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I've been using the SocialSharing plugin in my Cordova app for many months and it's been working great, and I rely on its FB Sharing's callback functionality to track if people shared a post.

我已经在我的Cordova应用程序中使用SocialSharing插件好几个月了,而且它一直很好用,我依靠它的FB Sharing的回调功能来跟踪人们是否共享帖子。

However, I just discovered that the callback stopped working correctly on iOS 8.1.

但是,我刚刚发现回调在iOS 8.1上停止正常工作。

When I click on the "Cancel" in the FB dialog popup, the plugin calls the success function and returns "true" as the parameter. Previously it would call the success callback, but pass in a "false" parameter, so I'd be able to determine if it was "Cancel" or "Post" button that the user clicked on.


I have tried updating to the latest version of the plugin, but it still fails on my iPhone 6 running iOS 8.1.

我已经尝试更新到最新版本的插件,但它仍然在运行iOS 8.1的iPhone 6上失败。

If I test it on my iPad running iOS 7, the Cancel button works fine. Can someone please advise on how to resolve it?

如果我在运行iOS 7的iPad上测试它,“取消”按钮工作正常。有人可以建议如何解决它?

Below is the SocialSharing plugin official page: https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/SocialSharing-PhoneGap-Plugin


Thank you.

1 个解决方案


This issue has been solved as of today, when Facebook updated their app. To resolve the problem, user needs to update the Facebook app.


Further details are available at this Facebook bug report: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/962985360399542/


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