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Hi I have a HashSet like the following in a class called Memory:


Set ideas = new HashSet();

The generic type "Idea" is another class I wrote that has hashcode() and equals() overriden. I want to be able to get(and not remove) an Idea object in the HashSet ideas, then change it by adding something to it possibly changing it's hashcode() return value. I heard that this is would not work but no one explained why. I was wondering if someone could tell me how I can do this most efficiently.


3 个解决方案



If you want to perform a lookup, you should be using a Map. If you want to change the key (or an element of a Set) you have to remove it first and add it again. For this reason your key should only have immutable fields.




HashSet internally uses HasMap with value same as the key.For putting an object to Hashset, jvm fill first calculate the hashcode of the object and based on that hashcode, corresponding bucket is selected and object is put.So if you are changing the hashcode after putting the object into hashset,you wont be able to get its location correctly.So if you really want to remove the element, better remove the object from hashset change its value and then put it back again

HashSet在内部使用HasMap,其值与key相同。为了将对象放入Hashset,jvm fill首先计算对象的hashcode,并根据该hashcode,选择相应的bucket并放置对象。如果你要更改hashcode之后将对象放入hashset,你将无法正确获取其位置。如果你真的想要删除元素,最好从hashset中删除对象更改其值,然后再将其重新放回



It wont work because the hashcode is the key to find the object, if you modify the object in such a way you change it's hashcode you won't be able to find it again.


It is like the entry in a dictionary, if you change it you won't find it again. Does it makes sense?


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