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I am using Android Studio 1.1.0 under Windows 8.1 Pro and trying to connect my Nexus 7 running Android version 5.1.

我在Windows 8.1 Pro下使用Android Studio 1.1.0并尝试连接运行Android 5.1版的Nexus 7。

I am following both Lynda tutorial and looking at android developers tutorials but was not able to find what's wrong.


The device is visible in the Device Manager:


enter image description here

The Google USB driver has been installed:

已安装Google USB驱动程序:

enter image description here

I have enabled a lot of Developer options of my Nexus 7 including:

我启用了Nexus 7的很多开发者选项,包括:

  • USB debugging
  • Stay awake
  • Bug report shortcut
  • Bug报告快捷方式

I am not seeing the details when I try either to run or debug the application. The device is not listed here (as shown in the video):


enter image description here

I have try to:


  • add android:debuggable="true" in AndroidManifest.xml
  • 在AndroidManifest.xml中添加android:debuggable =“true”

  • restart the PC
  • 重启电脑

  • reconnect the device
  • 重新连接设备

I was not able to find Unknown sources option in the Developer options which was recommended in some other answers of this issue.


Could you advice what to try?


enter image description here

4 个解决方案



Click Revoke USB debugging authorization in Developer option and try it again.


Go to Settings -> Usb Connectivity -> Usb connection mode -> Check MTP mode.

转到设置 - > Usb连接 - > Usb连接模式 - >检查MTP模式。

And try sudo adb devices.

并尝试sudo adb设备。



I suggest re-installing your ADB Drive in the Android SDK file and making sure your device is in Debugging mode.

我建议您在Android SDK文件中重新安装ADB驱动器,并确保您的设备处于调试模式。



I have decided to change my OS and install Ubuntu 15.04 instead. After I installed the Android Studio what I needed to do was to simply connect my Nexus 7 with my computer - the studio detected it immediately - no additional drivers and settings were needed at all.

我决定改变我的操作系统并安装Ubuntu 15.04。安装Android Studio之后我需要做的就是简单地将Nexus 7连接到我的计算机 - 工作室立即检测到它 - 根本不需要额外的驱动程序和设置。



Go to developer settings and change USB-mode to Charging. Solution for Android M.

转到开发人员设置并将USB模式更改为“正在充电”。 Android M.的解决方案

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