作者:手机用户2602905817_973 | 来源:互联网 | 2018-07-17 12:20
ec(2);昨天在phpx.com找到的,真是爽极了.感谢dxf218我修正了其中一点点小小小的问题<?php** FileName :
* FileName : cache.inc.php
* Link : [url]http://blog.111cn.net/dxflingxing/[/url]
* Author : dxflingxing
* Date : 2006-5-9
* Last Modified : 2006-5-16
* Version : 1.0.1
* Descrīption : Cache a page in file formart
* Notice : Make sure you cache file dir can be readed and wrote
* Thanks to : 小邪,barryonline(寒)
* Usage :
* # Cache active time half an hour
* # This Can Auotmatic make some none exist dirs
* # Or you can use an cache file in curent dir
* # The Usage Such as
* # $cache  