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available pake tasks:
clear-cache > clear cached information
clear-controllers > clear controllers
disable > disables an application in a given environment
downgrade > downgrade to a previous symfony release
enable > enables an application in a given environment
fix-perms > fix directories permissions
freeze > freeze symfony libraries
init-app > initialize a new symfony application
init-batch > initialize a new symfony batch script
init-controller > initialize a new symfony controller script
init-module > initialize a new symfony module
init-project > initialize a new symfony project
log-purge > purges an applications log files
log-rotate > rotates an applications log files
plugin-install > install a new plugin
plugin-list > list installed plugins
plugin-uninstall > uninstall a plugin
plugin-upgrade > upgrade a plugin
propel-build-all > generate propel model and sql and initialize database
propel-build-all-load > generate propel model and sql and initialize database, and load data
propel-build-db > create database for current model
propel-build-model > create classes for current model
propel-build-schema > create schema.xml from existing database
propel-build-sql > create sql for current model
propel-convert-xml-schema > create schema.yml from schema.xml
propel-convert-yml-schema > create schema.xml from schema.yml
propel-dump-data > dump data to fixtures directory
propel-generate-crud > generate a new propel CRUD module
propel-init-admin > initialize a new propel admin module
propel-init-crud > initialize a new propel CRUD module
propel-insert-sql > insert sql for current model
propel-load-data > load data from fixtures directory
sync > synchronise project with another machine
test-all > launch all tests
test-functional > launch functional tests for an application
test-unit > launch unit tests
unfreeze > unfreeze symfony libraries
upgrade > upgrade to a new symfony release

task aliases:
app = pake init-app
batch = pake init-batch
cc = pake clear-cache
cOntroller= pake init-controller
module = pake init-module
new = pake init-project


available pake tasks:
clear-cache > clear cached information
clear-controllers > clear controllers
disable > disables an application in a given environment
downgrade > downgrade to a previous symfony release
enable > enables an application in a given environment
fix-perms > fix directories permissions
freeze > freeze symfony libraries
init-app > initialize a new symfony application
init-batch > initialize a new symfony batch script
init-controller > initialize a new symfony controller script
init-module > initialize a new symfony module
init-project > initialize a new symfony project
log-purge > purges an applications log files
log-rotate > rotates an applications log files
plugin-install > install a new plugin
plugin-list > list installed plugins
plugin-uninstall > uninstall a plugin
plugin-upgrade > upgrade a plugin
propel-build-all > generate propel model and sql and initialize database
propel-build-all-load > generate propel model and sql and initialize database, and load data
propel-build-db > create database for current model
propel-build-model > create classes for current model
propel-build-schema > create schema.xml from existing database
propel-build-sql > create sql for current model
propel-convert-xml-schema > create schema.yml from schema.xml
propel-convert-yml-schema > create schema.xml from schema.yml
propel-dump-data > dump data to fixtures directory
propel-generate-crud > generate a new propel CRUD module
propel-init-admin > initialize a new propel admin module
propel-init-crud > initialize a new propel CRUD module
propel-insert-sql > insert sql for current model
propel-load-data > load data from fixtures directory
sync > synchronise project with another machine
test-all > launch all tests
test-functional > launch functional tests for an application
test-unit > launch unit tests
unfreeze > unfreeze symfony libraries
upgrade > upgrade to a new symfony release

task aliases:
app = pake init-app
batch = pake init-batch
cc = pake clear-cache
cOntroller= pake init-controller
module = pake init-module
new = pake init-project

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