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Bro is a powerful network analysis framework that is much different from the typical IDS you may know.

  • Adaptable

    Bro's domain-specific scripting language enables site-specific monitoring policies.

  • Efficient

    Bro targets high-performance networks and is used operationally at a variety of large sites.

  • Flexible

    Bro is not restricted to any particular detection approach and does not rely on traditional signatures.

  • Forensics

    Bro comprehensively logs what it sees and provides a high-level archive of a network's activity.

  • In-depth Analysis

    Bro comes with analyzers for many protocols, enabling high-level semantic analysis at the application layer.

  • Highly Stateful

    Bro keeps extensive application-layer state about the network it monitors.

  • Open Interfaces

    Bro interfaces with other applications for real-time exchange of information.

  • Open Source

    Bro comes with a BSD license, allowing for free use with virtually no restrictions.

While focusing on network security monitoring, Bro provides a comprehensive platform for more general network traffic analysis as well. Well grounded in more than 15 years of research, Bro has successfully bridged the traditional gap between academia and operations since its inception. Today, it is relied upon operationally in particular by many scientific environments for securing their cyberinfrastructure. Bro's user community includes major universities, research labs, supercomputing centers, and open-science communities.

Bro has originally been developed by Vern Paxson, who continues to lead the project now jointly with a core team of researchers and developers at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, CA; and theNational Center for Supercomputing Applications in Urbana-Champaign, IL.


以Ubuntu为例:./configure时显示说需要先装cmake---sudo apt-get install cmakecan not find LibMagic---sudo apt-get install libmagic-devcan not find ZLIB--sudo apt-get install libz-devcan not find BISON--sudo apt-get install bisoncan not find FLEX--sudo apt-get install flexcan not find OpenSSL--sudo apt-get install libssl-devcan not find SWIG--sudo apt-get install swigcan not find PathonDev--sudo apt-get install python-dev
2.安装DataSeries,DataSeries: an efficient binary format for recording structured bulk data. DataSeries is developed and maintained at HP Labs. See doc/logging-dataseries for more information.
安装DataSeries需要先安装Lintel--useful linkshttp://www.bro-ids.org/documentation-git/scripts/site/local.htmlgit clone http://github.com/dataseries/Lintel git clone http://github.com/dataseries/DataSeries (假如没有git sudo apt-get一下)装Lintel和DataSeries时要按照/usr/local/bro-2.1/doc/logging-dataseries.rst的说明进行。在装的时候可能会却一些库,使用下面的命令去查看,然后apt-get install 一下sudo aptitude search libboost
Fedora的输出:=============================Binary Output with DataSeries=============================-- The C compiler identification is GNU-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/lib/ccache/gcc-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/lib/ccache/gcc -- works-- Detecting C compiler ABI info-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/lib/ccache/c++-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/lib/ccache/c++ -- works-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - doneWARNING: you did not set a CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE; assuming RelWithDebInfo-- Boost version: 1.44.0-- Found program lintel-config as /usr/local/bro/bin/lintel-config-- Found header boost/program_options.hpp in /usr/include-- Found library  as /usr/lib/libboost_program_options.so-- Found header Lintel/AssertBoost.hpp in /usr/local/bro/include-- Found library  as /usr/local/bro/lib/libLintel.so-- Found header Lintel/PThread.hpp in /usr/local/bro/include-- Found library  as /usr/local/bro/lib/libLintelPThread.so-- Looking for include files CMAKE_HAVE_PTHREAD_H-- Looking for include files CMAKE_HAVE_PTHREAD_H - found-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found-- Found Threads: TRUE -- Found header boost/thread/tss.hpp in /usr/include-- Found library  as /usr/lib/libboost_thread-mt.so-- Found LibXml2: /usr/lib/libxml2.so -- Found ZLIB: /usr/include (found version "1.2.5")-- Could NOT find BZip2 (missing:  BZIP2_LIBRARIES BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR) WITH_BZIP2 on, but could not find bzip2 includes/libraries.  bzip2 compression support and nettrace2ds will be skipped.-- Found program bunzip2 as /usr/bin/bunzip2WITH_SRT on, but could not find header file SRT/SRTTrace.H or library SRTlite  will skip building srt2ds, cmpsrtdsWITH_LZO on, but could not find header file lzo1x.h or library lzo  lzo compression support will be skipped.-- Found header openssl/sha.h in /usr/include-- Found library  as /usr/lib/libcrypto.soWITH_PCRE on, but could not find header file pcre.h or library pcre  will skip building bacct2ds-- Found header pcap.h in /usr/local/include-- Found header linux/if_packet.h in /usr/include-- Found header boost/foreach.hpp in /usr/includeWITH_AVRO on, but could not find header file avro.h or library avroWITH_GNUPLOT on, but could NOT find program gnuplot-- Found Perl: /usr/bin/perl -- Found perl module XML::ParserCould NOT find perl module Date::Parse in default perl paths  or /usr/local/bro/share/perl5Could NOT find perl module Crypt::Rijndael in default perl paths  or /usr/local/bro/share/perl5Could NOT find perl module Filesys::Statvfs in default perl paths  or /usr/local/bro/share/perl5-- Found Doxygen: /usr/bin/doxygen -- Found program pod2man as /usr/bin/pod2man-- Found program cmake as /usr/bin/cmake-- checking for module 'thrift'--   package 'thrift' not foundWITH_THRIFT on, but could NOT find program thriftMissing either thrift or parallel/losertree.h, will skip data-series-serverWITH_LINTEL_LATEX_REBUILD on, but could NOT find program lintel-latex-rebuildWITH_LINTEL_LATEX_REBUILD enabled, but lintel-latex-rebuild not found  latex-documentation will remain un-builtlsfdsplots will NOT be built PERL_CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_ENABLED=OFF, PERL_DATE_PARSE_ENABLED=OFF, GNUPLOT_ENABLED=OFF
************************************  Some optional dependency was not found.  /usr/local/bro-2.1/DataSeries/doc/dependencies.txt  may help identify the right packages************************************
-- Configuring done-- Generating done-- Build files have been written to: /usr/local/bro-2.1/DataSeries/build
***************************************************************************-Ubuntu 14的输出:------------------------- The C compiler identification is GNU-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works-- Detecting C compiler ABI info-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - doneWARNING: you did not set a CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE; assuming RelWithDebInfo-- Boost version: 1.46.1-- Found program lintel-config as /usr/local/bro/bin/lintel-config-- Found header boost/program_options.hpp in /usr/include-- Found library  as /usr/lib/libboost_program_options.so-- Found header Lintel/AssertBoost.hpp in /usr/local/bro/include-- Found library  as /usr/local/bro/lib/libLintel.so-- Found header Lintel/PThread.hpp in /usr/local/bro/include-- Found library  as /usr/local/bro/lib/libLintelPThread.so-- Looking for include files CMAKE_HAVE_PTHREAD_H-- Looking for include files CMAKE_HAVE_PTHREAD_H - found-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found-- Found Threads: TRUE -- Found header boost/thread/tss.hpp in /usr/include-- Found library  as /usr/lib/libboost_thread.so-- Found LibXml2: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxml2.so -- Found ZLIB: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so (found version "")-- Could NOT find BZip2 (missing:  BZIP2_LIBRARIES BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR) WITH_BZIP2 on, but could not find bzip2 includes/libraries.  bzip2 compression support and nettrace2ds will be skipped.-- Found program bunzip2 as /bin/bunzip2WITH_SRT on, but could not find header file SRT/SRTTrace.H or library SRTlite  will skip building srt2ds, cmpsrtdsWITH_LZO on, but could not find header file lzo1x.h or library lzo  lzo compression support will be skipped.-- Found header openssl/sha.h in /usr/include-- Found library  as /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so-- Found header pcre.h in /usr/include-- Found library  as /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcre.so-- Found header pcap.h in /usr/include-- Found header linux/if_packet.h in /usr/include-- Found header boost/foreach.hpp in /usr/includeWITH_AVRO on, but could not find header file avro.h or library avro-- Found program gnuplot as /usr/bin/gnuplot-- Found Perl: /usr/bin/perl -- Found perl module XML::Parser-- Found perl module Date::Parse-- Found perl module Crypt::Rijndael-- Found perl module Filesys::Statvfs-- Found Doxygen: /usr/bin/doxygen -- Found program pod2man as /usr/bin/pod2man-- Found program cmake as /usr/bin/cmakeWITH_THRIFT on, but could NOT find program thriftMissing either thrift or parallel/losertree.h, will skip data-series-server-- Found program lintel-latex-rebuild as /usr/local/bro/bin/lintel-latex-rebuildUnable to find latex file ptmb8t.tfm for DataSeries OSR 2008 paperUnable to find latex file ptmb8t.vf for DataSeries OSR 2008 paper
************************************  Some optional dependency was not found.  /usr/local/bro-2.1/DataSeries/doc/dependencies.txt  may help identify the right packages************************************
-- Configuring done-- Generating done-- Build files have been written to: /usr/local/bro-2.1/DataSeries/build


.. rst-class:: opening
   Bro's default ASCII log format is not exactly the most efficient   way for storing and searching large volumes of data. An an   alternative, Bro comes with experimental support for `DataSeries   `_   output, an efficient binary format for recording structured bulk   data. DataSeries is developed and maintained at HP Labs.
.. contents::
Installing DataSeries---------------------
To use DataSeries, its libraries must be available at compile-time,along with the supporting *Lintel* package. Generally, both aredistributed on `HP Labs' web site`_. Currently, however, you needto use recent development versions for both packages, which you candownload from github like this::
    git clone http://github.com/dataseries/Lintel    git clone http://github.com/dataseries/DataSeries
To build and install the two into ````, do::
    ( cd Lintel     && mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= .. && make && make install )    ( cd DataSeries && mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= .. && make && make install )
Please refer to the packages' documentation for more information aboutthe installation process. In particular, there's more information onrequired and optional `dependencies for Lintel`_and `dependencies for DataSeries`_.For users on RedHat-style systems, you'll need the following::
    yum install libxml2-devel boost-devel
Compiling Bro with DataSeries Support-------------------------------------
Once you have installed DataSeries, Bro's ``configure`` should pick itup automatically as long as it finds it in a standard system location.Alternatively, you can specify the DataSeries installation prefixmanually with ``--with-dataseries=``. Keep an eye on``configure``'s summary output, if it looks like the following, Brofound DataSeries and will compile in the support::
    # ./configure --with-dataseries=/usr/local    [...]    ====================|  Bro Build Summary  |=====================    [...]    DataSeries:        true    [...]    ================================================================
Activating DataSeries---------------------
The direct way to use DataSeries is to switch *all* log files over tothe binary format. To do that, just add ``redefLog::default_writer=Log::WRITER_DATASERIES;`` to your ``local.bro``.For testing, you can also just pass that on the command line::
    bro -r trace.pcap Log::default_writer=Log::WRITER_DATASERIES
With that, Bro will now write all its output into DataSeries files``*.ds``. You can inspect these using DataSeries's set of command linetools, which its installation process installs into ``/bin``.For example, to convert a file back into an ASCII representation::
    $ ds2txt conn.log    [... We skip a bunch of metadata here ...]    ts uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p proto service duration orig_bytes resp_bytes conn_state local_orig missed_bytes history orig_pkts orig_ip_bytes resp_pkts resp_ip_bytes    1300475167.096535 CRCC5OdDlXe 5353 5353 udp dns 0.000000 0 0 S0 F 0 D 1 73 0 0    1300475167.097012 o7XBsfvo3U1 fe80::217:f2ff:fed7:cf65 5353 ff02::fb 5353 udp  0.000000 0 0 S0 F 0 D 1 199 0 0    1300475167.099816 pXPi1kPMgxb 5353 5353 udp  0.000000 0 0 S0 F 0 D 1 179 0 0    1300475168.853899 R7sOc16woCj 43927 53 udp dns 0.000435 38 89 SF F 0 Dd 1 66 1 117    1300475168.854378 Z6dfHVmt0X7 37676 53 udp dns 0.000420 52 99 SF F 0 Dd 1 80 1 127    1300475168.854837 k6T92WxgNAh 40526 53 udp dns 0.000392 38 183 SF F 0 Dd 1 66 1 211    [...]
(``--skip-all`` suppresses the metadata.)
Note that the ASCII conversion is *not* equivalent to Bro's defaultoutput format.
You can also switch only individual files over to DataSeries by addingcode like this to your ``local.bro``:
.. code:: bro
    event bro_init()        {        local f = Log::get_filter(Conn::LOG, "default"); # Get default filter for connection log.        f$writer = Log::WRITER_DATASERIES;               # Change writer type.        Log::add_filter(Conn::LOG, f);                   # Replace filter with adapted version.        }
Bro's DataSeries writer comes with a few tuning options, see:doc:`scripts/base/frameworks/logging/writers/dataseries`.
Working with DataSeries=======================
Here are a few examples of using DataSeries command line tools to workwith the output files.
* Printing CSV::
    $ ds2txt --csv conn.log    ts,uid,id.orig_h,id.orig_p,id.resp_h,id.resp_p,proto,service,duration,orig_bytes,resp_bytes,conn_state,local_orig,missed_bytes,history,orig_pkts,orig_ip_bytes,resp_pkts,resp_ip_bytes    1258790493.773208,ZTtgbHvf4s3,,137,,137,udp,dns,3.748891,350,0,S0,F,0,D,7,546,0,0    1258790451.402091,pOY6Rw7lhUd,,138,,138,udp,,0.000000,0,0,S0,F,0,D,1,229,0,0    1258790493.787448,pn5IiEslca9,,138,,138,udp,,2.243339,348,0,S0,F,0,D,2,404,0,0    1258790615.268111,D9slyIu3hFj,,137,,137,udp,dns,3.764626,350,0,S0,F,0,D,7,546,0,0    [...]
  Add ``--separator=X`` to set a different separator.
* Extracting a subset of columns::
    $ ds2txt --select '*' ts,id.resp_h,id.resp_p --skip-all conn.log    1258790493.773208 137    1258790451.402091 138    1258790493.787448 138    1258790615.268111 137    1258790615.289842 138    [...]
* Filtering rows::
    $ ds2txt --where '*' 'duration > 5 && id.resp_p > 1024' --skip-all  conn.ds    1258790631.532888 V8mV5WLITu5 55890 1900 udp  15.004568 798 0 S0 F 0 D 6 966 0 0    1258792413.439596 tMcWVWQptvd 55890 1900 udp  15.004581 798 0 S0 F 0 D 6 966 0 0    1258794195.346127 cQwQMRdBrKa 55890 1900 udp  15.005071 798 0 S0 F 0 D 6 966 0 0    1258795977.253200 i8TEjhWd2W8 55890 1900 udp  15.004824 798 0 S0 F 0 D 6 966 0 0    1258797759.160217 MsLsBA8Ia49 55890 1900 udp  15.005078 798 0 S0 F 0 D 6 966 0 0    1258799541.068452 TsOxRWJRGwf 55890 1900 udp  15.004082 798 0 S0 F 0 D 6 966 0 0    [...]
* Calculate some statistics:
    Mean/stddev/min/max over a column::
        $ dsstatgroupby '*' basic duration from conn.ds        # Begin DSStatGroupByModule        # processed 2159 rows, where clause eliminated 0 rows        # count(*), mean(duration), stddev, min, max        2159, 42.7938, 1858.34, 0, 86370        [...]
    Quantiles of total connection volume::
        $ dsstatgroupby '*' quantile 'orig_bytes + resp_bytes' from conn.ds        [...]        2159 data points, mean 24616 +- 343295 [0,1.26615e+07]        quantiles about every 216 data points:        10%: 0, 124, 317, 348, 350, 350, 601, 798, 1469        tails: 90%: 1469, 95%: 7302, 99%: 242629, 99.5%: 1226262        [...]
The ``man`` pages for these tools show further options, and their``-h`` option gives some more information (either can be a bit crypticunfortunately though).
Due to limitations of the DataSeries format, one cannot inspect itsfiles before they have been fully written. In other words, when usingDataSeries, it's currently not possible to inspect the live logfiles inside the spool directory before they are rotated to theirfinal location. It seems that this could be fixed with some effort,and we will work with DataSeries development team on that if theformat gains traction among Bro users.
Likewise, we're considering writing custom command line tools forinteracting with DataSeries files, making that a bit more convenientthan what the standard utilities provide.

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