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Oracle 10g OCP 042 题库 121-166题 共168题

121. You want to create a new optimized database for your transactional production environment to be used by a financial application. While creating the database, you want the Oracle software to take care of all basic settings to optimize the database performance. Which method would you use to achieve this objective?

A) Use the CREATE DATABASE.. command to create the database with Oracle-managed files.

B) Use the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to create the database with Oracle-managed files.

C) Use Enterprise Manager to create a new database with the Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) option.

D) Use Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to create the database with Transaction Processing template.

E) Use the CREATE DATABASE.. command to create the database with Automatic Storage Management (ASM) file system.

答案: D

122. You received complaints about the degradation of SQL query performance. You identified top SQL queries that consume time. What would be your next step to find out recommendations about statistics collection and restructuring of the SQL statement to improve query performance?

A) run Segment Advisor

B) run SQL Tuning Advisor on top SQL statements

C) run the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) report

D) run the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) on top SQL statements


123. View the Exhibit.

Which statement regarding the dept and emp tables is true?

A) When you delete a row from the emp table, you would receive a constraint violation error.

B) When you delete a row from the dept table, you would receive a constraint violation error.

C) When you delete a row from the emp table, automatically the corresponding rows are deleted from the dept table.

D) When you delete a row from the dept table, automatically the corresponding rows are deleted from the emp table.

E) When you delete a row from the dept table, automatically the corresponding rows are updated with null values in the emp table.

F) When you delete a row from the emp table, automatically the corresponding rows are updated with null values in the dept table.


124. User Scott has updated the salary of one of the employees in the EMPLOYEES table and has not committed the transaction. What are the two types of locks that this scenario would lead to? (Choose two.)

A) null lock on the row being updated

B) null lock on the table containing the row

C) ROW SHARE lock for the row being updated

D) ROW EXCLUSIVE lock for the row being updated

E) shared row-exclusive lock for the row being updated

F) a shareable table lock for the table containing the row

G) exclusive table-level lock for the table containing the row


125. View the Exhibit and examine the output.

Which statement describes the conclusion?

A) The users should use bind variables instead of literals in the query.

B) The dictionary cache is consuming more space than the library cache.

C) The shared pool size should be increased to accommodate the SQL statements.

D) Preparing indexes on the tables used in the SQL statements would improve the library cache performance.


126. Your database is configured in NOARCHIVELOG mode. All the control files have been lost due to a hard disk failure but the data files are not lost. You have the closed whole database backup available to you. Which two statements are true in this scenario? (Choose two.)

A) The instance aborts.

B) The database cannot be recovered.

C) The database can be recovered by restoring the control files from the backup.

D) The database remains opened and you have to shut it down with the ABORT option.

E) The database can be restored till the point of the last closed whole database backup.


127. While running the Oracle Universal Installer on a Unix platform to install Oracle Database 10g software, you are prompted to run orainstRoot.sh script. What does this script accomplish?

A) It creates the pointer file.

B) It creates the base directory.

C) It creates the Inventory pointer file.

D) It creates the Oracle user for installation.

E) It modifies the Unix kernel parameters to match Oracle's requirement.

答案: C

128. Your database is started with SPFILE. You want the database instance to be dynamically registered with a

listener L2 with the following details:

Protocol: TCP

Host: indl151e

Port: 1525

Which is the correct order of the steps that you would follow to achieve this?

1. Set the LOCAL_LISTENER parameter to L2 dynamically.

2. Make an entry for L2 in tnsnames.ora on the database server.

3. Restart L2.

4. Modify the listener.ora file to add the instance name in SID_LIST of L2.

A) 1, 2, 4, 3

B) 1, 2, 3; 4 is not required.

C) 2, 1; 3 and 4 are not required.

D) 1, 2; 3 and 4 are not required.


129. The junior DBA in your organization has accidentally deleted the alert log file. What will you do to create new alert log file?

A) Create the new text file file as ALERT.LOG.

B) You have to recover the alert log file from the valid backup.

C) Change the value for the BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST parameter.

D) No action required.The file would be created automatically by the instance.

答案: D

130. View the Exhibit.

Your Oracle 10g database has 6 tablespaces in which)

-TEMP is the default temporary tablespace

-UNDOTBS1 is the default undo tablespace

-USERS is the default permanent tablespace

In this database, which two tablespaces can be made read only? (Choose two.)







答案: BC

131. You are using the backup scheduler in Enterprise Manager (EM) to schedule a backup of your database. Which type of script does the backup scheduler generate?

A) SQL script

B) PL/SQL script

C) Operating System (OS) script

D) Enterprise Manager (EM) script

E) Recovery Manager (RMAN) script

答案: E

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