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I've been using Android Studio for 3 months now and one of the apps I started on it has become fairly large. The memory usage indicated at the bottom right of the program says my allocated heap is maxed at 494M.

我已经使用Android Studio 3个月了,我开始使用它的一个应用程序已经变得相当大了。程序右下角显示的内存使用情况表明,分配的堆最大为494M。

enter image description here

When I start to change the XML files my memory usage quickly reaches that cap and the IDE crashes with an Out Of Memory error like this.


enter image description here

I've tried to increase the heap size using this but so far there has been no effect.


I've looked at dozens of articles and other questions on how to increase the heap size but none of their answers are working. No matter what I do to the VMOPTIONS or the IDE settings the heap size never increases. I believe I am editting the correct file for the VMOPTIONS because if I purposely give it an invalid command Android Studio complains about it and doesn't start.

我已经阅读了几十篇关于如何增加堆大小的文章和其他问题,但是他们的答案都没有起作用。无论我对VMOPTIONS或IDE设置做什么,堆大小都不会增加。我相信我正在为VMOPTIONS编辑正确的文件,因为如果我故意给它一个无效的命令,Android Studio会对它提出抱怨,而且不会启动。

I'm using windows 7 - 64 bit and have 16GB RAM. Has anyone else had this problem with Android Studio? And were you able to fix it?

我使用的是windows 7 - 64位,内存16GB。有谁对Android Studio有过这样的问题吗?你能修好它吗?

20 个解决方案



Open file located at /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/Contents/bin/studio.vmoptions Change the content to

打开位于/Applications/Android\ Studio.app/ content /bin/studio的文件。vmoptions将内容更改为。


Xmx specifies the maximum memory allocation pool for a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), while Xms specifies the initial memory allocation pool. Your JVM will be started with Xms amount of memory and will be able to use a maximum of Xmx amount of memory.


Save the studio.vmoptions file and restart Android Studio.

保存工作室。vmoptions文件,重启Android Studio。

More at this post.


---------- EDIT ----------

- - - - - - - - - - -编辑- - - - - - - - - - -

Android Studio 2.0, you can create/edit this file by accessing "Edit Custom VM Options" from the Help menu.

Android Studio 2.0,您可以通过从帮助菜单中访问“编辑自定义VM选项”来创建/编辑这个文件。



Or, you can go to your android-studio\bin folder and change these -Xmx and -Xms values in studio.exe.vmoptions or studio64.exe.vmoptions files (depending on which version you are running).




I looked at my Environment Variables and had a System Variable called _JAVA_OPTIONS with the value -Xms256m -Xmx512m, after changing this to -Xms256m -Xmx1024m the max heap size increased accordingly.

我查看了我的环境变量,并有一个名为_JAVA_OPTIONS的系统变量,其值为-Xms256m -Xmx512m,将其更改为-Xms256m -Xmx1024m后,最大堆大小随之增加。



You should not edit any files in the IDE installation directory. Instead, you can customize the attributes by creating your own .properties or .vmoptions files in the following directories. (This has been possible on some platforms before, but it required you to copy and change the entire contents of the files. With the latest changes these properties are now additive instead such that you can set just the attributes you care about, and the rest will use the defaults from the IDE installation).


Note: As of Android Studio 2.0, you can create/edit this file by accessing the "Edit Custom VM Options" file from the Help menu.

注意:在Android Studio 2.0中,您可以通过访问帮助菜单中的“编辑自定义VM选项”文件来创建/编辑该文件。



enter image description here



I increased my memory following the next Google documentation:




By default Android Studio is assigned a max of 750Mb, I changed to 2048Mb.

默认情况下,Android Studio的最大内存为750Mb,我将其修改为2048Mb。

I tried what google described but for me the only thing that it worked was to use an environment variable. I will describe what I did:


First I created a directory that I called .AndroidStudioSettings,


  • mkdir .AndroidStudioSettings
  • mkdir .AndroidStudioSettings

Then I created a file called studio.vmoptions , and I put in that file the following content:



Then I added the STUDIO_VM_OPTIONS environment variables in my .profile file:


  • export STUDIO_VM_OPTIOnS=/Users/youruser/.AndroidStudioSettings/studio.vmoptions
  • 出口STUDIO_VM_OPTIOnS= /用户/对于/ .AndroidStudioSettings / studio.vmoptions

Then I reload my .profile:


  • source ~/.profile
  • 源~ / . profile

And finally I open Android Studio:

最后我打开Android Studio:

  • open /Applications/Android\ Studio.app
  • 打开/应用程序/ Android \ Studio.app

And now as you can see using the status bar , I have more than 2000 MB available for Android Studio:

现在你可以看到使用状态栏,我有超过2000 MB的Android Studio可用:

enter image description here

You can customize your values according to your need in my case 2048Mb is enough.


UPDATE : Android Studio 2.0 let's you modify this file by accessing "Edit Custom VM Options" from the Help menu, just copy and paste the variables you might want to keep in order to increase it for everversion you might have on your box.

更新:Android Studio 2.0让我们通过从帮助菜单中访问“编辑自定义VM选项”来修改这个文件,只需复制并粘贴您可能想要保存的变量,以便在您的方框中增加everversion。



Note: I now this is not the answer for the post, but maybe this will be helpful for some one that is looking.


If Nothing of this works for you, try on a Mac this to see if helps you, in the last version of Android Studio, the studio.vmoptions is inside the AndroidStudio.app in your Applications folder.


So right click or ctrl click on your AndroidStudio.App and then select show package content the studio.vmoptions is in:



/ bin / studio.vmoptions内容

Replace or change it and you will get all the RAM you need.


enter image description here enter image description here





There are a lot of answers that are now outdated. The desired way of changing the heap size for Android Studio recently changed.

现在有很多答案已经过时了。最近,改变Android Studio堆大小的方法发生了变化。

Users should now create their own vmoptions file in one of the following directories;


Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.{FOLDER_NAME}\studio64.exe.vmoptions

Windows:% USERPROFILE % \ { FOLDER_NAME } \ studio64.exe.vmoptions

Mac: ~/Library/Preferences/{FOLDER_NAME}/studio.vmoptions

麦克:~ /图书馆/ / { FOLDER_NAME } / studio.vmoptions偏好

Linux: ~/.{FOLDER_NAME}/studio.vmoptions and/or ~/.{FOLDER_NAME}/studio64.vmoptions

Linux:~ /。{ FOLDER_NAME } /工作室。vmoptions和/或~ / { FOLDER_NAME } / studio64.vmoptions

The contents of the newly created *.vmoptions file should be:



To increase the RAM allotment change -XmX750m to another value.


Full instructions can be found here: http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/configuration




If you are using MAC BOOK, this option is available inside Applications -> Right click Android Studio then choose Show Package contents -> bin.

如果您正在使用MAC BOOK,这个选项可以在应用程序中使用——>右键单击Android Studio,然后选择Show Package contents——> bin。

enter image description here


open -e /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/Contents/bin/studio.vmoptions

开放- e /应用程序/ Android \ Studio.app /内容/ bin / studio.vmoptions

Then increase Xmx value



Now your Android Studio will be super-fast.




I tried the _JAVA_OPTIONS thing but it wasn't working for me still.


In the end, what worked for me was the following:


  • Launching studio64.exe instead of the studio.exe(I've got a 64-bits machine).
  • 启动studio64。exe而不是studio。exe(我有一台64位机器)。
  • Add/Change the following values in "studio64.exe.vmoptions":
  • 在“studio64.exe.vmoptions”中添加/更改以下值:




First check how much memory allocated for your android studio to check that follow this steps :

首先检查为android studio分配了多少内存,按照以下步骤进行检查:

File -> Settings->Appearance & Behavior->Appearance


then check the show memory indicator option like below image red highlighted part enter image description here


In my case my RAM is 12Gb so i have allocated memory for android studio 6gb .To edit that follow this steps

在我的情况下,我的RAM是12Gb,所以我为android studio 6gb分配了内存

Help->Edit custom VM options

帮助- >编辑自定义VM选项


In my case, i have set it 6gb because my pc ram is 12 GB. Its upto you how much memory you want to allocate to your android studio

在我的例子中,我将它设置为6gb,因为我的pc ram是12gb。你想要分配多少内存给你的android工作室



On Windows 7, the configuration files at [INSTALL-LOCATION]\bin seem to be ignored. Per the following Google documentation, the file to be modified should be here: %USERPROFILE%\.AndroidStudio\studio[64].exe.vmoptions

在Windows 7上,[INSTALL-LOCATION]\bin的配置文件似乎被忽略了。根据下面的谷歌文档,要修改的文件应该在这里:%USERPROFILE%\.AndroidStudio\studio[64].exe.vmoptions



Odd that there is no such file upon a clean install of Android Studio 1.1 from the developer site. And they are in the old (ignored) location. Once I copy the file (studio.exe.vmoptions in my case) over and modify it, the change is respected.

奇怪的是,在开发人员站点上安装了Android Studio 1.1之后,却没有这样的文件。它们在旧的(被忽略的)位置。一旦我复制文件(studio.exe)。在我的例子中是vmoptions)对它进行修改和修改之后,修改就会得到尊重。

However, the fun doesn't stop there. There's an upper value for -Xmx which may be related to the amount of memory in your system. I just bumped my machine's memory from 4Gb to 16Gb, and assumed I could set -Xmx to 2048m, but I found that if I set it to anything larger than 1500m, Android Studio would silently fail to launch with no indication at all as to why. I have more RAM on the way, so it will be interesting to see if I can increase the value at that point.

然而,乐趣并不仅限于此。有一个-Xmx的上限值,它可能与系统中的内存数量有关。我刚刚把我的机器内存从4Gb调到16Gb,并假设我可以将-Xmx调到2048m,但是我发现如果我把它调到任何大于1500m的内存,Android Studio会无声地失败,根本不知道为什么会这样。我在路上有更多的内存,所以看我能不能增加那个点的值是很有趣的。

I hope this additional information is helpful. While all of the above replies were undoubtedly true at one point (and may still be in some environments), I found that this was the only approach that increased the memory used by AS for me.




I found on on Windows 7/8 (64-bit), as of Android Studio 1.1.0:

我在Windows 7/8(64位)上发现,Android Studio 1.1.0版:

[INSTALL_DIR]\bin\studio64.exe.vmoptions be used (if it exists), otherwise it would always fall back to %USERPROFILE%.\AndroidStudio\studio[64].exe.vmoptions

[INSTALL_DIR]\ bin \ studio64.exe。可以使用vmoptions(如果存在的话),否则总是会回到%USERPROFILE%.\AndroidStudio\studio[64].exe.vmoptions

If you want the settings managed from %USERPROFILE%.\AndroidStudio\studio[64].exe.vmoptions, just delete the one in the installation directory.




Go in the Gradle Scripts -> local.properties and paste this


`org.gradle.jvmargs=-XX\:MaxHeapSize\=512m -Xmx512m`

, if you want to change it to 512. Hope it works !




you are not supposed to modify the bin/studio.exe.vmoptions file, which will be verified during applying update patch.


Solutions are here http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/configuration


copy that file into following location, then change the -Xmx1280m to whatever you want.



%USERPROFILE%\.{FOLDER_NAME}\studio.exe.vmoptions and/or %USERPROFILE%\.{FOLDER_NAME}\studio64.exe.vmoptions

% USERPROFILE % \ { FOLDER_NAME } \ studio.exe。vmoptions和/或% USERPROFILE % \ { FOLDER_NAME } \ studio64.exe.vmoptions


% USERPROFILE % \ { FOLDER_NAME } \ idea.properties


~/Library/Preferences/{FOLDER_NAME}/studio.vmoptions ~/Library/Preferences/{FOLDER_NAME}/idea.properties

~ /图书馆/偏好/ { FOLDER_NAME } /工作室。vmoptions ~ /图书馆/ / { FOLDER_NAME } / idea.properties偏好


~/.{FOLDER_NAME}/studio.vmoptions and/or ~/.{FOLDER_NAME}/studio64.vmoptions

~ / { FOLDER_NAME } /工作室。vmoptions和/或~ / { FOLDER_NAME } / studio64.vmoptions


~ / { FOLDER_NAME } / idea.properties



Had this Xms and Xmx memory low issue happen to me any time I was working with the XML. I also tried increasing this memory, only to find that it just took a little longer for it to happen again.


After getting very frustrated and almost deciding to convert all my current projects back over to Eclipse, which I did not want to do, I figured out what was causing it and was able to repeat this failure and prevent it every time.


While editing the XML in (Text view), and using the "Preview" render view, this causes the loss of memory, every time. Turning off "Preview" and using the Design tab to render the screen only, I am able to use Android Studio all day long, with no crash.

在(文本视图)中编辑XML并使用“预览”呈现视图时,每次都会导致内存丢失。关闭“预览”并使用Design选项卡只显示屏幕,我可以整天使用Android Studio,不会崩溃。

I wish this could be fixed for good, because it would be very nice to use the "Preview" render while editing the XML, however I am glad I can keep using Android Studio.

我希望这个问题能得到永久的解决,因为在编辑XML时使用“预览”呈现会很好,但是我很高兴我可以继续使用Android Studio。



Open studio.vmoptions and change JVM options


studio.vmoptions locates at /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/bin/studio.vmoptions (Mac OS). In my machine, it looks like

工作室。vmoptions位于/Applications/Android\ Studio.app/bin/studio。vmoptions(Mac OS)。在我的机器里,它看起来像


Change to



And restart Android Studio


See more Android Studio website

查看更多的Android Studio网站



May help someone that get this problem:


I edit studio64.exe.vmoptions file, but failed to save.


So I opened this file with Notepad++ in Run as Administrator mode and then saved successfully.







IF by changing or creating the .studio.exe.vmoptions doesn't work, then try changing the gradle.properties file and change the heap size as per your requirement.


It really worked for me on my Windows 7 with 4Gb RAM and Android Studio 2.2 install on it.

在我的Windows 7上,它真的很好用,有4Gb的RAM和Android Studio 2.2。

Working properly with no error and displaying 'Gradle Sync complete'




Android Studio 3.1 has option to edit your customize virtual memory options.

Android Studio 3.1有编辑自定义虚拟内存选项的选项。

You can go Android Studio > Help > Edit Custom VM Options

你可以去Android Studio >帮助>编辑自定义VM选项

enter image description here

Then paste below settings code to studio64.ex.vmoptions file & Save it.



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