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* **************************************************************************************************
*  电路板投影矫正
*Projective rectification of a circuit board
* **************************************************************************************************
* 关闭窗体
dev_close_window ()
dev_update_window (\'off\')
read_image (Image1, \'/stereo/uncalib/board_l\')
read_image (Image2, \'/stereo/uncalib/board_r\')
scale_image_max (Image1, Image1)
scale_image_max (Image2, Image2)
get_image_pointer1 (Image1, Pointer, Type, Width, Height)
ScaleImage := 0.4
dev_open_window (0, 0, Width * ScaleImage, Height * ScaleImage, \'black\', Window1)
set_display_font (Window1, 14, \'mono\', \'true\', \'false\')
dev_display (Image1)
dev_open_window (0, Width * ScaleImage + 8, Width * ScaleImage, Height * ScaleImage, \'black\', Window2)
dev_display (Image2)
dev_set_window (Window1)
disp_message (Window1, \'Uncalibrated Stereo Image Pair\', \'window\', 12, 12, \'black\', \'true\')
* Compute Fundamental Matrix
* 用harris算子计算兴趣点也就是基础矩阵
points_harris (Image1, 3, 1, 0.2, 1e5, Row1, Col1)
points_harris (Image2, 3, 1, 0.2, 1e5, Row2, Col2)
match_fundamental_matrix_ransac (Image1, Image2, Row1, Col1, Row2, Col2, \'ncc\', 21, 0, 200, 20, 50, 0, 0.9, \'gold_standard\', 0.3, 1, FMatrix, CovFMat, Error, Points1, Points2)
Row1 := subset(Row1,Points1)
Col1 := subset(Col1,Points1)
Row2 := subset(Row2,Points2)
Col2 := subset(Col2,Points2)
* 投影矫正开始
* Projective Rectification
* 执行立体投影矫正
gen_binocular_proj_rectification (Map1, Map2, FMatrix, [], Width, Height, Width, Height, 1, \'bilinear_map\', CovFMatRect, H1, H2)
map_image (Image1, Map1, Image1)
map_image (Image2, Map2, Image2)
projective_trans_pixel (H1, Row1, Col1, Row1, Col1)
projective_trans_pixel (H2, Row2, Col2, Row2, Col2)
* Find the dominant plane in the images by computing the 2D homography.
* Then, the left image is transformed such that points lying in this dominant plane do coincide in both images.
* *通过两个图像之间的对应的点对来自动计算两个图像之间的基本投影变换
proj_match_points_ransac (Image1, Image2, Row1, Col1, Row2, Col2, \'ncc\', 11, 0, 200, 100, 100, 0, 0.6, \'normalized_dlt\', 2, 1, HomMat, Points1, Points2)
projective_trans_image (Image1, Image1, HomMat, \'bilinear\', \'false\', \'true\')
* 1. image (cyan) and the 2. image (red) overlaid:
* Regions close to the dominant plane are gray, whereas regions distant to this plane are red or cyan.
  *右下角显示 \'Press Run (F5) to continue\' 这个信息
disp_continue_message (Window1, \'black\', \'true\')
stop ()
compose3 (Image1, Image2, Image2, Image)
get_image_pointer1 (Image, Pointer, Type, Width, Height)
dev_set_window (Window2)
dev_close_window ()
dev_set_window (Window1)
dev_clear_window ()
ScaleImage := 0.4
dev_set_window_extents (-1, -1, Width * ScaleImage, Height * ScaleImage)
dev_display (Image)
disp_message (Window1, \'Images rectified relative to the dominant plane\', \'window\', 12, 12, \'black\', \'true\')
* The difference between corresponding points, also called parallax, is reciprocal to the 3D distance
* from the space point the reference plane.
* 利用关联技术来计算矫正图像对之间的差别
binocular_disparity (Image1, Image2, Disparity, Score, \'ncc\', 15, 15, 5, -5, 5, 1, 0.8, \'left_right_check\', \'interpolation\')
  *右下角显示 \'Press Run (F5) to continue\' 这个信息
disp_continue_message (Window1, \'black\', \'true\')
stop ()
dev_clear_window ()
dev_display (Disparity)
disp_message (Window1, \'Disparity map\', \'window\', 12, 12, \'black\', \'true\')
disp_continue_message (Window1, \'black\', \'true\')
stop ()
dev_clear_window ()
threshold (Disparity, Region, 0.5, 3)
gen_circle (StructElem, 10, 10, 3)
opening (Region, StructElem, Region)
dev_set_color (\'slate blue\')
dev_display (Image1)
dev_display (Region)
disp_message (Window1, \'Segmentation of components with large height\', \'window\', 12, 12, \'black\', \'true\')

posted on

2020-07-30 15:08 







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