作者:手机用户2502906377 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-05-19 18:03
I don't understand why the commented and uncommented line don't yield the same result (Linux GCC, with C++11 flag enabled):
我不理解为什么注释和未注释的行不会产生相同的结果(Linux GCC,启用了c++ 11标志):
#include "immintrin.h"
typedef __m256 floatv;
struct floatv2{
//floatv2(const float f):x(_mm256_setzero_ps() + f ), y(_mm256_setzero_ps() + f ) {}; // succeeds
floatv2(const float f):x{_mm256_setzero_ps() + f }, y{_mm256_setzero_ps() + f } {}; // fails
floatv x, y;
When trying to compile the uncommented line I get the following error:
error: cannot convert ‘__m256 {aka __vector(8) float}’ to ‘float’ in initialization
which I don't understand because x
and y
are floatv, not float, so no conversion should be required...
Also, in some more complex code, the first version produces memory access violation. Is there something nasty going on behind the scene?
PS: above the definition of __m256, in avxintrin.h, there is the following comment:
/* The Intel API is flexible enough that we must allow aliasing with other
vector types, and their scalar components. */
I don't understand what this means, but feel like it could be related :)
Many thanks
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