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我有一些代码,通常会在表单中获取所有控件并将它们放在列表中。 这是一些代码:

private List GetControlList(Form parentForm) { List cOntrolList= new List(); AddControlsToList(parentForm.Controls, controlList); return controlList; } private void AddControlsToList(Control.ControlCollection rootControls, List controlList) { foreach (Control c in rootControls) { controlList.Add(c); if (c.HasChildren) AddControlsToList(c.Controls, controlList); // } } 


menuStrip,toolStrip和statusStrip怎么样? 如何获得这些控件中的所有控件? 例如:MenuStripItem

我知道我可以尝试测试c.GetType()== typeof(MenuStrip),但我希望不必进行特定的类型测试。



我相信VS设计者通过获取控件设计Designer的实例(参见Designer属性 )来实现它,如果设计器是ComponentDesigner ,则获取AssociatedComponents属性。


好吧,我猜这有点模糊。 但是有一个警告:接下来的内容有点复杂,可能不值得付出努力。

下面,我将引用Visual Studio中的设计器 – 这是用于引用Visual Studio中的function的名称,通过它可以直观地编辑表单和控件的布局和内容,以及设计器类 – 这将被解释下面。 为了防止在任何给定时间引起混淆,我将始终将Visual Studio中的设计器function称为“设计器”,并且我将始终将设计器类称为“IDesigner”,这是每个界面都必须实现。

当Visual Studio设计器加载一个组件(通常是一个控件,还有像Timer这样的东西)时,它会在类型为DesignerAttribute的类上查找自定义属性。 (那些不熟悉属性的人可能希望在继续之前阅读它们 。)

此属性(如果存在)提供类的名称 – 一个IDesigner – 设计人员可以使用该名称与组件进行交互。 实际上,此类控制设计器的某些方面以及组件的设计时行为。 你可以用IDesigner做很多事情,但是现在我们只对一件事情感兴趣。

大多数使用自定义IDesigner的控件都使用从ControlDesigner派生的控件, ControlDesigner本身派生自ComponentDesignerComponentDesigner类具有一个名为AssociatedComponents的公共虚拟属性,该属性旨在在派生类中重写,以返回对此节点的所有“子”组件的引用集合。

更具体地说, ToolStrip控件(以及inheritance, MenuStrip控件)有一个DesignerAttribute ,它引用一个名为ToolStripDesigner的类。 看起来有点像:

 /* * note that in C#, I can refer to the "DesignerAttribute" class within the [ brackets ] * by simply "Designer". The compiler adds the "Attribute" to the end for us (assuming * there's no attribute class named simply "Designer"). */ [Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ToolStripDesigner, System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"), ...(other attributes)] public class ToolStrip : ScrollableControl, IArrangedElement, ...(other interfaces){ ... } 

ToolStripDesigner类不公开。 它是System.Design.dll的内部。 但由于它是由完全限定名称指定的,因此VS设计者可以使用Activator.CreateInstance来创建它的实例。

这个ToolStripDesigner类,因为它从ComponentDesignerinheritance[间接]具有AssociatedComponents属性。 当您调用它时,您将获得一个新的ArrayList ,其中包含对已添加到ToolStrip所有项的引用。

那么你的代码看起来像做同样的事情是什么? 相当复杂,但我想我有一个有效的例子:

 /* * Some controls will require that we set their "Site" property before * we associate a IDesigner with them. This "site" is used by the * IDesigner to get services from the designer. Because we're not * implementing a real designer, we'll create a dummy site that * provides bare minimum services and which relies on the framework * for as much of its functionality as possible. */ class DummySite : ISite, IDisposable{ DesignSurface designSurface; IComponent component; string name; public IComponent Component {get{return component;}} public IContainer Container {get{return designSurface.ComponentContainer;}} public bool DesignMode{get{return false;}} public string Name {get{return name;}set{name = value;}} public DummySite(IComponent component){ this.compOnent= component; designSurface = new DesignSurface(); } ~DummySite(){Dispose(false);} protected virtual void Dispose(bool isDisposing){ if(isDisposing) designSurface.Dispose(); } public void Dispose(){ Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } public object GetService(Type serviceType){return designSurface.GetService(serviceType);} } static void GetComponents(IComponent component, int level, Action action){ action(component, level); bool visible, enabled; Control cOntrol= component as Control; if(control != null){ /* * Attaching the IDesigner sets the Visible and Enabled properties to true. * This is useful when you're designing your form in Visual Studio, but at * runtime, we'd rather the controls maintain their state, so we'll save the * values of these properties and restore them after we detach the IDesigner. */ visible = control.Visible; enabled = control.Enabled; foreach(Control child in control.Controls) GetComponents(child, level + 1, action); }else visible = enabled = false; /* * The TypeDescriptor class has a handy static method that gets * the DesignerAttribute of the type of the component we pass it * and creates an instance of the IDesigner class for us. This * saves us a lot of trouble. */ ComponentDesigner des = TypeDescriptor.CreateDesigner(component, typeof(IDesigner)) as ComponentDesigner; if(des != null) try{ DummySite site; if(component.Site == null) component.Site = site = new DummySite(component); else site = null; try{ des.Initialize(component); foreach(IComponent child in des.AssociatedComponents) GetComponents(child, level + 1, action); }finally{ if(site != null){ component.Site = null; site.Dispose(); } } }finally{des.Dispose();} if(control != null){ control.Visible = visible; control.Enabled = enabled; } } /* We'll use this in the ListComponents call */ [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, int wParam, int lParam); const int WM_SETREDRAW = 11; void ListComponents(){ /* * Invisible controls and disabled controls will be temporarily shown and enabled * during the GetComponents call (see the comment within that call), so to keep * them from showing up and then disappearing again (or appearing to temporarily * change enabled state), we'll disable redrawing of our window and re-enable it * afterwards. */ SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, 0, 0); GetComponents(this, 0, /* You'll want to do something more useful here */ (component, level)=>System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(new string('t', level) + component)); SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, 1, 0); } 




 if (c is ToolStrip) foreach (ToolStripItem item in EnumerateTree(c, "Items")) if (item is ToolStripControlHost) AddControlsToList( new Control[] { ((ToolStripControlHost)item).Control }, controlList); 



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