热门标签 | HotTags
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代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson

* Get the constructor to construct the Node. For implicit tags if the
* runtime class is known a dedicated Construct implementation is used.
* Otherwise the constructor is chosen by the tag.
* @param node {@link Node} to construct an instance from
* @return {@link Construct} implementation for the specified node
protected Construct getConstructor(Node node) {
if (node.useClassConstructor()) {
return yamlClassConstructors.get(node.getNodeId());
} else {
Construct cOnstructor= yamlConstructors.get(node.getTag());
if (cOnstructor== null) {
for (String prefix : yamlMultiConstructors.keySet()) {
if (node.getTag().startsWith(prefix)) {
return yamlMultiConstructors.get(prefix);
return yamlConstructors.get(null);
return constructor;

代码示例来源:origin: com.sap.cloud.yaas.raml-parser/raml-parser

MergeContext(Class keyNodeType, Tag templateInclude)
this.keyNodeType = keyNodeType;
if (templateInclude != null && templateInclude.startsWith(INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG))
this.templateInclude = templateInclude;

代码示例来源:origin: org.raml/raml-parser

MergeContext(Class keyNodeType, Tag templateInclude)
this.keyNodeType = keyNodeType;
if (templateInclude != null && (templateInclude.startsWith(INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG) || templateInclude.startsWith(INCLUDE_COMPOUND_APPLIED_TAG)))
this.templateInclude = templateInclude;

代码示例来源:origin: org.raml/raml-parser

public boolean handles(Tag tag)
return tag.startsWith(INCLUDE_COMPOUND_APPLIED_TAG);

代码示例来源:origin: org.raml/raml-parser

public static boolean isNonStringTag(Tag tag)
return tag != null && !STR.equals(tag) && !tag.startsWith(INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG);

代码示例来源:origin: com.sap.cloud.yaas.raml-parser/raml-parser

public boolean handles(Tag tag)
return INCLUDE_TAG.equals(tag) || tag.startsWith(INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG);

代码示例来源:origin: org.raml/raml-parser

public boolean handles(Tag tag)
return INCLUDE_TAG.equals(tag) || tag.startsWith(INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG);

代码示例来源:origin: com.sap.cloud.yaas.raml-parser/raml-parser

private boolean isCustomTag(Tag tag)
return tag != null && !STR.equals(tag) && !tag.startsWith(INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG);

代码示例来源:origin: org.raml/raml-parser

public void beforeProcessingResolvedNode(Tag tag, Node originalNode, Node resolvedNode)
List includes = unmarshall(tag);
for (IncludeInfo include : includes)

代码示例来源:origin: org.raml/raml-parser

public void afterProcessingResolvedNode(Tag tag, Node originalNode, Node resolvedNode)
List includes = unmarshall(tag);
for (IncludeInfo include : includes)

代码示例来源:origin: org.raml/raml-parser

* Calculates the relative path of an include applied tag with respect
* to the current context
* e.g.:
* context: a/b/c/x.raml
* tag: a/b/c/d/y.raml
* result: d/y.raml
* @param tag include applied tag
* @return the relative path part of the tag
public String resolveRelativePath(Tag tag)
if (tag == null || !tag.startsWith(INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tag must be an include applied");
String partentPath = getPartentPath();
String includePath = new IncludeInfo(tag).getIncludeName();
if (includePath.startsWith(partentPath))
includePath = includePath.substring(partentPath.length());
return includePath;

代码示例来源:origin: com.impetus.fabric/fabric-jdbc-driver-shaded

* Get the constructor to construct the Node. For implicit tags if the
* runtime class is known a dedicated Construct implementation is used.
* Otherwise the constructor is chosen by the tag.
* @param node
* Node to be constructed
* @return Construct implementation for the specified node
protected Construct getConstructor(Node node) {
if (node.useClassConstructor()) {
return yamlClassConstructors.get(node.getNodeId());
} else {
Construct cOnstructor= yamlConstructors.get(node.getTag());
if (cOnstructor== null) {
for (String prefix : yamlMultiConstructors.keySet()) {
if (node.getTag().startsWith(prefix)) {
return yamlMultiConstructors.get(prefix);
return yamlConstructors.get(null);
return constructor;

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

* Get the constructor to construct the Node. For implicit tags if the
* runtime class is known a dedicated Construct implementation is used.
* Otherwise the constructor is chosen by the tag.
* @param node
* Node to be constructed
* @return Construct implementation for the specified node
protected Construct getConstructor(Node node) {
if (node.useClassConstructor()) {
return yamlClassConstructors.get(node.getNodeId());
} else {
Construct cOnstructor= yamlConstructors.get(node.getTag());
if (cOnstructor== null) {
for (String prefix : yamlMultiConstructors.keySet()) {
if (node.getTag().startsWith(prefix)) {
return yamlMultiConstructors.get(prefix);
return yamlConstructors.get(null);
return constructor;

代码示例来源:origin: org.raml/raml-parser

private int getLineOffset(ScalarNode schemaNode)
boolean isInclude = schemaNode.getTag().startsWith(INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG);
return isInclude ? -1 : schemaNode.getStartMark().getLine();

代码示例来源:origin: com.sap.cloud.yaas.raml-parser/raml-parser

private int getLineOffset(ScalarNode schemaNode)
boolean isInclude = schemaNode.getTag().startsWith(INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG);
return isInclude ? -1 : schemaNode.getStartMark().getLine();

代码示例来源:origin: pl.droidsonroids.yaml/snakeyaml

* Get the constructor to construct the Node. For implicit tags if the
* runtime class is known a dedicated Construct implementation is used.
* Otherwise the constructor is chosen by the tag.
* @param node
* Node to be constructed
* @return Construct implementation for the specified node
protected Construct getConstructor(Node node) {
if (node.useClassConstructor()) {
return yamlClassConstructors.get(node.getNodeId());
} else {
Construct cOnstructor= yamlConstructors.get(node.getTag());
if (cOnstructor== null) {
for (String prefix : yamlMultiConstructors.keySet()) {
if (node.getTag().startsWith(prefix)) {
return yamlMultiConstructors.get(prefix);
return yamlConstructors.get(null);
return constructor;

代码示例来源:origin: org.raml/raml-parser

private void updateIncludeTag(Node templateValue, Tag parentTag)
if (parentTag.startsWith(INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG))
Tag currentTag = templateValue.getTag();
if (currentTag.startsWith(INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG))
String parentTagValue = parentTag.getValue();
String currentTagValue = currentTag.getValue();
templateValue.setTag(new Tag(INCLUDE_COMPOUND_APPLIED_TAG //
+ parentTagValue.length() + SEPARATOR + parentTagValue //
+ currentTagValue.length() + SEPARATOR + currentTagValue));

代码示例来源:origin: org.raml/raml-parser

public void beforeProcessingResolvedNode(Tag tag, Node originalValueNode, Node resolvedNode)
if (IncludeResolver.INCLUDE_TAG.equals(tag))
if (originalValueNode.getNodeId() != NodeId.scalar)
//invalid include
contextPath.push((ScalarNode) originalValueNode);
else if (tag.startsWith(IncludeResolver.INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG))

代码示例来源:origin: com.sap.cloud.yaas.raml-parser/raml-parser

public void beforeProcessingResolvedNode(Tag tag, Node originalValueNode, Node resolvedNode)
if (IncludeResolver.INCLUDE_TAG.equals(tag))
if (originalValueNode.getNodeId() != NodeId.scalar)
//invalid include
contextPath.push((ScalarNode) originalValueNode);
else if (tag.startsWith(IncludeResolver.INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG))

代码示例来源:origin: org.raml/raml-parser

private Node resolveInclude(Node node, Tag tag)
if (node.getNodeId() == scalar && node.getTag().equals(INCLUDE_TAG))
if (tag != null && tag.startsWith(INCLUDE_APPLIED_TAG))
// for multiple levels of includes in the same template recalculate path using
// parent include applied tag path
ScalarNode scalarNode = (ScalarNode) node;
String parentPath = includeResolver.getContextPath().resolveRelativePath(tag);
String includePathRecalculated = ContextPath.getPartentPath(parentPath) + scalarNode.getValue();
node = new ScalarNode(scalarNode.getTag(), includePathRecalculated, node.getStartMark(), node.getEndMark(), scalarNode.getStyle());
return includeResolver.resolve(node, resourceLoader, nodeNandler);
return node;

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