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I'm trying to migrate a app to iOS 11 and for days I'm stuck with one ugly UI bug after the other. This time: MKMapView. I have a bunch of buttons which I pinned to the Safe Area Layout Guides and everything is working fine - except the MKMapView.

我正在尝试将一个应用程序迁移到ios11上,几天来,我一直被一个丑陋的UI bug困扰着。这一次:MKMapView。我有一堆按钮,我把它们固定在安全区域布局指南上,一切都运行良好——除了MKMapView。

It completely ignores the Safe Area and therefore the compass and legal buttons are hidden under bars or my own UI elements. To verify, I created a new project with only one plain UIViewController. Then I added a MKMapView and configured custom "additionalSafeAreaInsets" which are indeed completely ignored.


The worse is probably that even with just the MKMapView, the legal label looks horribly wrong on iPhone X.

更糟糕的是,即使只使用MKMapView,法律标签在iPhone X上看起来也非常错误。

Question: is there any way I can inset the legal label and the compass to not get hidden by custom views?


enter image description here

3 个解决方案



The only solution worked for me


  1. Disable compass in the MapView
  2. 在MapView中禁用指南针
  3. Create a new Compass button manually and simply put it wherever you like it
  4. 手动创建一个新的指南针按钮,只要把它放在你喜欢的任何地方

Here is an example


    @IBOutlet weak var mapView: MKMapView! {
    didSet {
        let userTrackingButton = MKUserTrackingButton(mapView: mapView)
        userTrackingButton.layer.position = CGPoint(x: 100, y: 100)
        userTrackingButton.backgroundColor = UIColor.white

        let compassButton = MKCompassButton(mapView: mapView)
        compassButton.layer.position = CGPoint(x: 100, y: 150)
        compassButton.compassVisibility = .adaptive

        mapView.delegate = self
        mapView.showsUserLocation = true
        mapView.setUserTrackingMode(.follow, animated: true)



WARNING: at the moment - iOS 11.2.5 - MKMapView is badly buggy, so, it works randomly, mostly successfully or sarcastic.

警告:目前- ios11.2.5 - MKMapView有严重的错误,所以,它是随机的,大部分是成功的或讽刺的。

Since iOS11 use swift:


self.mapView.directiOnalLayoutMargins= NSDirectionalEdgeInsets(top: 70, leading: 10, bottom: 10, trailing: 48)

Older versions (8-10):

旧版本(8 - 10):

[self.mapView setLayoutMargins:UIEdgeInsetsMake(70, 10, 48, 10)];



The correct approach is to set additionalSafeAreaInsets of the view controller that contains the MKMapView. Doing so will allow you to adjust both the compass and "Legal" label as needed to accommodate for custom views on top of the map.


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