If I type short text into a textarea and submit, then in script.php I already have my text in variable $_POST['text']. However if the text is about 70000 character long, it isn't in $_POST['text']. I can see net log from Firebug and my text is in encoded string, which was sent by my browser to the server. But in $_POST array is my text missing.
Problem solved. It was limit for POST variables on server. Thnx for your time and be careful about webhosting config. I've lost several hours by solving this problem
本文详细介绍了一种利用 ESP8266 01S 模块构建 Web 服务器的成功实践方案。通过具体的代码示例和详细的步骤说明,帮助读者快速掌握该模块的使用方法。在疫情期间,作者重新审视并研究了这一未被充分利用的模块,最终成功实现了 Web 服务器的功能。本文不仅提供了完整的代码实现,还涵盖了调试过程中遇到的常见问题及其解决方法,为初学者提供了宝贵的参考。 ...