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1.Which of the following are true of unicast IP? It can be either TCP or UDP It uses a class D address A server transmitting unicast IP does not need to ‘know’ the recipient‘s address 2.Which of the following are true of remote service

1.Which of the following are true of unicast IP?

It can be either TCP or UDP

It uses a class D address A server transmitting unicast

IP does not need to ‘know’ the recipient‘s address

2.Which of the following are true of remote services?

They are centralized and therefore

require transport across the backbone to reach the user

They are common to all users They are on a different VLAN

than the user They are typically connected

to the user via a layer 2 switching path

3.Which of the following is a form of out-of-band management?

Web-based management Console port LAT TELNET

4.Spanning tree protocols puts a port in one of 5 states.

Which of the following is true of the forwarding state?

No frames are forwarded. BPDU‘s are heard.

No frames are forwarded. No BPDU’s are heard.

No frames are forwarded. Learning Addresses.

Frames are forwarded. Learning addresses.

5.What security measures does Cisco suggest

in the access layer of their recommended campus architecture?

Route filtering Cisco recommends no security measures

in the access layer Device security such as passwords

Port security

6.Telnet access directly to a switch or router command

uses what facility?

slip server async port line

7.What mechanism can be used to prevent ‘rogue’

HSRP routers from asserting high priorities and

becoming the active router?

MD5 authentication may be used in HSRP messages

Plain text authentication may be used in HSRP messages

The command ‘standby (group_number)access-group (access_list)’

is used to specify the routers that may participate

in an HSRP group Each HSRP router is explicitly

configured with the address of the other routers

in the group using

the command ‘standby (group_number) (group_member_address)

8.What command will set duplex mode

on a set based switch to half?

9.Which of the following are true of a LAN

segmented with layer 2 switches?

Path determination is based on OSI reference model

Layer2 information Path determination is based

on OSI reference model Layer3 information

Path determination is based on OSI reference model

Layer4 information It supports multiple high-speed

data exchanges

10.What will a Catalyst switch do with

a multicast (in default configuration)?

Learn the correct destinations Flood the multicast

frames out each port within the VLAN on

which it is received Query the IGMP designated

router Query the domain to determine multicast

group membership
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