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下面展示了一个全功能的首页文件(index.php), 他仅展示了每篇文章的内容,使用中视具体情况去调整循环。 这个展示的目的是向你证明一个循环是多么简单。 大多数在index.php?里的循环增加了更多的css,html,php,这些都让这个循环看起来更强大也更漂亮。



下面我们来一步一步看?默认?和?经典?的循环是怎么实现的,基于标准的WordPress v1.5.



  1. 首先, 通过have_posts()方法来检查是否有文章。
  2. 如果有文章, PHP?while循环开始.?while?循环会一直执行一直到其括号里的条件为真。所以直到have_posts()返回真,while循环就不会停止(have_posts()?方法单纯的检查下一篇文章能否找到。如果找到了,if判断返回真,while循环就再次执行;如果没有下一篇文章,if判断返回假,跳出循环)。


the_post()方法获取到posts集合中的当前post并使得它在循环迭代器中有效使用. 没有?the_post(), 大多数?模板标签?都不能用了。








更多标签?: 如果文章包含快速标签?叫做?更多, 写做?,所有之前的将在循环中显示,之后的被省略。



Beneath each post's content in the?index.php?template file is a place to display more information about the post, such as the categories, date, and comment information. Known as the?post meta data section, if you're a logged in user of sufficient privilege (or the post's author), you will also see an "Edit This" link, thanks to the?edit_post_link()?template tag function.

Posted in | |');??>

If commenting is enabled, or if the post has comments, the?comments_popup_link()?template tag will display a link to the comments. If you're using the?comments popup window, this link will open the comments window; otherwise it will jump right to this post's comments.

If the visitor is viewing an index of posts (i.e.:?more than one post in The Loop), the?comments_popup_link()link will take the reader to this post's individual page.


The?trackback_rdf?template tag's function is to output machine-readable code used for?trackback?auto-discovery.

Note:?The?trackback_rdf()?tag is supposed to be used with?comments?around it. It is not "turned off".


The following ends The Loop. After this, the various post-related template tags will not work as expected (or if they do, they will use the last post from The Loop). This means, that if you need to use a template tag that works?within The Loop, you need to put it in before this point.

This section, immediately after the end of The Loop, displays navigation controls to move forward and backward by each web page. More information is available in function reference for?posts_nav_link().


If the blog is set to display 10 posts per page, and the conditions used by The Loop collect 25 posts, there will be three pages to navigate: two pages of 10 posts each, and one page of 5 posts. The navigation links will allow the visitor to move forward and backward through the collection of posts.

The navigation controls are included?outside?The Loop, but?inside?the?if?condition, so that they only show up if there are any posts. The navigation functions themselves also check whether or not there is anything to which they will link, based on the current Loop, and only display links if there's something to link.


Not Found

The?else?:?clause determines what to do if?have_posts()?(from way up at the top) is false. That is to say, the stuff after the?else?will only be executed/displayed if The Loop had zero posts. No posts show up if, for example, the visitor requested a specific day for which no posts were made or a search was performed that produced no results.


This ends the conditional test of "if there are posts do this, else if there are no posts, do that". Once the conditional test is finished, the default index.php template next includes the sidebar, and finally the footer.


WordPress会用不同的模版文件使得博客的显示方式多彩多样。在默认的WordPress主题中,利用?template files?的 主页视图,分类视图,以及存档视图来作为显示单独文章的模版。 每个使用?The Loop的模版,但采用了稍微不同的样式, 则参考?template tags的不同用法.

For any view which does not have a separate template file, WordPress will use?index.php?by default. If a visitor requests a single post, WordPress will first look for a file named?single.php. If that file exists, it will be used to present the post to the visitor. If that file does not exist, WordPress will use?index.php?to present the post to the visitor. This is called the?Template Hierarchy.

If you are making your own?Theme, it's often helpful to look at the?template files?from the default Theme as a point of reference. It's also helpful to use your theme's?index.php?as a template for your other template files. Doing so may give you a known and working page from which to begin making changes as you create more template files.


An?archive?is a collection of historical posts. In the default usage, the posts displayed on your main index are recent?chronological?postings. When a visitor clicks on one of your archive links, or if they manually request a specific date (http://www.example.com/blog/index.php?m=200504 or http://www.example.com/blog/2005/04 to select all posts from April, 2005), WordPress will display an?archive?view. By default, the archive will use?index.php, and thus look the same as your front page, just displaying the posts from April 2005.

When WordPress prepares an?archive view?for a visitor, it specifically looks for a file named?archive.php?in your current theme's directory. If you'd like to visually disambiguate archives from your front page, simply copy?index.php?to?archive.php, and edit?archive.php?as necessary!

For example, if you want to show only post titles, and no post content, for your list of archives, you could use something like this:


Not Found


Like the archive views, WordPress looks for a separate template file for?category views. If a visitor clicks on a link for a category in your blog, they will be taken to the category view. WordPress will prepare The Loop with posts from that category only, limiting the number of posts per the blog's default settings.

To make your category view different from your index view, copy?index.php?and rename it?category.php. For a category view, it's probably not necessary to list the categories to which a post is assigned, so let's remove that portion. Instead, let's announce the category at the top of the page:


Not Found


As explained in the?Template Hierarchy, it is possible to?create separate template files for each category. Simply name the file?category-X.php, where?X?is the numerical ID of the category. Consider carefully whether you need a whole new template for a specific category.

Let's look at two categories, "Plants" and "Flowers", with category IDs 3 and 4, respectively. Next to each post title in the output you want to have picture of either a plant, or a flower, depending on which category is being displayed. You could:

  • Use two separate files,?category-3.php?and?category-4.php, each with a different?img?tag for each post title.
  • Use a conditional test inside your default?category.php?file to check whether the current category is "Plants" or "Flowers" (or neither), and display the appropriate image:

 a plant

 a pretty flower

If you added another category, "Cars", which you wanted to display in a?significantly?different way, then a separate?category-X.php?would be more appropriate.


Many users want to create separate CSS files for a specific category. This, too, can be easily accomplished. It is important to remember that stylesheets are defined and loaded in the??section of the HTML document. WordPress uses the?header.php?file for this. In the default?header.php, find this line:

" type="text/css" media="screen" />

And change it to something like this:

  /category-5.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />;

   " type="text/css" media="screen" />

Note:?The Cars template uses the?category-5.css?file to override the default layout. In this example the CSS file is named after the category template file to which it will be applied, rather than the actual name of the category. Thus, you know that?category-5.css?goes with?category-5.php.


When viewing any single post (or?permalink), WordPress will use?single.php, if present.

This portion, from the WordPress default single.php, provides the?post meta data information?about the current post:

This entry was posted on at and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the feed. comment_status) && ('open' == $post->ping_status)) { // Both Comments and Pings are open ?> You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. comment_status) && ('open' == $post->ping_status)) { // Only Pings are Open ?> Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site. comment_status) &&?!('open' == $post->ping_status)) { // Comments are open, Pings are not ?> You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. comment_status) &&?!('open' == $post->ping_status)) { // Neither Comments, nor Pings are open ?> Both comments and pings are currently closed.

This sort of information -- whether comments are open or closed -- is largely inappropriate on an index, archive, or category view; which is why it's only included in the?single.php?template file.


Now that you have a good introduction to the basic uses for the WordPress Loop, let's introduce you to some more Loop effects and tricks.


如何做到使某些特殊的内容显示在首页?没错,仅显示在首页,而不是你网站上任何其他的页面。非常简单!这我们称之为静态首页。 你网站的首页或第一页并非是真正静态的,而是通过循环使之看起来那样。


在?index.php, 使用?if()?判断来选择性的输出额外的内容:

 // and now back to our regularly scheduled home page




The easiest way to display excerpts, instead of the full content, of posts, replace all instances ofthe_content()?with?the_excerpt(). If you have not created explicit excerpts for your posts, this function will automatically display the first 55 words of the post.


In some circumstances, for example on archive pages, you may want to show the full post if there is only one post or excerpts if there are multiple posts. You can customize the loop to do this.

  post_count) > 1)?:??>






WordPress offers the?get_header(),?get_sidebar(), and?get_footer()?Include Tags?for use in your?template files. These functions make it easy to define a standard header/sidebar/footer which is easily editable. Any changes made to these files will immediately be made visible to viewers, without any work on your part.

But sometimes you might not?want?a sidebar. If you don't want a sidebar, simply exclude the call to theget_sidebar()?function from your template. For example, the?single.php?template in the WordPress default theme does not include a sidebar.

To create your own?different?sidebar, you have two choices:

  1. Include the sidebar contents directly into the template file on which you're working. If you want category-3 to have a different sidebar, edit?category-3.php?and include the necessary HTML and PHP to generate your distinctive sidebar.
  2. Use the PHP?include?function, to include another file. The WordPress?get_sidebar()?function?only?loadssidebar.php. If you make a file named?sideleft.php, you would include it like this:

In WordPress?Version 2.5?and above you can also call a sidebar like this:

This causes the template TEMPLATEPATH . 'sidebar-right.php' to be included.

Using the WordPress default?Template Hierarchy, if you want to use the same elements on multiple or different templates, it's probably best to put them in separate template files and use the PHP?include()?function. If the element you're adding is specifically for one template file, it's probably best to include it directly in that template file.


我们刚刚大致了解了如何处理循环。提醒一下,下面是能帮助你自定义你自己WordPress Loop的资源。

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