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使用asp.net C#Javascript登录使用Finerprint的Asp.net Web应用程序

我想使用指纹登录我的asp.net Web应用程序。 这意味着我不想使用任何登录ID和密码。 我只想用我的指纹登录。 我有一个3米有说服力的设备,设备工作正常,但我不知道如何将设备与我的软件集成。 我正在使用ActiveX。


 $(document).ready(function () { $('#scan').click(function () { $('#dicscan').addClass('scanning'); setTimeout(function () { $('#dicscan').removeClass('scanning'); }, 20 * 1000); }); });   function OpenActiveX() { var port = document.getElementById("Comport"); port.COnopen= 1; if (port.error > 0) //Display errors if found alert(port.ErrorDescription); } function Matching() { var retval = 0; var port = document.getElementById("Comport"); port.Ksserialnumber = 1; port.KsCapture = 1; port.KsAuthenticatiOnMatch= 1; retval = port.KsMatchretvalue; if (retval > 0) { alert("Two fingers are Matched..."); window.open('ResultPage.html', '_self'); } else { alert("Finger Not Matched..."); } if (port.error > 0) //Display errors if found alert(port.ErrorDescription); }  


我正在使用3M Cogent CSD 200型指纹读取器设备
1.]捕获 – 保存指纹
2.]匹配 – 在登录时匹配fingetprint

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 byte[] bTemplateDataOne; byte[] bTemplateDataTwo; byte[] isoTemplateBytes; bool ErroFlag = false; int nTempltSizeOne; int nTempltSizeTwo; MMMCogentCSD200APIs csd200Obj = null; CSD200Wrapper wr = null; private void btnCapture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int nRc = -1; byte[] fpRawBytes = null; int m_Width = 0, m_Height = 0; isoTemplateBytes = null; int nfiq = 0; pictCaptureImg.Image = null; pictCaptureImg.Refresh(); if (true == chkbCaptureOnly.Checked) { pbClaimed.Image = null; pbClaimed.Refresh(); bTemplateDataOne= null; nTempltSizeOne= -1; bTemplateDataTwo = null; nTempltSizeTwo = -1; rbClaimed.Checked = true; nRc = csd200Obj.captureFP(30000, ref fpRawBytes, ref m_Width, ref m_Height); if (nRc == CSD200APICodes.SUCCESS && fpRawBytes != null) { bmp = CreateGreyscaleBitmap(fpRawBytes, m_Width, m_Height); pictCaptureImg.Image = bmp; MessageBox.Show("Fingerprint Capture Successful."); } else if (nRc == CSD200APICodes.ERROR_TIMEOUT) { MessageBox.Show("Fingerprint Capture Timeout"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Fingerprint Capture Failed. ErrorCode: " + nRc); } } else { nRc = csd200Obj.captureFP(30000, ref fpRawBytes, ref m_Width, ref m_Height, ref nfiq, ref isoTemplateBytes); if (nRc == CSD200APICodes.SUCCESS && fpRawBytes != null) { bmp = CreateGreyscaleBitmap(fpRawBytes, m_Width, m_Height); pictCaptureImg.Image = bmp; if (rbClaimed.Checked == true) { pbClaimed.Image = bmp; if (isoTemplateBytes != null) { bTemplateDataOne= isoTemplateBytes; nTempltSizeOne= isoTemplateBytes.Length; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Try Again , Some error occured"); } MessageBox.Show("Fingerprint Capture Successful.n NFIQ: " + nfiq); } else if (nRc == CSD200APICodes.ERROR_TIMEOUT) { MessageBox.Show("Fingerprint Capture Timeout"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Fingerprint Capture Failed. ErrorCode: " + nRc); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } private void btnMatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (bTemplateDataOne != null ) { //DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //dt.Columns.Add("value"); //for (int i = 0; i  0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i  0) { string msg = "Fingers are Matched." + Environment.NewLine; msg += "Welcome: " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[index]["Name"]; msg +="( id : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[index]["id"] + ")" + Environment.NewLine + "matched value : " + matched; MessageBox.Show(msg); WriteFMRFile(nTempltSizeOne, bTemplateDataOne, strAppPath + "\One.fmr"); WriteFMRFile(nTempltSizeTwo, bTemplateDataTwo, strAppPath + "\Two.fmr"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Not Matched." + Environment.NewLine + "matched value : " + matched); } } else { MessageBox.Show("There is no fingerprint saved in the system"+Environment.NewLine+"Register someone first ."); } } catch (BioSDK710Exception cgtEx) { MessageBox.Show(cgtEx.ShowError(), "CogentBioSDK710 Error"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } //else if(chkbCaptureOnly.Checked == true && (bTemplateDataOne== null || bTemplateDataTwo == null)) else if (chkbCaptureOnly.Checked == true && (bTemplateDataOne== null)) { MessageBox.Show("Please uncheck 'Capture Only' and recapture.", "Warning"); } //else if (chkbCaptureOnly.Checked == false && (bTemplateDataOne== null || bTemplateDataTwo == null)) else if (chkbCaptureOnly.Checked == false && (bTemplateDataOne== null)) { MessageBox.Show("Please capture fingerprints.", "Warning"); } } 

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