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int array[SIZE];


int *array = new(int[SIZE]);

C 或 C++ 是否保证array ,如果是,在哪里?


举个例子,假设一个操作系统内核处于低内存中,有时会向用户进程提供虚拟内存的最高页面,以响应mmap对匿名内存的请求。如果malloc::operator new[]直接要求mmap分配一个巨大的数组,并且数组的末尾紧靠虚拟地址空间的顶部,从而array + SIZE环绕为零,这是否等于该语言的不合规实现?


请注意,问题不是问 about array+(SIZE-1),它是数组最后一个元素的地址。那一个保证大于array。问题是关于超过数组末尾的指针,或者p+1何时p是指向非数组对象的指针(所选答案指向的标准部分明确表示以相同方式处理)。




是的。来自第6.5.8节第 5 段。

如果表达式 P 指向数组对象的一个​​元素,而表达式 Q 指向同一个数组对象的最后一个元素,则指针表达式 Q+1 比较大于 P。

表达式array是 P。表达式array + SIZE - 1指向 的最后一个元素array,也就是 Q。因此:

array + SIZE = array + SIZE - 1 + 1 = Q + 1 > P = array

  • @Wyck - it doesn&#039;t prohibit such an implementation, _as long as it ensures that `<` is consistent with it_.

  • @Wyck, you might not be able to put anything at the top position of the address space, if I&#039;m reading cppreference.com correctly: ["a pointer to an object that is not an element of an array is treated as if it were pointing to an element of an array with one element"](https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/language/operator_comparison)

  • @ilkkachu: Objects whose address is not taken could be placed at the top of address space or at whatever physical address would match a null pointer&#039;s representation. Since most non-trivial programs will have at least two objects whose address is not taken, a requirement that any objects whose address is taken have to go elsewhere doesn&#039;t reduce the amount of practically useful storage.

  • Does this imply that you cannot create an implementation that puts an array at the top of the address space? Because (array= ((int*)0xFFFFFFFC))+ 1 might be 0x00000000? (32-bit address space, 4-byte int example)

  • @Wyck : You seem to be conflating the runtime values of the variables `array`, `SIZE`, `P`, and `Q` with actual virtual memory addresses. Sure, having pointers contain bit patterns identical to virtual memory addresses is an easy implementation, but it is not mandatory. As a concrete example, a pointer to a (16-bit) word at an odd address on an MC68000 cannot be directly dereferenced since [non-byte dereferencing an odd address on that architecture throws exceptions](http://mrjester.hapisan.com/04_MC68/Sect01Part06/Index.html).

  • @EricTowers how is that a counterexample? A conforming C implementation just wouldn&#039;t allow objects to be created on odd addresses. We call that *alignment*.

  • @EricTowers: A conforming implementation is required to ensure that it allocates objects with an alignment that will be compatible with whatever means it uses to accesses them. If e.g. a hardware platform has a 32-bit load instruction that works with arbitrarily-aligned addresses, and a load-multiple instruction that only works with 32-bit-aligned addresses, an implementation could at its leisure either ensure that 32-bit objects are aligned and use both kinds of instructions to access them, or use only the former kind of instruction but then place objects with arbitrary alignment.


C 需要这个。第6.5.8节第 5 段说:


我确信 C++ 规范中有类似的东西。


  • @Neil You&#039;re allowed to form a pointer just past the end, but not allowed to dereference it.

  • Note, that `array + SIZE` does not point to any element of `array`. It points to element just after the last one.

  • The “bookkeeping necessary to implement the relational operator efficiently” is trivial: p q are equivalent to p−q <0, p−q = 0, and p−q > 0, where p−q is computed in the width of the address space bits. As long as every supported object is less than half the size of the address space, p−q must fall in the right region.


int *array = new(int[SIZE]);SIZE为零时,保证不成立。

的结果new int[0]必须是一个可以0添加到它的有效指针,但array == array + SIZE在这种情况下,严格小于测试将产生false

  • You got me, I should have specified I was assuming `SIZE > 0`...


这是在 C++ 中定义的,来自当前C++23 草案的p139 ):

当一个整数类型的表达式 J 与指针类型的表达式 P 相加或减去时,结果的类型为 P。

(4.1) — 如果 P 的计算结果为空指针值而 J 的计算结果为 0,则结​​果为空指针值。

(4.2) — 否则,如果 P 指向具有 n 个元素的数组对象 x 的数组元素 i (,则表达式 P + J 和 J + P(其中 J 的值为 j)指向(可能-假设)数组元素 i + j of x 如果 0 <= i + j <= n 并且表达式 P - J 指向(可能是假设的)数组元素 i ?如果 0 <= i ? j <= n。

(4.3) — 否则,行为未定义。

请注意,4.2 明确具有“<= n”,而不是“

数组元素的排序在 7.6.9 (p141) 中定义:

(4.1) 如果两个指针指向同一个数组的不同元素,或者指向其子对象,则要求指向下标较高的元素的指针比较大。

这意味着对于 n > 0 的所有明确定义的情况,假设元素 n 将比数组本身(元素 0)更大。


C++ 中的相关规则是[expr.rel]/4.1:


上面的规则似乎只涵盖了指向数组元素的指针,并array + SIZE没有指向数组元素。然而,正如脚注中提到的,一个最后一个指针在这里被视为一个数组元素。相关的语言规则在[basic.compound]/3 中:


所以 C++ 保证array + SIZE > array(至少当SIZE > 0),以及&x + 1 > &x任何对象x

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