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I've gone over the Alchemy quick start guide and exported my stringecho.swc successfully, but I don't want to compile in Flex. I just don't know Flex and I'm not very keen on learning it all of a sudden. I tried to do my business in Flash, instead, considering that they both run on AS3. The Flex code they give as an example is


    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import cmodule.stringecho.CLibInit;

    public class EchoTest extends Sprite
        public function EchoTest()
            var loader:CLibInit = new CLibInit;
            var lib:Object = loader.init();

I've added my swc in the Flash CS4 options and thought I could convert the Flex code into the following AS3 Flash code, written in the timeline:

我已经在Flash CS4选项中添加了我的swc,并认为我可以将Flex代码转换为以下AS3 Flash代码,在时间轴中编写:

import cmodule.stringecho.CLibInit;

var loader:CLibInit = new CLibInit;
var lib:Object = loader.init();

But, alas, I get the following error at runtime: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable MainTimeline is not defined.


I've not enough experience with Flex, but quite a lot with Flash, but that error tells me nothing at all. I haven't heard of any properties of the stage object or whatever called MainTimeline. Could someone tell me why I get the error or why what I'm doing is just plain stupid?


1 个解决方案


Never mind, I made it work. Under Profile->Edit->SWF Settings, I checked "Export SWC". Not sure why it works, maybe someone could still give me a logical explanation...

没关系,我做到了。在Profile-> Edit-> SWF Settings下,我选中了“Export SWC”。不知道为什么会有效,也许有人还能给我一个合乎逻辑的解释......

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