Let's set that to true:
$this->set('error', true);
function logout()
// Redirect users to this action if they click on a Logout button.
// All we need to do here is trash the session information:
// And we should probably forward them somewhere, too...
/app/controllers/users_controller.php (partial)
class UsersController extends AppController
function login()
//Don't show the error message if no data has been submitted.
$this->set('error', false);
// If a user has submitted form data:
if (!empty($this->data))
// First, let's see if there are any users in the database
// with the username supplied by the user using the form:
$someOne= $this->User->findByUsername($this->data['User']['username']);
// At this point, $someone is full of user data, or its empty.
// Let's compare the form-submitted password with the one in
// the database.
if(!empty($someone['User']['password']) && $someone['User']['password'] == $this->data['User']['password'])
// Note: hopefully your password in the DB is hashed,
// so your comparison might look more like:
// md5($this->data['User']['password']) == ...
// This means they were the same. We can now build some basic
// session information to remember this user as 'logged-in'.
$this->Session->write('User', $someone['User']);
// Now that we have them stored in a session, forward them on
// to a landing page for the application.
// Else, they supplied incorrect data:
// Remember the $error var in the view? Let's set that to true:
$this->set('error', true);
function logout()
// Redirect users to this action if they click on a Logout button.
// All we need to do here is trash the session information:
// And we should probably forward them somewhere, too...
1 用户通过认证,将信息存入Session,并转向到系统首页
2 未通过认证,返回到登陆页面,并显示相关错误信息。
Section 3 访问校验
class AppController extends Controller
function checkSession()
// If the session info hasn't been set...
if (!$this->Session->check('User'))
// Force the user to login
class AppController extends Controller
function checkSession()
// If the session info hasn't been set...
if (!$this->Session->check('User'))
// Force the user to login
class NotesController extends AppController
// Don't want non-authenticated users looking at any of the actions
// in this controller? Use a beforeFilter to have Cake run checkSession
// before any action logic.
function beforeFilter()
class NotesController extends AppController
function publicNotes($clientID)
// Public access to this action is okay...
function edit($noteId)
// But you only want authenticated users to access this action.
class NotesController extends AppController
// Don't want non-authenticated users looking at any of the actions
// in this controller? Use a beforeFilter to have Cake run checkSession
// before any action logic.
function beforeFilter()
class NotesController extends AppController
function publicNotes($clientID)
// Public access to this action is okay...
function edit($noteId)
// But you only want authenticated users to access this action.