作者:子新宥梅93 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-10-10 19:20
hitting the browse button within phpmyadmin is causing
a seg fault in apache.
i recompile the php.srpm after upgrading to mysql
4.1.7. but i still get a Client API version 4.0.20 in
the phpinfo()
any clues, i guess it has something to do with the
i use
redhat 9
mysql 4.1.7 official rpm
fedora httpd 2.0.52 and php4.3.9 srpms
- Original URL: "https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/support-requests/566/":https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/support-requests/566/
- Original author: nowrap
- Found in version: 2.6.0-pl2
- priority: 3 --> 1
- status: open --> closed