Oracle 查看表有哪些列在谓词条件过滤中! 有时候在优化的过程当中,需要查看某个表有哪些列在sql当中用作谓词过滤,我们就可以用如下sql查询。 1. 先创建test表 SQL create table test as select * from dba_objects;Table created. 1 2 3 SQL create table
Oracle 查看表有哪些列在谓词条件过滤中!
1. 先创建test表
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Tablecreated. |
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SQL>select 2 r.nameowner, 3 o.nametable_name, 4 c.namecolumn_name, 5 equality_preds,---等&#20540;过滤 6 equijoin_preds,---等&#20540;JOIN过滤 比如where 7 nonequijoin_preds,----不等JOIN过滤 8 range_preds,----范围过滤 > >= <<= between and 9 like_preds, ----LIKE过滤 10 null_preds, ----NULL 过滤 11 timestamp 12 from 13 sys.col_usage$u, 14 sys.obj$o, 15 sys.col$c, 16 sys.user$r 17 where 18 o.obj#=u.obj# 19 andc.obj#=u.obj# 20 andc.col#=u.intcol# 21'SCOTT''TEST';
norowsselected |
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COUNT(*) ---------- 1
SQL>select 2 r.nameowner, 3 o.nametable_name, 4 c.namecolumn_name, 5 equality_preds,---等&#20540;过滤 6 equijoin_preds,---等&#20540;JOIN过滤 比如where 7 nonequijoin_preds,----不等JOIN过滤 8 range_preds,----范围过滤 > >= <<= between and 9 like_preds, ----LIKE过滤 10 null_preds, ----NULL 过滤 11 timestamp 12 from 13 sys.col_usage$u, 14 sys.obj$o, 15 sys.col$c, 16 sys.user$r 17 where 18 o.obj#=u.obj# 19 andc.obj#=u.obj# 20 andc.col#=u.intcol# 21'SCOTT''TEST';
norowsselected |
4. 这里可能就有疑问了,在第三步中有sql使用object_id谓词进行过滤,为什么sql还是不查询到呢?因为此时信息还没刷新到磁盘
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SQL>select 2 r.nameowner, 3 o.nametable_name, 4 c.namecolumn_name, 5 equality_preds,---等&#20540;过滤 6 equijoin_preds,---等&#20540;JOIN过滤 比如where 7 nonequijoin_preds,----不等JOIN过滤 8 range_preds,----范围过滤 > >= <<= between and 9 like_preds, ----LIKE过滤 10 null_preds, ----NULL 过滤 11 timestamp 12 from 13 sys.col_usage$u, 14 sys.obj$o, 15 sys.col$c, 16 sys.user$r 17 where 18 o.obj#=u.obj# 19 andc.obj#=u.obj# 20 andc.col#=u.intcol# 21'SCOTT''TEST';
OWNER TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME EQUALITY_PREDSEQUIJOIN_PREDSNONEQUIJOIN_PREDSRANGE_PREDSLIKE_PREDSNULL_PREDSTIMESTAMP -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- -------------- ----------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- --------- SCOTT TEST OBJECT_ID 1 0 0 0 0 031-MAR-14 SCOTT TEST OBJECT_ID 1 0 0 0 0 031-MAR-14 |
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PL/SQLproceduresuccessfullycompleted. |