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I installed Android Studio yesterday, and I tried to use the LogCat to see the logs. But there is nothing to show in the logcat. I used the terminal to run ./adb logcat and it works.

昨天我安装了Android Studio,我尝试使用LogCat查看日志。但是没有什么可看的。我使用终端运行。/adb logcat和它工作。

Is there someone who can explain to me how to use logcat in Android Studio?

有没有人能告诉我怎么在Android Studio中使用logcat ?

47 个解决方案



Restarting logcat helps me always.


enter image description here



I get into this state often. Logcat is blank. Debugging works, I can hit breakpoints. No filters are set. Log level is on Verbose. I fix it by repeatedly looping through the following:


  • Restart logcat (see Zatziky's answer above)
  • 重新启动logcat(参见以上Zatziky的答案)
  • Change the log level to Debug (or anything else) and back to Verbose.
  • 将日志级别更改为Debug(或其他任何内容),并返回到Verbose。
  • unplugging and plugging back in the device
  • 拔出并插回设备。
  • running adb kill-server && adb start-server
  • 运行adb killserver & adb start-server
  • Close Android Studio and launch ddms on the command line.
  • 关闭Android Studio并在命令行上启动ddms。
  • Restart Android Studio
  • 重新启动Android工作室

And finally restarting the computer if all else fails.


The problem is intermittent, I think Android Studio is just buggy.

问题是断断续续的,我认为Android Studio只是有问题。



You need to press Alt+6 twice to restart the logcat window. That way it'll show the log outputs.


The problem mainly happens in debug mode.




I had the same problem but I solved by the following steps, Try this once.


1) In the android studio.

1)在android studio中。

2) Open android Monitor window(bottom of android studio)

2)打开android Monitor窗口(android studio底部)

3) You can see the drop down in the right corner(spinner)


4) select -- Show only Selected application.

4) select——只显示选定的应用程序。

enter image description here



These helped me :


1.Enable ADB integration enter image description here 2. Go to Android Device Monitor Check if your device is online and Create a required filter enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here




Best way to fix some unnecessary changes is to invalidate caches


Go to FILE -> click "INVALIDATE CACHES/RESTART" then a dialog box will pop-up, Select "INVALIDATE CACHES/RESTART" button.

转到FILE ->点击“INVALIDATE cache /RESTART”,弹出对话框,选择“INVALIDATE cache /RESTART”按钮。

Android studio will automatically restart and rebuild the index.

Android studio将自动重新启动和重建索引。



In android Studio application you need to click Debug application option (Shift+f9) to run in debug mode and to enable LogCat.

在android Studio应用程序中,需要单击Debug应用程序选项(Shift+f9)以在调试模式下运行并启用LogCat。



Not a technical answer but you might want to check the search box for the logcat. If there is any character inputted, your logcat will be empty as it will be searching for that certain character or word, and then if its not present, your logcat log will be totally empty.





* *

  • Read this if you are still stuck with logcat being empty
  • 如果你仍然觉得logcat是空的,请阅读本文


* *

I've just solved this after MONTHS of annoyment and trouble.
Nothing helped, the device monitor worked fine during debugging but the standard logcat view was always empty.


The reason was annoyingly simple:
The logcat view was there but it had been moved to 0 width by an update!


You are in "ALT 6" Tab, you see two tabs in there "ADB logs" and "Devices | logcat"
Devices | logcat really means that it consists of Devices AND logcat, split by a vertical border.
The vertical border can be moved and during an update it seems to have moved to 100% right.

在ALT 6选项卡中,有两个选项卡"ADB log "和" device | logcat"设备| logcat实际上是指它由设备和logcat组成,由垂直边框分割。可以移动垂直边框,在更新过程中,它似乎已经向右移动了100%。

This results in the logcat to be collected but not displayed, move your mouse pointer to the right of the tool window and just DRAG logcat back into view.


This solution won't help everyone but I found many people with working ADB connection and still no logcat output, those might be hit by the same problem.




Try to close the project and re-open it .It worked for me. Logs will be reappear.




For me, the issue was that I had two emulators with the same name (I created it, deleted it, and then created it again with the same name). There were two emulator entries in the logcat dropdown and it was connected to the wrong one. All I had to do was switch to the other one. I prevented the problem permanently by renaming the emulator.


enter image description here



Restarting Android Studio helped me.

重启Android Studio对我有帮助。



enter image description here

In my case, I removed "image" from the little dropdown on the right. It showed up just fine after that. That's because it will be searching the log for the keyword in that searchbox, so if it doesn't find any matches, it returns blank




On the right side of tab "Devices logcat" there is the button "Show only Logcat from selected Process". Its not perfect, because everytime I run another process I need to push it again, but thats the only solution that works for me. So far...




In my case, in the developer options menu there is an option called

在我的例子中,在developer options菜单中有一个选项叫做

Revoke USB debugging authorisations.


Once you revoke all the existing authorisations it will ask again to trust the computer that you are using after that it started to show the logs again.




This may not be your issue, but I've found that when having multiple windows of Android Studio open, logcat is only directed to one of them, and not necessarily the one that's running an active application.

这可能不是您的问题,但我发现,当打开Android Studio的多个窗口时,logcat只指向其中一个窗口,而不一定是运行活动应用程序的那个窗口。

For example, Window 1 is where I'm developing a Tic-Tac-Toe app, and Window 2 is where I'm developing a weather app. If I run the weather app in debug mode, it's possible only Window 1 will be able to display logcat entries.




In my case I just had filtered the output so it appeared empty even after restarting Logcat etc.




In Android studio 0.8.0 you should enable ADB integration through Tools -> Android, before run your app. Then the log cat will work correctly. Notice that if you make ADB integration disabled while your app is running and again make it enable, then the log cat dosen't show anything unless you rebuild your project.

在Android studio 0.8.0中,在运行应用程序之前,您应该通过工具> Android支持ADB集成。注意,如果在应用程序运行时禁用ADB集成,并再次启用它,那么日志cat不会显示任何内容,除非您重新构建项目。



In Android Studio 0.8.9, I opened Android Device Monitor, selected my emulator from the Devices list and got the output in the LogCat tab.

在Android Studio 0.8.9中,我打开Android设备监视器,从设备列表中选择模拟器,并在LogCat选项卡中获取输出。

After that, I went back to the main view of Android Studio and selected Restore Logcat view in the right of the Android DDMS tab and there it was!

之后,我回到Android Studio的主视图,在Android DDMS选项卡的右边选择了Restore Logcat视图,就在那里!

If this doesn't work, you could see your logcat in the Android Device Monitor as I explained in the first sentence.




Had the same issue today.


Apparently I had eclipse running too and all the logcat output was redirected to eclipse. Since the logs can only be shown at once place, make sure you dont have multiple debuggers running.




My problem solved, after I add android:debuggable="true" under application in your AndroiManifest.xml (even the ide mark as a wrong syntax!????)




Logcat has a little icon to the right of logcat. You can use the icon to turn logcat on and off. I can usually make logcat active by clicking the icon (maybe several times).




Full nuclear solution. ONLY USE THIS AFTER TRYING EVERYTHING ELSE because this will erase all your settings and preferences as well as stored images and everything that makes your emulators run until you reinstall and reconfigure. In my case it took about 20 minutes for both steps because I didn't customise a lot except for using Darcula.


  1. Delete your .AndroidStudioBeta config files directory
  2. 删除。androidstudiobeta配置文件目录

For linux users this is found under /home/[username]/.AndroidStudioBeta
For windows users, I'm not sure. The documentation on it is rather vague in my opinion. Probably somewhere under C:\Users[your user]\Application Data


  1. Check to see if it works yet, if it doesn't then also reinstall the SDK.
  2. 检查它是否已经工作,如果还没有,则重新安装SDK。

Rather drastic but I tried all the other things on this page, connected device, no filters, restarting the service, everything on this page and it just didn't work.




For me it was not working only for my application, it was working, if no filter has been selected (option on right side). But I needed to see only my app, therefore I found out, that if I do my own filter and filter it to package name, it is working as it should. I hope it could help to you too : )




Make sure you have enabled the build variant to "debug" in the Build Variants context menu. (You can find this at the bottom left corner of the window). This option will be set to release mode, if you have signed the apk for the application previously. This causes the debug messages not to show in the log cat.

请确保在build variant上下文菜单中启用了构建变体“debug”。(你可以在窗口左下角找到这个)。如果您之前已经为应用程序签了apk,那么这个选项将被设置为发布模式。这会导致调试消息不显示在log cat中。



Easy fix that worked for me (after trying some of these other suggestion). My logcat was sitting blank in a separate window (on my second screen). Just had to drag the Logcat tab back to it's original place in the debug panel next to the Debugger and Console tabs, and VOILA... it began immediately updating and showing all processes verbose. So (If your logcat is anywhere outside of the debugger panel (i.e. the logcat tab isn't sitting nested alongside the debugger and console tab) then it won't receive updates and will sit there blankly. Don't know if this is an issue with older versions of Android Studio. But again, easy to try and if it works... it works!!

在尝试了一些其他的建议之后,这个简单的修复对我很有效。我的logcat在另一个窗口(在我的第二个屏幕上)空着。只需将Logcat选项卡拖回到调试面板中调试和控制台选项卡旁边的原始位置,然后……它立即开始更新并显示所有进程的详细信息。因此(如果您的logcat位于调试器面板之外的任何位置(例如,logcat选项卡没有嵌套在调试器和控制台选项卡旁边),那么它将不会接收更新,并将空白地坐在那里。不知道这是不是老版本的Android Studio的问题。但是,很容易尝试,如果可行的话…它的工作原理!



Make sure you are importing the right class


import android.util.Log;



Go to run->debug If incase you have lose connection with host, it will ask permission to reconnect. Click yes. That should do it.




I had the same symptoms but my problem was way simpler and really my mistake. I had the wrong filter set.


The solution was just to verify that I had the correct filter set.




I just fixed it on mine. Look for tiny icons on the far right of the DDMS display which restore the Devices Logcat view and the ADB View.


When the DDMS first came up with both the "ADB Logs" and the "Devices | logcat" tab showing. The "Devices | logcat" is the one that should be showing the device output, but was blank. Somehow I managed to hide one or the other of those tabs, I forget exactly how. But, off to the right there was a tiny icon that said "Restore ADB" view, and I clicked it and it came up. Then there was another tiny icon that said "Restore Devices logcat view". I clicked that, and all of a sudden it appeared and was showing the device output again.

当DDMS首次同时显示“ADB日志”和“设备| logcat”选项卡时。“设备| logcat”是应该显示设备输出的,但是是空白的。不知何故,我设法隐藏了其中的一个或另一个标签,我完全忘记了如何隐藏。但是,在右边有一个小图标写着“恢复ADB”视图,我点击它,它就出现了。还有一个小图标是“恢复设备logcat视图”。我点击了它,突然它出现了,并再次显示设备输出。

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