Possible Duplicate:
Inserting new table row after the first table row using JQuery可能重复:使用JQuery在第一个表行之后插入新表行
I have populated a tr for my table and I want to prepend it after the firts tr. I use this:
我为我的桌子填充了一个tr,我想在firts tr之后添加它。我用这个:
As usual, it adds my new tt to the top.
How can I add it as second?
You will want to use jquery after, like this:
$('#myTable tr:first').after($tr);
You can do one thing keep the first tr to 你可以做一件事保持表的第一个tr到并将tr放到表的。 Now do 现在做 0 You need to use 你需要使用.after of the table and rest tr to
of the table.
$('#myTable tbody').prepend($tr);
$('#myTable > tbody > tr:first').after($tr);
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