作者:神秘雯泽芳子 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-08-25 16:12
使用boot2docker,什么都不干,需要占用560M左右的内存(进程名: VBoxHeadless),之后的开启的docker占用的内存则看具体的应用。
brew tap phinze/cask
brew install brew-cask
brew cask install vagrant --appdir=/Applications
# Install Docker Mac binary,之前装过则忽略
brew install docker
# Install dvm
brew tap fnichol/dvm
brew install dvm
# Bring up your Vagrant/Docker VM
dvm up
# Set a DOCKER_HOST environment variable that points to your VM
eval $(dvm env)
# Run plain 'ol Docker commands right from your Mac
docker run cents cat /etc/issue
dvm up
eval $(dvm env)
docker images
If you will only be using Docker with dvm, consider adding the following
to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc to always have DOCKER_HOST properly
eval "$(dvm env)”
$ dvm --help
Usage: dvm [-v|-h] command []
--version, -v - Print the version and exit
--help, -h - Display CLI help (this output)
check Ensure that required software is installed and present
destroy Stops and deletes all traces of the vagrant machine
env Outputs environment variables for Docker to connect remotely
halt, stop Stops the vagrant machine
reload Restarts vagrant machine, loads new configuration
resume Resume the suspended vagrant machine
ssh Connects to the machine via SSH
status Outputs status of the vagrant machine
suspend, pause Suspends the machine
up, start Starts and provisions the vagrant environment
vagrant Issue subcommands directly to the vagrant CLI
#dvm 升级
brew update
brew upgrade dvm