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1)、检查集群状态: [grid@rac02 ~]$ crsctl check cluster CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online CRS-4533: Event Manager is online 2)、所有 Oracle 实例 (数据库状态): [grid@rac02 ~] 1)

  1)、检查集群状态: [grid@rac02 ~]$ crsctl check cluster CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online CRS-4533: Event Manager is online 2)、所有 Oracle 实例 —(数据库状态): [grid@rac02 ~]


  [grid@rac02 ~]$ crsctl check cluster

  CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online

  CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online

  CRS-4533: Event Manager is online

  2)、所有 Oracle 实例 —(数据库状态):

  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl status database -d racdb

  Instance racdb1 is running on node rac01

  Instance racdb2 is running on node rac02


  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl status instance -d racdb -i racdb1

  Instance racdb1 is running on node rac01


  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl status nodeapps

  VIP rac01-vip is enabled

  VIP rac01-vip is running on node: rac01

  VIP rac02-vip is enabled

  VIP rac02-vip is running on node: rac02

  Network is enabled

  Network is running on node: rac01

  Network is running on node: rac02

  GSD is disabled

  GSD is not running on node: rac01

  GSD is not running on node: rac02

  ONS is enabled

  ONS daemon is running on node: rac01

  ONS daemon is running on node: rac02

  eONS is enabled

  eONS daemon is running on node: rac01

  eONS daemon is running on node: rac02


  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl config database



  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl config database -d racdb -a

  Database unique name: racdb

  Database name: racdb

  Oracle home: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1

  Oracle user: oracle

  Spfile: +RACDB_DATA/racdb/spfileracdb.ora

  Domain: xzxj.edu.cn

  Start options: open

  Stop options: immediate

  Database role: PRIMARY

  Management policy: AUTOMATIC

  Server pools: racdb

  Database instances: racdb1,racdb2

  Disk Groups: RACDB_DATA,FRA


  Database is enabled

  Database is administrator managed


  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl status asm

  ASM is running on rac01,rac02

  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl config asm -a

  ASM home: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid

  ASM listener: LISTENER

  ASM is enabled.


  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl status listener

  Listener LISTENER is enabled

  Listener LISTENER is running on node(s): rac01,rac02

  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl config listener -a


  Network: 1, Owner: grid


  /u01/app/11.2.0/grid on node(s) rac02,rac01

  End points: TCP:1521


  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl status scan

  SCAN VIP scan1 is enabled

  SCAN VIP scan1 is running on node rac02

  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl config scan

  SCAN name: rac-scan.xzxj.edu.cn, Network: 1/

  SCAN VIP name: scan1, IP: /rac-scan.xzxj.edu.cn/


  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl status vip -n rac01

  VIP rac01-vip is enabled

  VIP rac01-vip is running on node: rac01

  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl status vip -n rac02

  VIP rac02-vip is enabled

  VIP rac02-vip is running on node: rac02

  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl config vip -n rac01

  VIP exists.:rac01 VIP exists.: /rac01-vip/ [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl config vip -n rac02 VIP exists.:rac02 VIP exists.: /rac02-vip/ 11)、节

  VIP exists.:rac01

  VIP exists.: /rac01-vip/

  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl config vip -n rac02

  VIP exists.:rac02

  VIP exists.: /rac02-vip/

  11)、节点应用程序配置 —(VIP、GSD、ONS、监听器)

  [grid@rac02 ~]$ srvctl config nodeapps -a -g -s -l

  -l option has been deprecated and will be ignored.

  VIP exists.:rac01

  VIP exists.: /rac01-vip/

  VIP exists.:rac02

  VIP exists.: /rac02-vip/

  GSD exists.

  ONS daemon exists. Local port 6100, remote port 6200


  Network: 1, Owner: grid


  /u01/app/11.2.0/grid on node(s) rac02,rac01

  End points: TCP:1521


  [grid@rac02 ~]$ cluvfy comp clocksync -verbose

  Verifying Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes

  Checking if Clusterware is installed on all nodes...

  Check of Clusterware install passed

  Checking if CTSS Resource is running on all nodes...

  Check: CTSS Resource running on all nodes

  Node Name Status

  ------------------------------------ ------------------------

  rac02 passed

  Result: CTSS resource check passed

  Querying CTSS for time offset on all nodes...

  Result: Query of CTSS for time offset passed

  Check CTSS state started...

  Check: CTSS state

  Node Name State

  ------------------------------------ ------------------------

  rac02 Active

  CTSS is in Active state. Proceeding with check of clock time offsets on all nodes...

  Reference Time Offset Limit: 1000.0 msecs

  Check: Reference Time Offset

  Node Name Time Offset Status

  ------------ ------------------------ ------------------------

  rac02 0.0 passed

  Time offset is within the specified limits on the following set of nodes:


  Result: Check of clock time offsets passed

  Oracle Cluster Time Synchronization Services check passed

  Verification of Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes was successful.

  13)、集群中所有正在运行的实例 — (SQL):

  SELECT inst_id , instance_number inst_no , instance_name inst_name , parallel , status ,

  database_status db_status , active_state state , host_name host FROM gv$instance ORDER BY inst_id;

  14)、所有数据库文件及它们所在的 ASM 磁盘组 — (SQL):

  15)、ASM 磁盘卷:



  (1)、在本地服务器上停止Oracle Clusterware 系统:

  [root@rac01 ~]# /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl stop cluster

  注:在运行“crsctl stop cluster”命令之后,如果 Oracle Clusterware 管理的

  资源中有任何一个还在运行,则整个命令失败。使用 -f 选项无条件地停止所有资源并

  停止 Oracle Clusterware 系统。

  另请注意,,可通过指定 -all 选项在集群中所有服务器上停止 Oracle Clusterware

  系统。如下所示,在rac01和rac02上停止oracle clusterware系统:

  [root@rac02 ~]# /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl stop cluster –all

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