So I was wondering, can you set up a FORTRAN project in Visual Studio 2010? As in being able to compile and debug the code?
And is there anything negatives associated with making direct calls to compiled FORTRAN .dll file? Such as limited paramater data types/return data types?
从我的角度来看,这种方式更加灵活.在将来,您可以轻松地使用您在* nix群集上的控制台后台.或者一些有经验的用户可以在控制台后端使用脚本
您还可以让用户从GUI应用程序将此生成的输入文件提交到控制台后端(创建新进程). GUI应用程序将等待进程完成,然后分析输出.但是后端和前端的紧密集成是不必要的.