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So I've got class Client that has_many :transactions. Both fields has monetized fields (money-rails) gem. INclass Transaction I've got after_create :add_customer_balance. It should add this transaction.amount to transaction.client balance.

我有一个类客户机,它有has_many:transactions。这两个领域都有货币化的领域(money-rails) gem。在类内事务中,我有after_create:add_customer_balance。它应该添加这个事务。事务。客户的平衡。

Problem I'm facing is situation when 2 transaction would be made in same moment. Let's have a look on this situation:


    Variant 1:
    time / process / code 
    0:01 / P1    / client = Client.find(1)
    0:01 / P2    / client = Client.find(1)
    0:02 / P1    / client.balance += 100
    0:02 / P1    / client.save # SQL: update clients set balance = 200 where id = 1
    0:03 / P2    / client.balance += 200
    0:03 / P2    / client.save # SQL: update clients set balance = 300 where id = 1

    Variant 2
    to,e / process / code 
    0:01 / P1    / client = Client.find(1)
    0:01 / P2    / client = Client.find(1)
    0:02 / P1    / client.update_all(...) # SQL: update clients set balance = balance + 100 where id = 1
    0:03 / P2    / client.update_all(...) # SQL: update clients set balance = balance + 200 where id = 1

    Client.find(1).balance = 400

My question is: how to prevent first situation?


I'm looking for solution that would increase field with balance and immediately save it to database.



I tried doing increment! but it seems to doesn't prevent race condition.


def increment!(attribute, by = 1)
  increment(attribute, by).update_attribute(attribute, self[attribute])

2 个解决方案



A transaction on your own won't help you here. The save process is wrapped in a transaction (the before_save, after_save and the actual save) but even if you included the find in your transaction


Client.transaction do
  client = Client.find(1)
  client.balance += 100

Then you are still at risk. It's easy to see this by adding a random duration call to sleep between the find and the save. When the save executes an exclusive lock will be acquired on the row. This would block calls to find occurring in other transactions (and so they would only see the value post save), but if the client row has already been retrieved then it won't force it to reload.

那么你仍然处于危险之中。通过在find和save之间为sleep添加一个随机持续时间调用,很容易看出这一点。当执行save时,将获取行上的独占锁。这将阻止查找在其他事务中发生的调用(因此它们将只看到值post save),但是如果客户端行已经被检索,那么它将不会强制重新加载。

There are 2 common approaches to this sort of problem


Pessimistic locking.

This looks like


Client.transaction do
  client = Client.lock.find(1)
  client.balance += 100

What this does is lock the row at the point of retrieval - any other attempt to call find on that client will block until the end of the transaction. It's called pessimistic because even though the risk of the collision is low, you expect the worse case and lock every time. There is a performance penalty, since it blocks all attempts to read that row, even ones that weren't going to do an update. It's still the case that if this runs in parallel with


client = Client.find(1) #no call to lock here!
#some lengthy process
client.balance += 1

then you'll end up with bad data: the entire find-lock-update process could happen in the break between when the row was fetched and when the row was updated. Therefore all of the places where you update balance would need to use lock


Optimistic locking

With this you add a lock_version column to your model (must be of type integer and default to 0). Calls to save will execute queries of the form


UPDATE clients set .... lock_version = 5 where id = 1 and lock_version = 4

With each save, lock_version is incremented by 1. If no rows are updated (ie there is a mismatch on the lock_version) then ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError is raised.


Applying this to your example


0:01 / P1 / client = Client.find(1) #lock_version is 1
0:01 / P2 / client = Client.find(1) #lock_version is 1
0:02 / P1 / client.balance += 100
0:02 / P1 / client.save # update clients
                        # set balance = 200, lock_version = 2 
                        # where id = 1 and lock_version = 1
0:03 / P2 / client.balance += 200
0:03 / P2 / client.save # update clients
                        # set balance = 300, lock_version =2
                        # where id = 1 and lock_version = 1

The second update will match no rows, and so the exception is raised. At this point you should reload the client object and try again.


It's called optimistic because we assume that most of the time there won't be simultaneous updates: in the happy case the overhead is minimal. A downside is that any call to save can result in ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError - it can be a bit of a pain handling all of those

这被称为乐观,因为我们假定大多数情况下不会同时更新:在愉快的情况下,开销很小。一个缺点是,任何要保存的调用都可能导致ActiveRecord: StaleObjectError——处理所有这些都可能有点痛苦

The documentation for these is at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Locking/Optimistic.html and http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Locking/Pessimistic.html




If I'm understanding your question correctly, this sounds like a textbook case for using transactions:


Transactions are protective blocks where SQL statements are only permanent if they can all succeed as one atomic action. The classic example is a transfer between two accounts where you can only have a deposit if the withdrawal succeeded and vice versa. Transactions enforce the integrity of the database and guard the data against program errors or database break-downs. So basically you should use transaction blocks whenever you have a number of statements that must be executed together or not at all.


Active Record supports transactions, you can read more about them here.


Here is the example from the documentation:


ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do

In this case, if the withdrawal from david's account fails, the deposit to mary's account is not executed. Likewise if the withdrawal succeeds and the deposit fails, the withdrawal is rolled back and no action is taken. Either everything works or nothing does, and it happens as an atomic operation - meaning nothing else can access the database before the transaction finishes (either success or failure)


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