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检索数据可以使用sort()方法来对数据进行排序,指定排序字段,并使用1或-1来指定排序方式是升序或降序。类似于SQL语句中的order by语句。可以使用limit()方法来读取指定数量的数据,还可以使用skip()方法来跳过指定数量的数据。对分页性能上面效率非常高。1.

检索数据可以使用sort()方法来对数据进行排序,指定排序字段,并使用1或-1来指定排序方式是升序或降序。类似于SQL语句中的order by语句。 可以使用limit()方法来读取指定数量的数据,还可以使用skip()方法来跳过指定数量的数据。对分页性能上面效率非常高。 1. 语法 >db.COLLECTION_NAME.find().sort({KEY:1}) >db.COLLECTION_NAME.find().limit(NUMBER) >db.COLLECTION_NAME.find().limit(NUMBER).skip(NUMBER) 2. sort()
> db.mediaCollection.find().sort({"Tracklist":1}).toArray()
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353462f93efef02c962da71"),
                "Type" : "Book",
                "Title" : "Definitive Guide to MongoDB, the",
                "ISBN" : "987-1-4302-3051-9",
                "Publisher" : "Apress",
                "Author" : [
                        "Membrey, Peter",
                        "Plugge, Eelco",
                        "Hawkins, Tim"
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353462f93efef02c962da72"),
                "Type" : "CD",
                "Artist" : "Nirvana",
                "Title" : "Nevermind"
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353463193efef02c962da73"),
                "Type" : "CD",
                "Artist" : "Nirvana",
                "Title" : "Nevermind",
                "Tracklist" : [
                                "Track" : "1",
                                "Title" : "Smells like teen spirit",
                                "Length" : "5:02"
                                "Track" : "2",
                                "Title" : "In Bloom",
                                "Length" : "4:15"
> db.mediaCollection.find().toArray()
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353462f93efef02c962da71"),
                "Type" : "Book",
                "Title" : "Definitive Guide to MongoDB, the",
                "ISBN" : "987-1-4302-3051-9",
                "Publisher" : "Apress",
                "Author" : [
                        "Membrey, Peter",
                        "Plugge, Eelco",
                        "Hawkins, Tim"
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353462f93efef02c962da72"),
                "Type" : "CD",
                "Artist" : "Nirvana",
                "Title" : "Nevermind"
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353463193efef02c962da73"),
                "Type" : "CD",
                "Artist" : "Nirvana",
                "Title" : "Nevermind",
                "Tracklist" : [
                                "Track" : "1",
                                "Title" : "Smells like teen spirit",
                                "Length" : "5:02"
                                "Track" : "2",
                                "Title" : "In Bloom",
                                "Length" : "4:15"
注意:如果指定的排序键不存在,那么数值将以它们插入的顺序升序返回。 3. limit() 该函数用来指定返回结果的最大数量。
> db.mediaCollection.find().limit(1).toArray()
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353462f93efef02c962da71"),
                "Type" : "Book",
                "Title" : "Definitive Guide to MongoDB, the",
                "ISBN" : "987-1-4302-3051-9",
                "Publisher" : "Apress",
                "Author" : [
                        "Membrey, Peter",
                        "Plugge, Eelco",
                        "Hawkins, Tim"
4. skip() 跳过前面两条数据。
> db.mediaCollection.find().skip(2).toArray()
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353463193efef02c962da73"),
                "Type" : "CD",
                "Artist" : "Nirvana",
                "Title" : "Nevermind",
                "Tracklist" : [
                                "Track" : "1",
                                "Title" : "Smells like teen spirit",
                                "Length" : "5:02"
                                "Track" : "2",
                                "Title" : "In Bloom",
                                "Length" : "4:15"
5. 组合使用
> db.mediaCollection.find().sort({"Tracklist":1}).toArray()
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353462f93efef02c962da71"),
                "Type" : "Book",
                "Title" : "Definitive Guide to MongoDB, the",
                "ISBN" : "987-1-4302-3051-9",
                "Publisher" : "Apress",
                "Author" : [
                        "Membrey, Peter",
                        "Plugge, Eelco",
                        "Hawkins, Tim"
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353462f93efef02c962da72"),
                "Type" : "CD",
                "Artist" : "Nirvana",
                "Title" : "Nevermind"
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353463193efef02c962da73"),
                "Type" : "CD",
                "Artist" : "Nirvana",
                "Title" : "Nevermind",
                "Tracklist" : [
                                "Track" : "1",
                                "Title" : "Smells like teen spirit",
                                "Length" : "5:02"
                                "Track" : "2",
                                "Title" : "In Bloom",
                                "Length" : "4:15"
> db.mediaCollection.find().sort({"Tracklist":1}).limit(1).skip(1).toArray()
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353462f93efef02c962da72"),
                "Type" : "CD",
                "Artist" : "Nirvana",
                "Title" : "Nevermind"
6. 自然顺序$natural
> db.mediaCollection.find().sort( { $natural: -1 } ).toArray()
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353463193efef02c962da73"),
                "Type" : "CD",
                "Artist" : "Nirvana",
                "Title" : "Nevermind",
                "Tracklist" : [
                                "Track" : "1",
                                "Title" : "Smells like teen spirit",
                                "Length" : "5:02"
                                "Track" : "2",
                                "Title" : "In Bloom",
                                "Length" : "4:15"
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353462f93efef02c962da72"),
                "Type" : "CD",
                "Artist" : "Nirvana",
                "Title" : "Nevermind"
                "_id" : ObjectId("5353462f93efef02c962da71"),
                "Type" : "Book",
                "Title" : "Definitive Guide to MongoDB, the",
                "ISBN" : "987-1-4302-3051-9",
                "Publisher" : "Apress",
                "Author" : [
                        "Membrey, Peter",
                        "Plugge, Eelco",
                        "Hawkins, Tim"
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