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I've been looking for a good testing framework for months, not finding anything, so I've just been building my own.


This is what I want to do:
- track arbitrary behaviors (e.g. # of photos viewed, # of comments posted)
- track correlation between arbitrary variables and those behaviors
(e.g, how do different versions of this prompt affect average # of photos viewed?)

这就是我想要做的事情: - 跟踪任意行为(例如,查看的照片数量,发布的评论数量) - 跟踪任意变量与这些行为之间的相关性(例如,此提示的不同版本如何影响所查看的平均照片数量? )

This kind of thing should be a core part of agile development. What's out there? I know Google Website Optimizer is one of the answers, but you can only track behaviors that end in a single "success" page.


It'd be great to have a plugin that can work within your code (Rails in my case) and feed into a nice hosted service with pretty graphs...


2 个解决方案


You may want to partition your problem into analytics (impressions, actions, and possible in-page events, reporting of your tests), and a framework for serving up your variations (how do you manage x variations both in practical terms of preparing them, do you need to store variations for future reference, turning on and off tests, optimize the effectiveness of your test etc). There is clearly an overlap, say, Google Website Optimizer can turn off a bad variation as soon as it has data to support it, but by thinking about this as different problems you may be able to reuse perhaps the Google Analytics component.

您可能希望将问题划分为分析(展示次数,操作,可能的页内活动,测试报告)以及提供变体的框架(如何在实际的准备过程中管理x变体,你需要存储变化以供将来参考,打开和关闭测试,优化测试的有效性等)。显然有一个重叠点,比如谷歌网站优化工具一旦有数据支持它就可以关闭一个糟糕的变体,但通过将其视为不同的问题,您可能可以重用Google Analytics组件。


Yep, here:


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