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This discussion is based on the following GitHub pull request: microsoft/fast-dna#3015.

The goal is to establish a consistent convention for naming HTML attributes within the Fast Components framework. Two primary patterns are considered:

No Delineator (Lowercase Concatenation)

Native HTML attributes typically combine lowercase words without any separators. Examples include:

  • readonly
  • contenteditable
  • formaction

- Aligns closely with established HTML practices
- Simplifies attribute recognition and usage

Hyphen-Separated Words

Using hyphens between words is also valid in HTML, though less common compared to the no-delineator approach. Examples include:

  • All aria- attributes
  • Custom data- attributes
  • accept-charset
  • http-equiv

- Enhances readability
- Facilitates spell-checking
- Improves clarity for multi-word attributes

Note: CamelCase is not considered due to HTML's case-insensitive nature (reference).

Consensus has been reached on these conventions; however, new perspectives can be introduced if necessary.

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