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Ok, so I'll try to be as descriptive as possible.


I'm working on a project for a client that requires a jibjab-style masking feature of an uploaded image.


I would like to be able to generate a database-storable object that contains anchor/control positions of a bezier shape, so I can pull it out later and re-mask the object. This all is pretty easy to do, except for one catch : I need to create the bezier object from a user-drawn outline.


So far, here's how I imagine the process going:


on mouse down, create a new sprite, beginFill, and moveTo mouse position.


on mouse move, lineTo an XY coordinate.


on mouse up, endFill.


This all works just great. I could just store the info here, but I would be looking at a GIGANTIC object full of tons of pretty useless x/y coordinates, and no way to really make fine-tuning changes outside of putting handles on every pixel. (I may as well give the end user a pencil tool...)

一切都很好。我可以在这里存储信息,但我会看到一个充满了大量相当无用的x / y坐标的GIGANTIC对象,并且无法在每个像素上放置句柄之外进行微调。 (我也可以给最终用户一个铅笔工具......)

Here's what I'm thinking as far as bezier curve calculation goes :


1: Figure out when I need to start a new curve, and track the xy of the pixel on this interval. I'm imagining this being just a pixel count, maybe just increment a count variable per mouse move and make a new one every x pixels. The issue here is some curves would be inaccurate, and others unnecessary, but I really just need a general area, not an exact representation, so it could work. I'd be happier with something a little smarter though.


2: take each new x/y, store it as an anchor, and figure out where a control would go to make the line curve between this and the last anchor. this is where I get really hung up. I'm sure someone has done this in flash, but no amount of googling can seem to help me out with the way to get this done. I've done a lot of sketching and what little math I can wrap my brain around, but can't seem to figure out a way of converting pixels to beziers.

2:获取每个新的x / y,将其存储为锚点,并找出控件将在何处和最后一个锚点之间建立线条曲线。这是我真正挂断的地方。我敢肯定有人在flash中做过这个,但谷歌搜索的数量似乎无法帮助我完成这项工作。我已经做了很多素描,我可以用很少的数学来包裹我的大脑,但似乎无法找到一种将像素转换为beziers的方法。

Is this possible? All I really need is something that will get close to the same shape. I'm thinking about maybe only placing anchors when the angle of the next pixel is beyond 180 degrees in relation to the current line or something, and just grabbing the edge of the arc between these changes, but no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to figure out how to get this working!


Thanks for your help, I'll be sure to post my progress here as I go, I think this could be really useful in many applications, as long as it's actually feasible...



3 个解决方案


It sounds like a lot of work to turn pixels into Bezier curves. You could try using something like the Linear least squares algorithm. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_least_squares

将像素转换为贝塞尔曲线听起来很麻烦。您可以尝试使用线性最小二乘算法。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_least_squares

A different tact, could you have your users draw vector graphics instead? That way you can just store the shapes in the database.


Another cool method of converting raster to vector would be something like this iterative program: http://rogeralsing.com/2008/12/07/genetic-programming-evolution-of-mona-lisa/


Good luck


In my answer to this question I discuss using autotrace to convert bitmaps to beziers. I recommend passing your user drawing through this program on the server. Autotrace does a fantastic job of tracing and simplifying so there is no need to try and reinvent the wheel here.

在我对这个问题的回答中,我讨论了使用autotrace将位图转换为beziers。我建议在服务器上传递用户绘图通过此程序。 Autotrace在追踪和简化方面做得非常出色,因此无需在此尝试重新发明轮子。


Thanks for the answers, although I guess I probably should be more specific about the application, I'm really only needing an outline for a mask, so converting images to vectors or polygons, despite how cool that is, doesn't really fix my issue. The linear least squares algorithm is mega cool, I think this might be closer to what I'm looking for.


I have a basic workaround going right now, I'm just counting mouse moves, then every X (playing with it to get most desirable curve) moves, I grab the xy position. then, I take every other stored xy, and turn it into an anchor, the remaining xys are turned into controls. This is producing somewhat desirable results, but has some minor issues, in that the speed at which the mask is drawn effects the number of handles, and it's really just getting a general area, not a precise fit. Interestingly, users seem to draw slower for more precise shapes, so this solution works a lot better than I had imagined, but it's not as nice as it could be. This will work for the client, so although there's no reason to pursue it further, I like learning new things, and will spend some off the clock time looking into linear least equations and seeing if I can drum up a class that will do these computations for me. If anyone runs across some AS3 code for this type of thing, or would like some of mine, let me know, this is an interesting puzzle.


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