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Is there some sort of C# directive to use when using a development machine (32-bit or 64-bit) that says something to the effect of:


if (32-bit Vista)
    // set a property to true
else if (64-bit Vista)
    // set a property to false

but I want to do this in Visual Studio as I have an application I'm working on that needs to be tested in 32/64 bit versions of Vista.

但我想在Visual Studio中这样做,因为我有一个我正在研究的应用程序需要在32/64位版本的Vista中进行测试。

Is something like this possible?


9 个解决方案


Can you do it at runtime?


if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
  // 32 bit
else if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
  // 64 bit


There are two conditions to be aware of with 64-bit. First is the OS 64-bit, and second is the application running in 64-bit. If you're only concerned about the application itself you can use the following:

64位有两个需要注意的条件。第一个是OS 64位,第二个是64位运行的应用程序。如果您只关心应用程序本身,可以使用以下内容:

if( IntPtr.Size == 8 )
   // Do 64-bit stuff
   // Do 32-bit

At runtime, the JIT compiler can optimize away the false conditional because the IntPtr.Size property is constant.


Incidentally, to check if the OS is 64-bit we use the following


if( Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432" ) != null )
    // OS is 64-bit;
    // OS is 32-bit


You can use a #if directive and set the value as a compiler switch (or in the project settings):


 #if VISTA64

and compile with:


 csc /d:VISTA64 file1.cs 

when compiling a 64 bit build.



What I use in my C# code is IntPtr.Size, it equals 4 on 32bit and 8 on 64bit:


string framework = (IntPtr.Size == 8) ? "Framework64" : "Framework";


You can use Predefined Macros to set the properties on compilation


    #if (_WIN64) 
  const bool IS_64 = true;
  const bool IS_64 = false;


I am not sure if this is what you are looking for but I check the IntPtr.Size to detect 32bit versus 64bit runtime. Note that this tells you the runtime environment, you might be running in WOW64


if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
    //32 bit
else if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
    //64 bit
    //the future


I know that this is an old topic, but I recently had to achieve the same result (i.e. determine at build time, not run time)


I created new build configurations (x86 debug, x86 release, x64 debug, x64 release) and set BUILD64 or BUILD32 in the "Conditional compilation symbols" box in the application properties for each configuration.


When I needed to do something different between builds (like change the signature on some x86 exported methods from a .dll), I then used standard build directives to achieve what I needed. for instance:


#if BUILD64
// 64 Bit version
// do stuff here

#if BUILD32
// 32 Bit version
// do different stuff here


Open the Configuration Manager from the Build. From there you should be able to set the Active solution platform and create configuration that specifically target x64, x86, or Any CPU. From there you can have code that conditionally compiles based on the current configuration.


Note that this is usually a very bad idea, though. .Net programs are normally distributed as IL rather than native code. This IL is then compiled by the JIT compiler on each local machine the first time the user tries to run it. By leaving the default "Any CPU" selected, you allow the JIT compiler to make that determination for each individual machine.

请注意,这通常是一个非常糟糕的主意。 .Net程序通常以IL而不是本机代码的形式分发。然后,当用户第一次尝试运行它时,JIT编译器会在每台本地计算机上编译此IL。通过选择默认的“任何CPU”,允许JIT编译器为每台机器进行确定。

The main exception for this is when you have a dependency on a 32bit library. In that case, you don't want the JIT compiler to ever compile for x64, because it could break your interop with the library.



There is nothing built in that will do this for you. You could always #define your own symbol and use that for conditional compilation if you wish.


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